Also monster Hunter demo thread
Also monster Hunter demo thread
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lol europe
Adept Bow is fucking amazing
Adept is ridiculously broken lmao
What happened to demos? Why do we need a code to play the demo for a game that has been out for a year? It just needed localization. Hell, I can't even play the RE7 teaser without paying for a PS Plus membership when none of the other demos on there require it.
Lol Europe what? In Europe you just go here:
log in and click on "get the free demo".
Playing as the Palico is fun but it is also powerful af. Even better online since you can buff the fuuuuuuck out of other hunters.
Is it possible to kill the multiplayer monsters solo within the time limit? I don't want to play with Palicos
why don't you just try, user
>amerilels have to pay for codes
I tried a couple of times but failed, not sure if it was because I was doing inefficient combos and hitting bad spots or because their health is way too high for the weapons you're given.
Best $4 I ever spent.
I've killed them all online, Nargacua has been the only one to take a bit of time.
Any way to get it in Australia?
Arent you basically considered part of europe, meaning free codes?
What in the holy mother of cock is that
Best Lore
It's the holy mother of cock
Last time I checked nope
Just buy it from the bundle:
the part of monhun you'll never get to play because the games are stuck in stunted hardware
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
>sonyggers still buttblasted that sony fucked the monhun team so they went to nintendo's huge install base
>Not getting a free code
>Nintendo will never ever give you codes
I have both codes still and hate Monster Hunter. I won't give to you fags though, because most other Nintendo fans here are annoying as fuck.
Why would they bother porting to a dead system?
They'd get more people buying a gamecube version.
The vague read-between-the-lines backstory of MH is that it takes place on post-apocalyptic Earth. Instead of there being a giant nuclear war like usual, genetic engineering advanced to the point where they were bringing back dinosaurs and creating dragons and other approximations of mythical beasts, along with uplifting certain companion animal species with intelligence(cats into felynes). It didn't help that the scientists thought it would be a good idea to incorporate electrical/heat/energy manipulation capabilities in the organisms they were developing. Eventually shit got way out of control and while a lot of the engineered things were destroyed, most of humanity got wiped out too. Certain high-rank weapons are the crusty remains of modern-day armaments.
Having played this for a few hours I decided to skip this one when it's out
Maybe I'll get back into it with MH5
A lot of us only own the 3DS to play Monster Hunter. I begrudgingly got one just to play MH4U and got 580 hours out of it. It's still the only game I own for the 3DS. Everything else is shovelware as far as I'm concerned.
>Everything else is shovelware as far as I'm concerned.
American Monster hunter Generations Demo code:
I already bought the $4 E3 humble Bundle and got those codes by email recently.
I like it so far.
so every monster hunter takes place in a post acopalyptic earth?
Wow, thanks. Didn't even have my N3DS ready to go and managed to get the second one.
I like the whole weapon arts mechanic in this game.
we don't really know
It's a sad thing that sales never will be as high as during the PSP days though. Truly a shame, and the next MH is only projected to sell 2 million.
That only shows up to 3rd/3G
Didn't 4U sell fucking great?
Thanks, I got the other code. I'll be sure to hunt with Sup Forums in any threads later today.
That eshop code redeeming site really works, that's convenient as hell. I didn't even have to close my other game and it started downloading.
Yeah old data and only in Japan. MH4 is 3.5 million and MH4G is 2.5 million. MHX is 2.8 million.
>not having cfw
>not already playing the demo and X with /mhg/
Not the other spoiler user, but, I've also seen it theorized that the hunters themselves are descendants of super soldiers who'd been engineered to take on the varying monsters the former advanced civilization created. Similarly, there's in addition to damaged, super advanced weapons you can find, from MH3 onwards, there's also ancient shards of armor you can find that can be reforged into what appears to be highly advanced mechanically enhanced armor. In 3, you could only ever find and salvage enough to make, if not fully restore, the arms, legs and chest slots of the armor. In 4, you can find enough to fully restore the full set at higher ranks
>all these shitters having to flaunt something available to everyone to make their effort seem justified
>tfw when everyone says this but my nub doesn't work so I can't bow.
now that you mention it, I remember unlocking some sci-fi armor with some metal
damn it's deep
replace the nub with a PSP analog nub. Not even joking, best thing I've done to my n3DS
unless it literally doesn't work, like a board malfunction. Than that blows :(
This kills the Vita.
>non-999 calling others shitters
I bet you can't even solo a single 140 monkey. kys now.
How is it?
Sell me this game Sup Forums
Almost all jap games, particularly jrpgs have lost ancient advanced civilization. Doesn't mean that it's post apocalyptic.
>That eshop code redeeming site
I just input it manually on my 3DS. I thought the code redeeming site wasn't up anymore since they switched to My Nintendo.
I got a question why are some of the bullets for the bowguns blue, like armor, flash, and wyvern fire? Is it to show they are unique to that gun or what?
Its the type of game, where if the mechanics click with you, you won't be playing it for 20 hours, you'll be playing it for 2000
Concept is simple, you pick a weapon, fuck up a monster, use its skin to make a cooler weapon while pimping out all your supporting tools and cats, and move onto the next boss, all while getting more proficient with everything you use
you can crouching fire with them with hbg and rapid fire with lbg
you kill monsters and then wear their skin/wield their teeth to kill bigger monsters.
it's a lot of fun with bros.
Just tried the demo
will the full game be this easy? it's like you can't die even when you're trying to
Very blurry and low fps. Don't buy. Don't even bother with the free demo.
It's too show they're not a regular bullet.
Armor is a buff you shoot at allies to raise their def, flash is just a flash bomb, wyvern fire is a big close range explosion.
Blue Bullets are Gun-specific pre-loaded bullets.
Green are Rapid/Crouch depending on Light or Heavy.
Bullets that have a Blue/Green gradient background are both.
Kinda like dragons dogma?
If its anything like dragons dogma I'm sold
It's probably adjusted for casuals
we can't even see the armor or skills we're wearing, they could be at stupid high levels and we couldn't tell
You can do coool things just like in your favorite animes!
The demo is mainly to show off the differences in Weapon mechanics from 4U as well as the new Style system.
It's definitely moving towards that sort of combat system
problem I had with dragons dogma is that most bosses were the same and died stupid easy, that's not really an issue with monster hunter as each monster represents an actual threat and theres like 70 of em
It's an eshop site tied to your Nintendo Network ID, not Club Nintendo/My Nintendo.
The site itself is completely barren aside from a 16 character code redeemer, but I was already logged in from and it sent a confirmation email upon redeeming the code, too.
Just pick up MH4U's demo and if you like that, imagine that with anime. That's MH Gen.
I prefer 4U desu.
Granted, the armor in question wasn't likely worn by ancient soldiers, but likely robots created to fight the wyverns. The smiths in current times are basically hollowing the stuff out to be worn by hunters. I mean, look at the relic version 2 you can find on MH4 expeditions. Those are fucking drones or some shit hovering at your shoulders
The armor's a personal favorite. Its resistances only back up the ideas as well, since its highly resistant to dragon element, but very weak to thunder. The armor skills on it are somewhat good as well. Free Element, Guard Up, some handicraft, and the g rank version in 4 comes with stamina recovery and some handicraft
True. It's not as if there's modern ruins strewn everywhere. If anything it's post post apocalyptic, since if there was any kind of massive disaster, it any traces of it, at least architecture wise, don't seem to exist anywhere from what I've seen. The only thing you see are scraps of advanced weapons and armor now and then, and never in the actual scenery
To be fair, the series does have to move forward more than it's been. 4's verticality and the mounting were a good start, but the amount of MonHun clones with new mechanics is doing what it should: push MonHun itself into newer territory.
I like the Arts personally, and the new styles let them have 4x the weapons without making new weapons
MH4 vs this?
>lagi is on land
>doesn't have an armored head like ivory to compensate
I fail to see how lagi isn't the easiest monster in the entire game. Fucking Great Jaggi puts up more of a fight than this.
Given you can literally play MHX as if it was 4U, I don't see how you could have an issue
I remember lagi doing some crazy shit on land in MHX
I'd like to play with my friend who haa the demo. We played all of F2, FU, Tri, 3U, and 4U together. Anybody want to be generous and help me out?
Yea, it died
If you play the weapons Guild style, there's not a ton of mechanical difference. There's a lot more monsters though
They gave lagi some crazy AoE lighting attacks to compensate.
You have good taste user. What weapon is your favourite?
I hope you bought a ps4
Surely you mean a NX. MH is never touching PS again.
What weapons go well with bushido?
I sent you a link to the demo cia thread on 3dschaos. You're welcome.
>MH5 on the NX
Monster Hunter is always where the money is. The PS4 is outselling the 3DS right now, so it's going to be on the PS4. That and Capcom needs money right now, and sony will pay for everything.
the only problem I have with these games is camera movement and the tediousness of the early game is there any way I can fix these issues I have?
Yeah, because Street Fighter V worked out so well for that deal
dual swords
free meter if you bushido through a monster and an attack during it
Any weapon you want, user.
srsly, they're all pretty good with some practice. I really like Bow though. Instant Charge w/ no stamina used, and you're pretty much always in optimal range after an adept dodge
Japs only play on handhelds. Monhun will never be on a console ever again. MH5 will be with team Nintendo. Deal with it.
That had nothing to do with sony. The sf devs are just braindead retarded, thus the game turned out to be shit.
If the game was good, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Just pointing out the flaw in your logic, PS4 has 40 million install base but NX has 0.
>MH on anything but a portable
u thnk u havin' a giggle, m8?
MH is indeed all about the money, which in Japan (their highest sales base) that's in handheld systems. Unless it's an HD port, Monster Hunter ain't comin to a console
you got to it first
DB, LBG and HBG.
Can't help with the camera but you can always just save edit. Everyone does it on /mhg/ so it's perfectly OK and acceptable to do.
Then explain why the ps4 is selling like hotcakes in japan right now.
Face it anons, It's going to be on the PS4
Every game nowadays in Japan is on PS4/Vita
PS4 has sold about 2.5 million in Japan
3DS has sold over 21 million
Sure it is
Why is it so ugly? 4u didn't look this bad
is mhx on ps4/vita?
well user?
That would explain why the hunters have some strange weapons like the SA... I see, thanks.
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