I don't get it

I don't get it.

Skyrim remaster, Are they only remastering it because of the new engine or is it because more people know about skyrim than previous games.

I just thought they would remaster everything at once then allow you to move your player from game to game like the tale of the two wastelands.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're remastering it because it;s cheap to do and people will actually buy it on consoles.
It's as close to free money as they can get, why do you think the PC version will be free to current owners?

They just want to sell it to the idiots on the new consoles again - and that with the absolute minimum effort.

They're doing it because they're going to make a fuckton of money for very little effort.

>Are they only remastering it because of the new engine
same old engine, just new middleware stuff+console mods

They're running out of ideas and talent, so they're selling the same popular game twice.


>why do you think the PC version will be free to current owners?

Source? If true, I am 100% okay with them charging consoles a peasant tax.

64-bit will allow me to uše shitloads of script-intensive mods so I dont care. I want enhanced version of NV next

Todd Howard announced it on stage during E3

>new engine

people who think that this is a thing are the reason why game companies get away with making shit games and rake in trillions

Its free IF you have all the DLC

>Oblivion is 10 years old
>Would have made a much better candidate for being remastered
>"Fuck that noise people want the Elder Scrolls where being out in the wilderness is an ordeal, not because it's dangerous but because dragons take fucking forever to do anything"

>because of the new engine
It doesnt have a new engine you moron, it has new effects.

>new engine
They're pushing their paid mods in console again, that's all this is.

So? Why not just make skyrim remaster free then but..

Campain DLC's you've gotta pay for? Like War campains in the civil war and smaller dlc's?

Fallout 4 engine. They've updated it alot since skyrim.

You don't count the original id engine as the same engine that runs doom 3 do you?

Remaster with mod support, then release paid mods

You would need to remake the game idiot. With this they just gave their new studio a job to upgrade the engine and fix bugs that the swap caused.

It's 64-bit, you retard

But Skyrim isn't receiving an engine update.


You're the idiot.
You can upgrade Oblivion's engine to Fallout 4's just the same as you can upgrade Skyrim's.
Just like Fallout 4 uses an upgraded Skyrim engine, Skyrim uses an upgraded Fallout 3 engine, which uses an upgraded Oblivion engine. It's literally all the same engine.

So it's free for PC but are they going to resell us all the DLC? Because fuck that

Yes, and?
Modders have already accomplished making the game 64bit. That doesn't mean modders gave the game a new engine, now does it? And neither has Bethesda.

They are and its simple to upgrade, you remove the code that references to an old engine then recompile for the new engine references.

E.g Lighting, the new system is better and produces a more realistic lighting and is faster than older lighting models.

They want to bring modding to console Skyrim. Console players are dependant on PC to create these mods.

So UE4 is the same as UE3, UE2 and the original Unreal Engine? Just like the Q3 engine is the same as the Q1 engine?

For easy money

Yes and No.

I'll explain why.

Unreal engine is kinda similar to UE4 engine however it lacks certain things like references to the original engine.

This may be but not limited to..

Now, They updated the file structure which means that things from the orginal game will need to be re-imported and then the scripts will need to be updated for things that are reference.

Particles will work as they have an older option.

Most things will, you've just gotta update those which don't.

>Modders have already accomplished making the game 64bit.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do you? You just repeat what the other dumbasses on Sup Forums are saying to fit in.

>i just thought they would remaster everything at once

you can't possibly think like this right?

It's 64-bit, it has volumetric lighting and it also has physically based rendering

This is good for PC users because it'll remove modding restrictions/enhance vanilla graphics (meaning modded graphics will be even better) and console fags get it on current gen and receive modding support

probably moving it to the updated engine and making minor changes etc
the real reason is so they can sell it again on xbone/ps4
>allow you to move your player from game to game like the tale of the two wastelands.
how fucking stupid are you

>the Sup Forums experts in action


>physically based rendering
What the hell does physics have to do with rendering.

It's free on PC, because it's no more impressive than a bunch of mods.

So wait, hypothetically I could just buy all the DLC without purchasing Skyrim itself and get Skyrim Remastered for free?

The dlc individually cost more than a legendary edition on sale.

Are you retarded?

And that's pretty much what Todd said to Sessler. Even he admits this thing is just for consoles.

I just wanted to know if that was the case for shits and giggles.

All the DLC for a 5 year old game that despite what Sup Forums more people enjoyed than disliked.

Also the DLC that is still pretty cheap to pick up and will without a doubt be on the steam summer sale soon.

Jesus you're such a fucking jew.

Or if you live in Israel you could just pirate the DLC since they are basically mods

its a new engine, yet its almost the same.

They should had ported/remade oblivion and morrowind in f4 engine too.
being able to complete all of the quest with the same character, traveling between provinces would be really cool.

64 bit and DX11 paves the way for even better looking mods

But they're mainly releasing it for consoles for easy money

cuz PC modders did all the work for them.

Seeing this kind of makes me wish they'd remaster the first 3 Elder Scrolls games into one convenient package.

"Elder Scrolls: Beginnings" or something.

Seriously, You faggots will cry that getting to use more than 4gb of memory is a bad thing? FUcking cyncal fags

Why would you want to play Arena, it's not good

>Also the DLC that is still pretty cheap to pick up and will without a doubt be on the steam summer sale soon.

Except when they do a switcheroo on Legendary edition, into the remaster edition and treat it as it's own title.

They could always remaster it to be bearable.

They are remastering it because it's extremely cost-effective and a guaranteed seller, OP.

You mean remake it you stupid fucking American. Learn the goddamn difference between remaster and remake

Arena isn't THAT bad.

It's generic, the story is barely interesting and the movement and combat are slightly atrocious, but it could very well be remastered.

Daggerfall on the other hand is 10/10 perfect as it is, they don't have to do anything to it.

There's nothing special about it. Except that technically it's all of Tamriel I guess

I honestly am happy they do and everyone and their dog has skyrim on fucking steam already so its pretty much just an upgrade

the better ram support etc is probably the best and not the updated vanilla graffix

Meanwhile on PC

That Skyrim is so highly regarded just tells me there's a lot of easily impressed people on this planet, who must be incredibly fucking boring people at that, to be entertained by a product so irredeemably soulless and mediocre.

Oh look at mister self aware know it all redditard here.

Go suck Howard's balls dry you faggot.

>consolefags have to wait 5 years and spend full retail for mods

loving every laugh

with 9 loaded Ugrids and LOD is still ass even with dyndolod. 64bit will actually let you increase Ugridstoload and have satibilty

>9 loaded Ugrids.

What do finnish people have to do with this?

>new engine
Don't tell me you fell for his lies

we have a product for you, it's called Xbox 360.

>stability in a bethesda game

>shadows most likely won't be fixed so that they're done by gpu instead of cpu

>1 fps

T. a meme connoiseur that does not actually play bethesda games.


Just get the game and dlc separately, then...?


>What the hell does physics have to do with rendering.

Over-simplifying here but PBR is just a term for a standardized method for Materials (the relevance there being that a Material designed in Substance Designer or the like will look the same in UE4, Unity, etc)

>having fallout installed
>not launcing skyrim through steam

Thanks for proving me right dickwipe

>Huh? Now that you've already bought the Standard + DLC plus Legendary, just go ahead and buy Remastered + the DLC again

You disgust me

They started fallout 4 development by porting skyrim to the new consoles. So now they have finsinshed porting it since they decided to sell as to make profit and not let that time porting akyrim to current gen go to wastes.

So it really is just easy money for work they did in modfying the engine they have used since fucking morrowind to sell off to dumb nerds.

You're a bit of a retard, aren't you?
Special ed. done early today?

Why the fuck would you launch through Steam if you're using Script Extender?


So when is the PC getting the remastered version?

in 2011

looks shite, mate

Because it works if steam ingame community is turned on you stupid fucking asswipe

Shouldn't you be getting ready for work or something, American?

cool, could you record it in action?


You stupid fucking whore. You just need one or the other. Base + DLC or Legendary. It's not hard you dumb slut.

>tfw I can get it free on pc
>tfw I'll still buy it on console because console gaming is more comfy

>Skyrim remaster
Stop calling it a remaster. Not even Bethesda is calling it a remaster.

and also update an entire massive game's worth of art assets as opposed to just re-using the hires texture pack you already have on hand

I actually thought they just upped the graphics a bit for the new consoles. Didn't really look much different anyway.

Dude chill, not even him, you are wrong, just stop


retard maximus

I know I'm retarded, but money is no object, it's like a days wages for me.

The legebdary edition with all the dlc was like 20 buck a year or two ago that's worth it

>same game but ported over to fallout 4's upgraded engine
>upgrade is unchanged. in fact its so similar that the saves from the old version should work
It's a remaster fuck off.

Nigga just fucking plug your computer into a TV with a controller. You can have comf + computer + couch

it's probably to get their team accustomed to making a Skyrim scale game on new console hardware. they're working on TES6, more than likely this is a test run of sorts to see what they'll be able to do and what consoles can't handle.

These are stable though
Fallout 3 and NV had issue same with oblivion
Not STALKER issue but still

>i'm a retard with money
you know those poorfucks at the streets asking for money because they burned it in shit?
well. enjoy your future

ES6 is 10 years away, they need quick cash to fund their incompetent development.

Praise Todd.