>tfw none of the shitters play him anymore post nerf
Feels good to have my boy for myself
>tfw none of the shitters play him anymore post nerf
Feels good to have my boy for myself
Agreed. Plus, 240 for one alternate fire is plenty, especially since they reduced his recovery time.
It feels like even more people started playing Widow after the patch
Played him yesterday. Caught an enemy Reaper with a stun a few times, but for some strange reason couldn't kill him with fan the hammer.
The new damage is 45, right? It should have definitely killed him at point blank, 25+45*6. But somehow he survived every time.
Is it because the stun is shorter than fan the hammer firing time and he could panic shift out of the stun and survive?
I never played him other than messing around in training. Was his Nerf that big of a deal?
Nope. His alternate fire was weakened but it truly was more of a balance than a 'nerf'.
He used to be able to take out any tank character with one alternate fire, it was a joke.
Yeah I've had some wierd stuff happen against Reapers too
Also a Genji that started reflecting shit early, does the stun not last very long if you don't hit flash bang directly?
He can no longer 1 hit tanks. That's it. (and the actually buffed his reload)
It's probably because you wren't hitting him with all the shots.
Flashbang does damage too
mfw i stopped myself from using fan the hammer so i can stomp post-nerf
mfw i have no face
mccree is an excellent sniper if you can hit shots
softning / executing far away tracers is a bliss
The stun only lasts for 0.7s. It really shows how broken his right click was.
Is that a flat amount regardless of how it lands?
Does the outter radius only give less stun, or is it just if it lands it lands
Could be:
>Symmetra shields
>Tjorborn armor
>Health orbs nearby from your killed teammates
>You' missed some shots
Flat amount. It's funny because blizz buffed it from 0.5s in the beta
Any enemies with pussy abilities like reaper or mei can now be unkillable with the flashbang combo thanks to fan not killing them before stun wears off
He's not terrible, but the nerf definitely hurt. Blizzard needs to buff him slightly because I have trouble dealing with Reapers and Soldiers now.
>buff him because i have counters now
Just switch to roadhog like all Mccree mains. For some reason none of the shitters whine about him
Yeah, stun wears off before you're done fanning.
If you miss even a single shot then that Reaper gets to walk away. FtH has immense spread meant to stop McCrees from fighting mid range with it reliably, so anything with a frame smaller than a tank you will miss a shot or three unless you're sniffing your target's asshole. To compensate, FtH was given a high damage per shot so that even with the missed shots McCree could still reliably kill while letting FtH have a big ass spread so he can't snipe with it, but letting it maintain its close ranged effectiveness.
Now guess what was just nerfed to the ground without a second thought in order to appease shitters.
As a McCree player, I liked this change. You can still combo anyone but the tanks to death, and it still rewards those that are skilled enough to pull headshots.
You need two headshots and a bodyshot, or five bodyshots if your aim is ass, to kill a standard squishy 200 hp hero at long range.
He's by no means an "excellent" sniper. He's decent at long range, and a fucking rape machine at mid and close range.
They really should've just made the fan more inaccurate. That was my only beef with him, still getting fanned from 20m away
>play Winston on KoTH
>lone McCree comes up behind me
>epic flashbang fan, roll fan
>mfw only half my health gone and chasing him down with my tickle gun
I'm sure he forever quit McCree after that revelation.
Just go for headshots instead of fan on them.
That's justice.
I just wish FTH could headshot
I always aim for it instinctively when I stun someone, but in the end im just fucking myself over because of the spread while trying to land headshots
Retarded McCree main detected.
>flashbang tracer
>left click her head
i find this more satisfying than fan the hammer
you're playing like a pseudo mei
>tfw when surviving 90% of fan the hammers now, even as an assault.
Thank fucking god.
>backtrack three inches out of tickle gun range while pounding winston in the ass with peacemaker headshots
true bliss
i think it kills her faster and more reliably
He could have but he didn't, he obviously relied too much on his combo crutch and just ran away when it failed, was one the most satisfying moment i've ever experienced in Overwatch.
I should try it
>BAMF on belt
literally memelands inspired character design
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge?
Is McCrees headshot damage 125?
Where the fuck do I find out how much damage something does on this game
le casual hide all information xDD
they seriously need to fucking fix the hero information tooltips (F1)
Because the nurf didn't do shit. She still has plenty of damage on her sniper, an assault rifle, one of the most no brain escapes in the game, and wall hacks not only for her, but her entire team.
45*6=270. Not 240.
Enough to kill most heroes like he's supposed to.
my net is slow so I had to watch this frame by frame and he was aiming at him with the hook and the shoot so its a fair play
>tfw I got good at roadhog once I heard mccree nerf incoming
It's like im playing pre-nerf mccree
I dont think the nerf hit all to hard.
I can still kill most of the attack heroes with one stun, take about 60% off a tank is fine with me.
125 headshot and 25 from flashbang
Enjoy your trash hero now.
>throw hook at another roadhog at the same time
>somehow im pulled to him and AROUND the corner straight into his team
wierd shit happens with roadhog
Reaper has 250 hitpoints, Flashbang deals 25 damage, fan does 45, 25+45x5=250.
flashbang's stun lasts 0.7 seconds, fan the hammer fires six shots in 1 second, so 1 shot every 0.16 seconds. It takes McCree 0.8 seconds to fire five shots against a target that is only stunned for 0.7 seconds. All he has to do is hold shift when he gets stunned and he will never die. It's mathematically impossible.
Unless tickrate screws you.
It's a pulp fiction reference you disgusting child
I don't even bother playing Overwatch anymore.
it has just become boring and too frustrating to play.
I don't have fun playing the game. Actually discussing Overwatch with Sup Forums and the memes and shit is more fun then the actual game which saddens me.
Because shitty roadhogs may oneshot you 1-2 times but they are basically a free powerbank for your ultimeter.
he's still good though, people are just salty they lost their flashbang rightclick instant win.
Is Roadhog the new pre-nerf McCree?
You can kill every single Hero except Tanks, those need double fans to still kill.
sticking your 6 barrel revolver up roadhog's ass while pulling the trigger and he just stands there drinking his kool aid :(
I started playing him more frequently now after the fix, you still melt 200 ish hp players in one stun fan if you land all the shots and you can almost kill tanks in 2 fans as well but not as cheap and easy as it was before.
People need to rely more on left click because headshots do great damage with the revolver.
>can't kill mei
>can't kill reaper
>60/40 to kill Genji/Tracer
What is he good for again?
>>can't kill mei
>>can't kill reaper
/40 to kill Genji/Tracer
Looks like you need to git gud
what are you talking about? everyone plays him all the same, people are completly unaware of the nerf
Or you have to get out of low skill bracket.
>Headshot reaper/mei twice
Oh look, theyre dead
>Headshot + winbang tracer literally once
Oh look, she's dead
She can't one-shot 150 HP characters with bodyshots anymore so I'm more free to play Zenyatta
>Be Zarya
>Shield Stun and 50% of the first fan
>McREEE rolls and right clicks second time
Pre nerf:
Post nerf:
>Don't die
>Still die to him if you can't shield or he baited it
Gud nerf
it's a gas not a liquid
>a lvl 90 widowmaker complains they made her useless after the patch
>kill cam shows he zooms out after every shot and tries to do snap bodyshots
My only wish is for these people to get cancer as well to make the circle complete.
Headshot at near point blank should be 140. it's a x2 multiplier. Plus flashbang that's 165.
>Nerf didn't do shit
>Zenyatta and Tracer can now survive a fully charged body shot
>it now takes more than two fully charged body shots to kill reaper and other 250+HP characters
It did a lot. If a widow is still destroying you it's because you're bad or she's really good. Either way, you deserve it.
This game is dogshit. I've already gone back to TF2.
This game is too accessible to casuals with it being so goddamn easy to play and Blizzard will never balance the game such the people who are actually good at shooter games can stomp. You can be the best player in the world and you're going to get cockblocked by enemy shields, stuns, and ult with virtually no counterplay to them.
Nerfing McCree's damage wasn't the answer. It was just to get rid of his bitchass stun, that's all that needed to happen. Just change the stun into an ability silence (enemies can only use their left-click primary weapon during the silence) and he'd be PERFECT, but no, he still has a faggoty E+RightClick combo.
Widowmaker also can't quickscope anymore right
>Why can't I go for the body using this character that was designed to go for the head?
>mathematically impossible
Also, not impossible if it's on cooldown. If you can bait him into blowing it early or he already used it, he's easy prey.
Good thing you are back to tf2, i feel sorry for the tf2 community tho.
Does anyone know how winston was affected, if at all?
Why? TF2 community is more lively than Overwatch's
it always takes 1-2 minutes (sometimes longer) to get into an Overwatch game. To this day, I can still get into a nearly full TF2 game INSTANTLY anytime of the day.
>the people who are actually good at shooter games can stomp
Good tracer players can absolutely shit on normal players (exactly like career scout mains can shit on people in pub games, only countered by a sentry). Good Widows are also extremely disgusting to play against.
Seems like you need to git gud m10
McCree still fulfills his purpose, he just can't smoke tanks instantly and actually has to try.
Yes, and her ulti charges more slowly.
The big difference I've seen is Zenyatta seems more viable because he isn't hard countered by the enemy team having one mediocre widow.
How I played last night at 3:00 am from eastern eruope and waiting time was only a few seconds?
You won't get melted instantly by a McCree in melee now and you can actually approach Widowmakers without getting sniped out of the air within split second.
He doesn't get obliterated by McCree.
Otherwise he didn't get touched I think. So... Stealth buff?
>6 barrel
Tracer is a joke compared to Scout, lol. This game is too slow and has too many stuns and shields for a Tracer to ever really go off. Her damage output is trash too, Scout can kill even an overhealed Heavy without having to reload. This is coming from a professional Scout player.
When I play at 3am, I have 5 minute queue times and after those 5 minutes it's always with people I played with before in previous games. This game is sooooooooooo dead. I swear it's only like 200 people playing.
>Have a Sym and Oddjob on team
>Pick Zen
>Become a Zen with +100 extra HP thanks to them
>Go introduce the enemy team to my balls and kill the shit out of them
Zen is really fucking brutal with extra HP.
Did they make her ult callout any louder? It kind of annoys me how unnoticeable it is compared to the others
>playing Lucio on KOTH
>Roadhog hooks me
>blast him away
>hooks me again
>blast him away again
>happens two more times
>kill him
Sooo satisfying
check your ports, I think its probably something on your end.
You should never have to wait 5 minutes to enter a game.
I mean half of the class at my uni. is playing Overwatch and we are in eastern europe where no 1 buys games.
Thx to Overwatch I actually made many new friends at my uni.Chad did even invite me to join him with his friends for a drink after lessons.
how the hell are you getting the opportunity to pushback when 90% of the time I get my face blown off before I can do anything
>Roadhog hooks your Rip Tire and kills his entire team because he panics
The best keks.
Probably faced a Roadhog who didn't know you can queue up the shotgun as soon as the animation ended on the hook then just finish with a melee attack.
Here's another neat tip, reload on Reaper then melee right afterwards for a much faster animation.
>implying that is McCree's gun
>implying that McCree's revolver has more than one barrel
I didn't imply that at all
I just posted a gun with 6 barrels
>Being so anal about a joke
t. guy who looked for the same picture
It'll take longer for you to kill him than for him to reload and fan you again.