What would Sup Forums do salvage long story driven singleplayer games?

What would Sup Forums do salvage long story driven singleplayer games?

Remove America.

Not pattern them off of that game. FFVI sucks shit unless you're playing one of its mods.

Uh? They seem to be doing well to me. You mean jrpgs? They died because of various reasons.

I would play Nier Automata
JRPGs aren't dead

Make them even longer and the story more convoluted.

>JRPGs aren't dead

Yes they are. The west doesn't care about them so they are mostly dead in the west. The genre also panders a ton to weeaboo waifu fags.

and the rest of the world aparently.
nothing the story is fine, what needs to be destroyed is 13.

Sit on my ass and wait for Cyberpunk 2077

Whatever user. I'll be looking forward to all these JRPGs while you think its a dead genre.
>7th Dragon III: Code VFD
>I Am Setsuna
>Etrian Odyssey V
>Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
>Dragon Quest VII 3DS
>Akiba's Beat
>Bravely Second
>Kingdom Hearts III
>Final Fantasy XV
>Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
>Nier Automata
>Ever Oasis
>Tales of Berseria
>Tokyo Xanadu
Not to mention these have already been out in recent times:
>Stranger of Sword City
>Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: The Fafnir Knight
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel


at this point I would have given up as a fan

Why? Its been a long wait but there have been plenty of fun KH games to fill the void. You aren't one of those people that think games like Re:Coded, DDD, and BBS are spinoffs, are you?

Make the gameplay still be entertaining and challenging despite being focused on the story.

FFVI's biggest flaw was that it was piss easy for 90% of the game. The story itself was alright.

Fix the shitty steam ports of FF4, 5, & 6

>Japenese RPG is dead in not Japan

fucking nice

I liked Lost Odyssey. Generic JRPG combat needs to straight-up force variation on you to stay interesting and hiring actual writers works wonders.

Just make sure that if there's 50 hours of combat I'm going to spend at least ten of them doing something other than mashing A and don't use a shitty recycled story. High production values help but if you get the base right it's good enough.

World of Ruin was so fucking painful.

More like the WoB was painful after the Narshe battle and the WoR was a shitty imitation of the Romancing SaGa games. I really do wish that FFV or the SaGa games came out in the west first because there is no fucking way anyone would look at VI the same way when it has real competition.

But WoR is the best part of the game.

It's exploration based with the player deciding where to go and what character story arcs to complete.

>great JRPGs
>all that shit

nier automata is probably great

otherwise for the most part I give you 1 kek out of 10

No, it's by far the worst part of the game. VI's already shitty balance becomes exponentially worse because their implementation of nonlinear content made it almost impossible to balance it AND more and more broken shit keeps showing up to compound the problem.

I feel like a some of those you probably haven't even seen gameplay footage and are barely familiar with.

>WoR was a shitty imitation of the Romancing SaGa games.
Pretty much. What annoyed me the most was the stark contrast in how progressing went. I want it either open or guided. Going from the tracks then having your party stripped away and you needing to find them all over again through a barren world isn't anywhere as fun as exploring the worlds in the SaGa games.

no, I know they are prequels, buy they are just milking that popularity cow for all its worth. I mean jesus did you really need recoded? did you really need 365/2?
This series after it got popular was extended not just to sell more games but handhelds too. It's no coincidence that all these prequels and sequels are on 4 separate handhelds. All this time making these and KH3 still isn't out yet. The stalling just makes you pay more money.

Nah, it's fine.

Kefka's tower is hard if you rush right into it, and it's easy if you do all the side content.

Balance in a single player story based game can really be an after thought anyway.

In the age of everyone looking up broken strategies on the internet as they play, yeah I guess that makes it easy, but a first time player on a blind run isn't going to have a cake walk with the whole entire game.

In addition, for story based games, having an easy way out through the challenging sections allows a higher percentage of players to actually finish the game and see the whole story.
We know from steam achievement statistics that a low fraction of players for any game actually finish that game. This is why story based game so often tend to be RPGs in gameplay, because in an RPG you can just go level up your characters to pass tough sections if you suck at them.

>but a first time player on a blind run isn't going to have a cake walk with the whole entire game.
t. someone who did not realize that Edgar dominates the WoB and Bum Rush is immediately available in the WoR and does high defense ignoring damage

I broke FFVI as a kid with no guides. You have no fucking excuse.

>Edgar dominates the WoB
You have to wonder what was up with that, was he not tested or something? I ended up barely using him because he felt like cheating.



I'm pretty sure that was intentional because they were trying to sell to players who are bad at RPGs, like they did with FFIV's easytype.

I figured out Vanish + Doom specifically not X-Zone and everyone who used that instead of Doom is a moron as a kid so I guess we know who the real smarty pants here is :^)