What went right?
What went right?
pandering to retards
ps4 exclusive so the community isn't garbage
Lack of Bandai Namco fucking shit up
>level design
>no hand holding
>not fucking up the fanbase by releasing on PC
Everything that could have went right, went right
No PC release
Catered to the reddit crowd
Everything except blood vials, chalice dungeons, and that awful fucking counter damage effect.
Seriously, it's fine when I'm attacking, but don't fucking one shot me because I didn't time a dodge correctly you piece of shit. It's absolutely ridiculous and puts Dark Souls 3 above Bloodborne in my opinion.
Combat was a massive letdown for me but everything else about it was great.
>Combat was a massive letdown for me
DS2 shitter detected
It wasn't on PC
Everything that isn't:
>Vial farming
>Chalice dungeons (great concept, though, I wish they'd brought them back for DS3, only not shit)
>Combat was a massive letdown for me
But it's the best combat in the entire soulsbourne series
Even feels like DMC at times when you fight other hunters
Tried nothing new, gobbled up by idiot fanbase
I just didn't like the fast pace and the fact that it felt like mashing the attack button was a good way to defeat most of the basic enemies.
>community is amazing because it's exclusive
>general is pretty much dead to the point of falling off the board on its own
>say anything bad about the game or that you prefer Dark Souls and you get swarmed by NEVER EVER fags
The Lovecraftian twist is the best one in video game history.
But there's barely anyone online now. This wouldn't be the case with PC.
20 years later PCucks are still butthurt
>But there's barely anyone online now.
WHy are you lying PC shitter? Are you that bitter?
>This wouldn't be the case with PC.
true, it would be filled with hackers banning your from the game with their own cheats
Because coincidentally most people who shit on Bloodborne don't own a PS4
I just played for a few hours. You will be standing there for hours after using the beckoning bell and no one will join because NO ONE IS PLAYING ANYMORE. Online community is dead.
>prefers sitting behind a shield for 5 minutes
I bet you love zelda games
Never played a Zelda, but when it comes to Dark Souls combat it just felt a lot slower and more deliberate. Felt like I had to pick my shots more, rather than just hit buttons until things died.
It's an elevated form of art with actually pretty good gameplay, no other game could achieve that flawlessly.
Also no PC
playstation exclusivity meant they could focus on developing on one platform instead of having to make a shit game that runs on everything and panders to xbots, also it keeps hackers away.
See how shit ds3 is by comparison
With the way strafing works in bloodborne do u really think that would work well, and also the fact that there are no shields (except cuckshield)
Making it exclusive gave ammunition to a rabid fanbase of corporate advertisers.
>rather than just hit buttons until things died.
Now I know for sure you've never played bloodborne.
Always loved that fan art but how do you chop a head off with a rapier? Would have made more sense with a Chikage
>inb4 faggots who never read Lovecraft bitch about how it isn't Lovecraftian
I never understood how they could see through those stupid golden traffic cones on their heads
Also its because of the top tier cutie dolls
>playstation exclusivity meant they could focus on developing on one platform instead of having to make a shit game that runs on everything
Oh I don't think Bloodborne should play like a Souls game if it isn't one, I just preferred Souls combat vastly.
I did though. It was an exaggeration, but it definitely felt like mashing the attack button was a good strategy for lone basic enemies. You could stunlock them easily with the quick weapons (I used the saw cleaver mostly, until I found the tonitrus)
You can do that in DaS too, though.
Fuck you, cunt.
Yeah, on PC you would have Level 1 characters with max stats because they always hack around in Souls Games.
>ps4 exclusive
>not fucking up the fanbase by releasing on PC
>No PC release
>It wasn't on PC
>PC shitter
>PCucks are still butthurt
>Also no PC
Because releasing a game on PC somehow ruins it...
The slower pace meant that it was a lot less common though, unless you stuck exclusively to the speedy weapons.
>still mad as fuck
t. Asspained non-ps4 owner
What exactly is the twist?
Are you retarded?
There is no plot, how can there be a twist?
PS4 exclusivity
I don't think I'll ever understand it. Why people fight over a piece of hardware. It's fucking equipment for playing video games.
I'd say the same if I were a Pcuck ;^]
>Uh-oh, something I don't understand!
Bravo on the absolutely stellar rebuttal.
Flawless evasion of the facts there.
cancer tumor on otherwise the great series
Not on PC, look what happened to DkSs.
>Not having both
ADHD Souls
IDk what you on about, I get connections after 5 minutes. 10 tops. Sometimes back to back for hours.
heralded as one of the best games of the generation?
PS4 exclusive.
>implying a mentally regressed community is better
What's your noscope count?
I've had SEVERAL reservations about this game despite having played it because no, my problems are actually not problems I'm just a PCuck lel.
FUCK your chalice dungeon bullshit. It sucks and it fucking blows, shit has bad level design, shit has bad enemies shoved in it (looking at you, spider summoner), it's repetitive, it has some of the actual worst bosses in the series in it for some fucking reason, and the level scale of it is all fucked up. Also I need to go in there if I want to do PvP efficiently, or if I want to do the unique, actual good bossfights shoved deeper into the damn thing.
Fucking honestly, why is Bloodsucker, Maneater Boar, Merciless Watcher, Beast possessed soul and Loran Silverbeast some of the actual bossfights in there? They're just upscaled normal enemies. I've fought them all before encountering them as bosses, and they're just the same thing with a fuckhuge HP bar.
Chalice dungeons are fucked and they stick some min-maxing shit in them for giggles for no good reason. All the alternate weapon versions and the blood gems of actual use are stuck in there. Great.
Honestly, Bloodborne does a lot of the base game great, no major complaints about the base game except the length of it. And maybe one of the forest areas being shitty.
The DLC is even better than the base game. Except the fishing village. Fuck the shark giants.
Honestly the game does great. I just hate the idea of it being perfect, because it certainly isn't. Ebrietas and Ludwig can both suck my dick with their charge attacks. I've heard people say the way to completely dodge it is by disengaging lock-on and then roll, which is some retarded shit. And the hitbox for those charges are completely ass, with some really annoying implications:
During my run of the game I built a rather low-HP build. Ebrietas charge would kill me if I fuck up dodging, because of the damage penalty on fucked up dodge timing. However, if I just stand there and eat the charge, I survive.
Nothing. Now what went wrong:
>split the fanbase
>almost no replayability
>ADHD YOLO style of gameplay is encouraged
>little to no variety in everything from weapons to clothes/armor
>shitty ass magic replacement
>character creator is worse than in DaS2
>fanbase is elitist as all fuck
Feel free to add
Just about everything, honestly.
Rebuttal to what? You didn't make an argument.
> I've heard people say the way to completely dodge it is by disengaging lock-on and then roll, which is some retarded shit
always locking on is pleb tier tactics. Be it Bloodborne or Souls
Trick weapons
>fanbase is elitist as all fuck
Literally this.
Funny how Sonyggers are steadily becoming the new "Master Race" circlejerkers.
>chalice dungeon bullshit
salty pcuck chalice dungeon are fun as fuck go play DaS3.
Better to ignore fanatics and enjoy games imo
All elitists are equally as bad, be it PC xbox playstation or w/e
meh, I can see where you are coming from with all except weapon variety. Transformation weapons were one of the best thing to happen to soulsbourne. and each weapon feels distinct.
all the dank OC it spawned, from fanart to memes
>little to no variety in everything from weapons to clothes/armor
WEW LAD, I could not possibly disagree more. The weapon variety is the peak of the series, especially if you include the DLC.
I'll buy that, I've started switching my lock-on a lot for fights like Dancer and Nameless King in DS3, works a lot better. But in BB, that means I give up my sidestep in favor of the roll, and the reason for it is that the sidestep would bend slightly due to the lock-on on the charge, thus not giving me quite the full distance on the dodge. Honestly the attack and how to solve it, according to some, is unintuitive as fuck and is straight up bad. Doing it with lock-on works some times, I guess with a very specific timing, and thus I'm led to believe that is the way to do it, just have to adjust my timing accordingly. But it ends up feeling almost random with how the timing should be applied. It just fucking sucks.
Had I been playing after hearing that advice I would've tried it it, but it was after my NG+ run through the place so I'm not gonna bother to run through the game again for that.
Honestly, disengaging the lock in BB is unintuitive straight up by the fact that you get a roll instead of the step dodge.
every fanbase is full of retards
thats why they are called "fan-base"
anyone who can't point out the flaws of his favorite game , its a shit fanboy/shill
which many do for the exact reason you dislike BB combat. That's why reason dexterity carries a stigma. Although I agree that BB kind of encourages it more, R1 spamming is present in every game.
chalice dungeons are shit
>randomize dungeons!
>look exactly the same , underground shitty zone with the same 4 different rooms
>the neckbeard FEDORA choice of Souls games
>tfw shitposting like bb had will never happen again
>tfw gg killed this board
feels bad
It was fun for maybe one or two chalices. Then the rooms started getting really repetitive early on. I saw a few configurations that actually tripped me up for a bit later on, but then I just got a grasp on how every common room works and the limitations of it are, which makes it just a chore to play through. Since it always is the same kind of rooms, and since it has no continuity at all with chalice dungeons being isolated from each other, it doesn't hold my interest the same as exploring the actual areas in the game. Chalice dungeons have no interesting items in it, so exploration of it is pointless.
It's just an underwhelming experience compared to the rest of the game. I just can't bring myself to play through the last few chalices I have left to at least fight the bosses.
it's the bells. the bells made the game complete
>really short
>less bosses than any game in the series
>way too bottom-heavy, feels like the game is practically over after Rom
>no new NPCs after Rom and all the NPC quests fizzle out immediately afterwards
>not enough kin enemies and too many beasts
>chalice dungeons are a load of shit and the time spent on them could have been used expanding the actual game
That's about it for my complaints. Still probably my favorite in the series though.
Oh yeah one more.
>upgrading weapons takes forever in a game where every weapon is unique and makes you want to try everything
Well thats you mate I had fun with chalice.
I honestly cant comment because I personally didn't have any charge attacks that gave me as much trouble as you mention. Probably because I unlocked or was overleveled or something.
>Honestly, disengaging the lock in BB is unintuitive straight up by the fact that you get a roll instead of the step dodge.
I gotta disagree. It's a trade off. The roll has more distance and i-frames while the step has more speed.
Everything except chalice dungeons and build diversity.
They didn't see through it, they just went in and slashed away. It's a metaphor for blind rage.
I can't find anything on the amount of iframes for dodges in general, do you have a link for that perhaps?
Also, nice thing to know, sadly something that isn't presented to the player as an actual thing as far as I can remember.
man i just beat orphan of kosm.
shit took me like trying twice a day, three times a week for two weeks.
i feel like a scrub for using so many parries and backstabs though, at least the final form is harder to cheese.
Miyazaki + Sony tbqh
they did it once with Demon's, and they did it again with BB
It was the game Miyazaki wanted to make, not a game he had to make.
wait, all chalices don't use the same rooms the first one uses, right?
not really, it just always felt like the timing was more forgiving with the roll in my experience. could be in my head though.
as far as i got , at least the first few chalices of each (loran/ist/whatever others)
and the whole pthumerian one , are pretty mcuh the same
>underground zone that looks identical one to another
when i was done with the trophy i didn't care anymore since i was bored of the same underground shit zone over and over and over and over
Fair enough, I was hoping there was actual stats for it. Then again, if it were true, how the fuck that be known to anyone that didn't actually try it is beyond me. At least to me, the quickstep seemed like a straight upgrade to the roll as far as I could understand it, so I never bothered with regular rolling for the most part.
>general being dead
lol you ever been to it?
Why would she give birth to a mutant child? Can someone explain this?
I've bumped it twice while it was on page 10 today.
its not alive all the time, or thats what i noticed when i was visiting it
dunno about you i rather play than post here when i'm having fun
Impregnated by Oedon, as the Great Ones wants babbies.
>outsold by splatoon
>barley a million units moved with a user base of 40 plus
>forgotten as soon as souls 3 came
nothing went right
She is related to the vilebloods so she has forbidden blood
Oedon impregnates women with forbidden blood, so her and the fake yosefka
I usually check the general during the long-ass load times.
Why doesn't the game give me enough Vermin in single-player for Valtr's Helmet? I know I can just kill him, but muh lore.
I can never find anyone trying to summon people either.
Its alright as far as /vg/ goes but its slowly declining. It relies a lot on American hours though so it's pretty ded atm.
If a sequel or something BB related isn't announced at TGS, it'll wind up like /acg/