Playing Giant Bomb

>Playing Giant Bomb
>Austin gets patched out of the game
Thank god, now they have to take Mei out of Overwatch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who gives a shit about Austin? They need to patch out Dan

Now get rid of Alex and Dan and we're saved

They should get Vinny back to the west.

The replacement will have to be a minority in some way or tumblr will bitch

They would if they could. Vinny is in New York entirely because he wants to be there with all of his family instead of the shithole that is San Francisco.

Alex is Jeff's childhood friend though, so it wouldn't work with the lore.

Why does alex get so much hate?

Can Dan go fuck off to some super secret project as well?

Then the entire crew should move to the east coast, and bring Danny o'Dwyer along.

>hating based Austin
literally the only good content in the last year has been from Giant Beast

Anyway, with recent happenings there is only one man who will be filling up the vacancy.

He's the whiniest and least funny motherfucker in the world

Why would he? He's working for Kotaku which is probably paying him better.
Or did you seriously fall for the "Hulk Hogan is destroying Kotaku" meme?

He tries to play the straight man, but ends up sucking the fun out of any story or joke.

Danny o'Dwyer is literally worse than Alex.

>why would he
He has to go back and finish what he started


Honestly, considering the community will pressure Jeff to hire a minority, the chances of it being someone worse than Patrick are really not that low.

>wanted by anyone
no offense to Dan but I doubt people are queuing up to get him

Jeff should stream his suicide.


Jeff Bakalar should be in more content, too bad Cnet probably pays him a lot more than giant bomb could

It was just a retarded way to say he's not funny.


>tfw watching that Ubisoft segment
>Alex and Austin exchanging uncomfortable gazes
>PC Principal appears at the end
>yeah that's PC Principal he's been a major character in the last season and it wasn't good
>Dan says "I thought it was alright haha"
>Alex only goes "NO!"

What's Alex doing now?

Wait why is he leaving?

Bakalar's too big for Giant Bomb, he's on real TV

>Dan later says he thought last season was pretty good
>Austin flinches and has a contemptuous look
>Alex again shuts him down by simply rudely saying "No"
I hate all three of these faggots

Why do people hate Dan again? I think he's comfy and combos well with Jeff and Brad

Crying himself to sleep knowing he makes everyone's life just a little bit shittier.

Fuck Austin. Playing the race card when I've taken shits darker than him.

The biggest attention whore in Giant Bomb, an unfunny retard that plays up his retardation for the sake of bringing attention to himself. He's really bad.

He was great for a year, then his shtick wore out.

he just says the same dumb shit all the time.

Jason is far better.

He plays into the "I'm a retarded, ignorant and completely uninformed American dude lmao what part are the eggywhites" stereotype too much.

I like him though, he's grown on me a lot and he likes video games

Vinny is maximum comfy

I dare you to prove me wrong

Can they please get rid of Alex now?

Jeff + Vinny + Brad is the perfect combo

I believe he is supposed to be announcing today what he is going on to do next.

offer too good to refuse, some secret project

too good for us
Jeff was on TV before Giant Bomb was even a thing.

I don't know. I've always liked him.

Nah but Bakalar's a tech correspondent for CBSN, he's on regularly. Jeff was just the expert they brought it.

also that video is amazing
>sports jersey
>dreamcast breaks during segment

>Austin already heading out the door

That was fast.
Still won't fix them

That Good Morning America gets me everytime, with the audio glitches and all.

>have zero idea who the fuck you faggots are talking about
Thank goodness I'm not a loser that knows the names of people that work at whatever shit company

Why wasn't Drew on their E3 panel?

does his leaving have something to do with the whole Coon thing?

Daily reminder that Jeff, Vinny, and Jason are the best crewmembers.

Drew is also pretty cool, though his passiveness in vids and podcasts and his comparatively smaller interest in niche games holds him back from being as great as the other three.

Drew is camera man and tech person, he was on briefly to talk about seeing Halo Wars 2

I'm guessing he was helping Jason with the video production.

He's better than Alex and Austin, though


I'd say he just got a better offer.


Steaming dog shit is better than Alex and Austin.

I'm sure that Communications degree was worth every penny.



>about to permanently refer to Giantbomb as Coon and Friends
>Austin leaves

Nah, they already talked about it in the Beastcast, which was presumably recorded before E3.

>phd in media studies

He'll be in debt till until he dies :^)

Nope, they mention it on the Beastcast - which was recorded before E3

it's up, haven't listened to it yet though

he might go into details since he said something about not wanting the thing to go up before they announced his lynching on the E3 stream

Rip in peace Coon

He fucked Jeff's wife

How much do these gaming media outlet guys get paid, anyway?

I ask because I took a quick peek at what Klepek has been up to on Kotaku, and all he seems to do is fart out "news articles" that don't appear to be much more substantial than your average forum or blog post. Maybe some spokesman quotes here and there to spruce things up a bit little, but aside from that, yeah; they read like blog posts.

How much is this valued? How much can an employer possibly feel comfortable paying him for his work? I mean is this the equivalent of journalism minimum wage work, or are these guys scraping together a middle-class lifestyle?

I genuinely think that Brad is good when he's with Jeff and/or Vinny . He's terrible by himself, but he adapts like no other. Unlike shitstains like Dan or Alex who bring the quality down.


Not surprising considering she already ditched her last guy after cheating on him with Jeff

GiantBomb is a 55 million dollar company, Jeff gets the big bucks, Ryan was also a rich dude but that money went to his wife, I'm guessing Brad and Vinny get less but still a fair amount

You got rekt, son. That meme was relevant for all of three days.

probably depends on the company, I'd imagine it would be more or less the same as any standard journalist.

Patrick probably gets paid more at Kotaku than he did at Giant Bomb, Bakalar probably gets a lot more than the Giant Bomb guys considering he's on CNet and CBSN, someone like Dan probably gets the average wage whilst Jeff probably gets a lot of cash.

10 bucks they will hire that weird trans nina freeman

I was skeptical at first considering his highly academic background, but Austin did a fantastic job at three things: enjoying games underrepresented by the rest of the crew, putting forth political and academic ideas and how they relate to games (including many that I disagreed with) without being preachy or annoying about it, and perfectly swapping between serious and genuinely funny in all the content on the site. The dude's passion in whatever he was talking about was obvious and contagious. He was a fantastic hire and I'm really sad to see him leave so soon.

Seriously, I was looking forward to him and Vinny quicklooking SRW and GB3 ;_;

The Coon is gone so I'll consider it a win.

no trans, just a girl

Dude. Giant Bomb pays pretty good and Kotaku pays at least two times better. You under estimate the colossal number of people that go read Patrick's shitty click-bait articles. I'm talking thousands upon thousands of dollars of profit for each day of article work.

He bought a new house just recently.

Please don't copy/paste comments from neogaf here.

Whats this coon thing about?

she's not even a writer

Doesn't matter who they hire if Alex continues to sap the humor and energy out of everything within a fifty yard radius.


that just makes it fit even more dude


Bring Mary and Danny

During the Ubisoft livestream the South Park segment had the cast saying "coon" a lot in reference to Cartman's raccoon themed superhero alter-ego.

The joke is that coon is also a racial slur for black people.

Austin got visibly annoyed by it and was tetchy for the entire segment if anyone said they liked the last season of South Park.

>not knowing Australias tastiest cheese

>gets paid top dollar to write shitty clickbait articles
>also gets a solid $12 from youtube playing his favourite games
>highly respected in his field
>gets to hang out with a who's who of both developers and journalists
>always welcome on Giant Bomb streams
Is anyone more based?

Will Klepcuck be Austin's Cthulhu?

>he fell for the college meme

>also gets a solid $12 from youtube playing his favourite games

I chuckled.

I'll have you know that it was $12.50





look at twitter you dumb weebshitter

>Spends 10 minutes ridiculing men who like breasts on the live show

Why? Does he think he's a genius for figuring out that men like boobs?
What is actually wrong with him?

>having a twitter presence at all

Sup Forums has been and apparently will be my source for all vidya related twitter drama.

>tfw did a joint major in History and English
>tfw got to live in France, South Korea, Dubai, and Italy while working as a private tutor and saving up a hefty amount of cash while doing so since I was thrifty
>tfw highschool-level teacher in a nice district now, get the summer off every year, and own my own home with a very small mortgage
>no major debts because college is free in my country, and I earn an okay wage
>literally living the easy life and loving it

Sometimes college isn't a meme

I want to impregnate Makoto