Ever since the announcement of Quake Champions a SHITTON of people are playing Quake Live now

Ever since the announcement of Quake Champions a SHITTON of people are playing Quake Live now.

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ayyy lmao


>SHITTON of people are playing Quake Live now.

not really, no.



Quake Live was only ever good when it was free.

You can still play Quake Live and have fun regardless of how many players there are

Stop being fucking greedy.

If you installed the game before it was 9.99 the game is yours without no charge. On your Steam account. FREE.

Fuck that, i'm not paying for a 6 year old game that was free for years. Greedy fuckers should have left it die off.

it was dead recently but the game is slowly repopulating so it's worth it to join now. plus, if you've installed the free version in the past you still have it for free and you don't have to pay 10 dollars for it.

Are you fucking retarded? Quake Live is the definitive version. HD, bloom, Steam Workshops, hundreds of maps. in-game statistics of your stats and rankings.

I never installed it through steam though. I played it when it was actually good.

You fucking nostalgia fags are the worst. Quake Live is clearly the superior version you stupid cuck.

You could download Quake Live through your browser for free, is what I'm saying m8

>quake live
>not q3a

It has custom maps as well as community servers now, it's far better without players having limitations for voting and without forced loadouts, there was no advantage of it being free, if you think you are paying too much, you simply don't deserve arena shooters.

Kill yourself, i bet you pay more for shitty clones no one plays or games you barely even touch, Quake Live is how quake is meant to be played.

No player that is worth a shit plays Q3 instead of Live, Q3 has more fake player bots than people actually playing and the netcode was far worse. Qauek Live is where is at.

>play casual q3
>not quakeworld

you're acting like those are the only differences
q3a has better physics and game mechanics than live and no faggot strafe speed cap

>not dl-ing it when it was free

dude, it's fucking QUAKE, shame on you

I somehow missed out on getting it for free because i uninstalled it at some point i guess?
reflex is better anyway

>muh 100 damage rails
pathetic faggot


reflex is trash, takes the fun of actually learning how to strafejump. It just tries too hard to be quake without nailing it, that game has an identity crysis and the poor playercount shows it.

Quake Live is where is at.

>Strafe jumping is an exploitable bug. Just because people have practiced hard to allow themselves to take advantage of it does not justify its existence. When I tried fixing the code so that it just didn’t work, I thought it changed the normal running movement in an unfortunate way.

>In the absence of powerups or level features (wind tunnels, jump pads, etc), the game characters are supposed to be badasses with big guns. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver don’t get down a hallway by hopping like a bunny rabbit.

>This is personal preference, but when I play online, I enjoy it more when people are running around dodging, rather than hopping.

>My personal preference just counts a lot. :-)
- John Carmack

Now that the cancer is finally gone from id, they can start making good games again.

>takes the fun of actually learning how to strafejump.
what is this even supposed to mean?

Not a clue and that guy is a fag. Reflex/CPMA is/were objectively better its just people don't want to migrate. That or he's a bethesda shill.

I uninstalled it after it stopped being free to play but could still reinstall and play without having to purchase it.

If you had it free when it was free on steam you can just download it again.
It's quake 3 without the tier'd bots and at the time with shitty restrictions. Even with those gone people will never stop being butthurt over those. Nor should they. Bethesda deserves to bleed for the way it handled QL.


I played it before it went to steam and a little bit while it was free on steam and they still want to me cough up 10 bucks for it
>le steam charts

He was completely right.
Faggots jumping around look stupid as shit

>M-morr people are playing this one
Dont be a fucking goyim. Quake live should be abandoned for bethesdas shittery.

>b-hopping is a "skill"

Imagine you make a shooter where you have to press R before left clicking to fire.
And you gotta release and re-press it every shot.

That's also a mechanical skill you have to learn, and you can improve and get better at it, master it to the point you can massacre newer players who haven't picked up on it yet.

What you should be asking yourself is if it adds anything to the core gameplay or not.
Neither my example, nor bhopping do.
I'd rather have a dedicated dodge button with a 1 second cooldown. When you shoot someone, you know what to expect from him just as he knows what to expect from yourself.

Sometimes, I think competitive faggots forget the main purpose of a game (be fun) in favour of the secondary purpose (give advantages to experienced players).

fuck off kid
go post about your overwatch waifu or something

>getting pissy about being the P:M of arena shooters

quake live is melee hd by the way

yes shill, this is the feature quake live was lacking.

Bunnyhopping changed maps dramatically, places where you could build momentum, places that would kill it, jumps that could only be made with momentum. Once you had the (pathetically easy) basics it was an extra layer of complexity that added to the overall gameplay. You could master this skill and get an edge over your competition, just as you could master aiming.

Then what about rocket jumping? It's a skill-based movement action that can absolutely be done wrong, and gives a ridiculous advantage to someone who can over someone who cannot.

Also, UT2003 had dodge mechanics. It fucking sucked. Lots about UT sucked, but adding in all the extra bullshit like they did really did nothing but illuminate how inferior their core game mechanics and gameplay was to Q3.

Quake Live is a mistake and a blight on the best arena FPS ever made.

muh 100 dmg railz

>Then what about rocket jumping? It's a skill-based movement action that can absolutely be done wrong
You gotta fuck up something fierce to fail a rocket jump

Now imagine you had a dedicated "bhopping" button.
Something you press to gain momentum. The maps would still change, and it would alter the gameplay with it just the same way.
Only diference is that it didn't stop people from picking up the game without sinking 50 hours until they get the basics.

Oh wait, that was already a thing, and it's called Tribes Ascend.
Seryously, I played Tribes enough to come to hate the fuck out of b-hopping. It's fun to gain momentum and speed. It's not fun because of the controls. "b-hopping" as a momentum-increasing mechanic is the stupidest shit ever.

>rocket jumping
Yet another fucking retarded concept. And mind you, I absolutely love the basic idea: You are moving in a certain direction and by performing some input, you gain a large ammount of velocity in another direction.

Out of all the ways you can do this, rocket jumping is the dumbest one. It's fun for the first 20 hours I did it. But outside rocket jumping maps and competitions, it's something you use everyonce in a while. It also stops being fun once you master it.

Jetpacks work better for this. So do many double-jump mechanics, and other such ideas.
Too bad very few games capitalized on the idea and implemented it well, because "lel, people want to shoot rockets at their feet/walls"

The double-tap dodge in UT2k4 achieved the same effect for lateral movement if you knew how speed worked, and it controlled far better than "point at wall, jump, crouch, fire, point at another wall, wave mouse around, fire, point at enemy".

Oh, and since I only mentioned rocket-jumping as a dodging/aerial advantage idea, and someone will inevitably mention "reaching certain areas on the map" then:
>jump pads
They were a thing before, they did the same function, and they don't need to you to aim away from the fight to get to a certain area.

When I'm playing a shooter, there's only two things I want my crosshair trained on: an enemy, and the possible position of an enemy.

Any mechanic that forces me to look another way detracts from the actual fighting.
Especially when it can be replaced with:
a) A better control scheme
b) Map elements

jump pads are inherently death traps. rocketjumping lets you choose trajectory, speed, position to gain an advantage in height in exchange for ammo and health.

>jump pads
You didn't play many games with jump pads, did you. They always end up as traps

When will this meme end?
Why can't people use a fucking IRC?

so i have an old account and the password info, does anyone know if i can get a copy for free because of my old account?

Because it's old as fuck and doesn't support voice or inline multimedia. I do miss being able to WHOIS around to different places though.

>it's old so it's bad
This is why cancerous app browser shit gets popular

it just works

>Doesn't support inline multimedia
>Doesn't support VOICE.
That last one is the biggest thing. You can just jump in and out of rooms as much as you want unlike skype.
