Sup Forums suddenly hates Atelier

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Atelier
what happened?

After Atelier Rorona Plus, there was really no excuse for a new game to have so many flaws.

E&L happened.

>shit story
>shit graphics
>shit gameplay
Why you retards pay $60 for hot garbage is beyond me.

The only series that never ever on PC. Also Sophie is god tier

>The usual Atelier greatness minus the fatal design flaw (time limit)
So fucking good.

kekcroc took over

Literally kill yourself.

Fuck off


Sophie was mediocre
Cornelia was literally the only good thing about it

Sophie was much better than Escha or Shallie.

You mean the game or the characters?
You'd be wrong either way


Also, post your psn if you intend to argue with me.

Atelier was always garbage it's the definition of a weeb game it has trash gameplay/characters/story/graphics the only reason people play it is for the cute anime girls I'd know because I've played most of them to completion because I have shit taste

Sophie was the worst Atelier game I've played so far.

not even the dlc costumes look good. what a massive disappointment of a game.

Pretty mediocre desu

Post your psns.

>wanting to ERP with atelierfags this hard

No. You can stop asking now.

95% of people with shit opinions has played 1 Atelier game or none at all.
It's only natural that you fags refuse to post your psn

How is that relevant to anything? If the game is shit it doesn't matter how many of the past ones have been good. Why would you judge the current one on what the older ones achieved?

Atelier Sophie would had been a better game if the loli catgirl had been the protagonist. Sophie is a really really shitty protagonist.

I tried out atelier shallie but crafting systems and classic jrpg combat bore me to tears.

Sophie wasn't a bad game. I enjoyed it.
Sup Forums shits on everything regardless. When the next one comes out people will shit on it and say that it's the reason atelier is shit now too.

You sound like you've been in this fight for a while.

That's pretty sad.

Shallie is worst Atelier and is boring as hell.

Play at least one then?

Nobody hates Atelier aside from westaboo newfags.

I want to lick Totori's feet.

Your thoughts on the new protagonists

Nobody likes every Atelier game. If you like time limits you won't like the games that don't have them. If you don't like time limits you won't like the games that do have them. There'll always be someone complaining.

I like time limit but Sophie is enjoyable nonetheless.

I don't care about the lack of timelimits casualizing the game as long as the girls are cute. I do like every game, just some a little more than others.

Sup Forums is the shittiest place to discuss video games.
Go literally anywhere else if you want to have an actual discussion with no shitposters.

>we want the K-On audience

Lack of time limits makes for comfier games, but robs you of that feeling of satisfaction when you manage your time well.
I'm okay with both systems, I prefer to play the no limit games in smaller sessions though.

I want to play the Atelier games why are they console only ;_;

Where is literally anywhere else? Leddit?

I know some niche communities dedicated to certain niche genres/games, but not really a good place to universally discuss all video games.

Sup Forums isn't even a place to discuss niche games anymore.
It's nothing but constant console wars and Overwatch threads.

I know that feeler....

Atelierfags are like Katawa Shoujofags, except they keep getting more games, and there is a semblance to gameplay.

>want to play the Atelier games on Vita
>Digital only and I only have an 8 GB memory card


How big is that girl's role in the game?

why does she have fucklarge sleeve?

She's a party member and runs the best shop in the game. The characters in this game are pretty bland though.

I hate this loli


Sophie really felt pretty weak for an atelier game. I hope the next one is better.

New lesbian on the block, step aside Mimi

>The characters in this game are pretty bland though.
That sucks. How's the game overall though?

I've only played Rorona before but I think sophie is a downgrade in every possible way.

Is there a better quality of this image somewhere?

the developer of Atelier should just do clothes design instead

no pantsu

That's kinda disappointing then. I really like the artstyle and the character designs.
Is the game selling well even?

I don't know. I don't work for KT so I don't have access to sales numbers.

It sold well in Japan. I don't think Gust care about foreign sales very much. They're just a bonus.

Locations are bigger, weather effects.

where can I buy this dress?

That's underwear user, not a dress

Summer and reddit

The weird thing about this image, is if you look in the mirror she's pointing her weapon at no one.

So she's pretending someone is intruding on her changing and pretending to be embarassed, she must be desperate for attention

Why is she named after a planet from Star Fox? Is she a fox girl?

Underwear is what she's wearing. What she's holding against her is a dress.


I don't hate it, I just want to play it but unfortunately I can't because gust is too retarded to think rationally and refuses to put Atelier games on steam.

Arland trilogy on PC when, I know you want it too

Is it just me or are the environment looks like its from snes?

You must be 18+ to post here.

It's just you
Underage fuck


Can you please stop looking at lolis just to see if they're wearing underwear or not.

>getting this aggressive when pointing out a flaw.
Whoa now, you dicksuckers surely get angry like shit.

really miss the older artist

but the newer one is also pretty nice with colors but i feel it went its own route much like the later series

i dont mind it in toukiden though

>Is it just me or are the environment looks like its from snes?
>Pointing out a flaw
Almost forgot it was summer