Turned Zelda into Witcher 3 ripoff with some survival elements slapped on it

>turned Zelda into Witcher 3 ripoff with some survival elements slapped on it
>people praise it to heaven because it's the only game WiiU will ever get

Other urls found in this thread:


Zelda fags will defend this

If the graphic wouldn't suck, the game would be great for kids.

The Witcher 3 audience is 18+ and you can cut other enemies heads off, so not intended for children.


I think people praise it more because Nintendo is doing more than a simple copy paste job of the previous title like a lot of their franchises.

Could you remove the pants or is only by outfits?

>Witcher 3 ripoff
>survival elements
Either drink more bleach or stop altogether.

That's amusing. I've never watched Witcher. Is the enemy getting staggered or something?


Back on release, there was a really broken build you could do by choosing specific Alchemy and Fast Attack Skills. When combined with two specific alchemy potions, you become an infinite whirlwind that has infinite attacks, infinite HP since your hits restore HP and the fastest DPS in the game.
You can't do it as effectively anymore. It was nerfed into the ground.


It'll probably be the first Zelda game to actually be good since fucking Link to the Past.

yes, you can remove the pants. link starts the game without pants.

Why does every game have to be a clone to you faggots?

Go to bed, Arin.

woah they even copied the big tree in distant

How is it a witcher 3 ripoff?

>Le epic OoT is bad meme
Every Zelda game to be released since ALttP is good, if not great.

But the WiiU already has more games than any other platform this generation, except the 3DS.

>Nintenyearolds are this mad

Calm down, Jimmy.

I've had shits that played better than The Witcher 3.
That's such a low bar for quality even the worse Zelda beats it.
Though I do agree that games on Nintendo systems are overhyped. For example, Metroid Prime is touted as one of the best games ever by Nintendo fans because it's one of the few FPS style games on Nintendo systems and Nintendo fans simply don't know any better.

That's a volcano, user

>He's a shitcher fag

>all these people trying to start a witcher/Zelda war

What do these games have in common besides an open world? And why not enjoy both? Sometimes it feels like Sup Forums is just different marketers arguing with eachother

>Angry Nintendo fan was the person spamming Witcher 3 WEBMs

Makes sense, Witcher 3 was an exclusive...Exclusively not on Nintendo.

>looks like shit now
>fetch quest

The Witcher fags are the worst, truly

So they ripped off Uncharted 4 too? Woaaahhh


There's literally zero fetch quest in the 120 hours of gameplay in Witcher 3. Can't say the same about Zelda U.

Super Mario Maker
Pokken Tournament
Bayonetta 1 & 2
Zelda remakes
Smash 4
Mario 3D World
Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

The Witcher series sucks, stop feeling like Nintendo stole your beloved game nerd

So was it you who has been shitposting in Witcher threads for over a year now?
Buttmad it didn't come out on Wii U so you spent an entire year posting the same webms over and over?

I've never played Witcher. I just think its cute that you're trying to make BotW seem better, by bashing a completely separate game.

Oh my god, it's literally fucking Runescape
>people actually praise this game's combat

Which one are you talking about?

I didn't praise the combat. Again, read my post Trying to make one game look good, by bashing a completely different game, is retarded.

If you're game is good, it should be able to stand on its own merits. If you have to bash another game to look good in comparison, then maybe your game isn't as good as you thought it was.

>Trying to make one game look good, by bashing a completely different game, is retarded.
Aaaaaand where did I do that? The thread in fact started, when someone tried to make Witcher look good by comparing it to BotW. Clearly BotW ripped Witcher off, and Witcher is so much better, even though Witcher is Runescape 3D. Just look at those webms, they're literally just spamming attacks and tanking damage. That's not good gameplay.

You're just turning things around, nobody is trying to make BotW look good by bashing Witcher, it's the opposite. We're just pointing out that it's not working.

wtf is this shit

Let's see, there's Pikmin, and Bayonetta 2, and Star Fox, and Splatoon, and Super Mario 3D world, and Smash for the Wii U, and Tropical freeze, and Super Mario Maker, And Xenoblade Chronicles X, and WWHD, and TPHD, and Nintendo Land, and Wonderful 101 and now Zelda: BotW.

That's a lot of games, OP.

>People keep saying this is a "Return to the style of LoZ"

I think people who say this have never actually played the first LoZ. LoZ is basically what Link's Awakening became years later, if anything this is more like Adventure of Link or a generic Open World game.

>The thread in fact started, when someone tried to make Witcher look good by comparing it to BotW
The entire thread's literally someone trying to make Witcher looks bad by posting bugged webm.
Not sure why would the Zelda fans do that since aren't even in the same genre.

You mean you.
I get it, you're upset your game got announced, and it looked like shit. I know Sup Forums is the home for Nintoddlers, but it doesn't mean you can act completely arrogant to facts.

OP started this by comparing Zelda and Witcher. OP established this idea of comparing the two, so it's no surprise that some people would have the opposite opinion.

>toddlers mad that they're the only system who didn't get GOTY
Hilarious and pathetic

wew lad

Link to the Past is the weakest out of the first eight or so games.

Oh my fucking god, this post is just full of delicious low IQ idiocy.
>I get it, you're upset your game got announced
Oh yes, I'm so upset that a game that I'd be interested in got announced - Except it didn't get announced. It got announced years ago, we just saw some new gameplay footage.
>and it looked like shit.
Subjective, I think it looks good. It looks like Nintendo really put a lot of thought into what makes this genre great, and they borrowed concepts from many other games and they're combining all of the best things into one game.
>I know Sup Forums is the home for Nintoddlers
Fucking leave then if you feel that way.
>but it doesn't mean you can act completely arrogant to facts.
>arrogant to the facts
Might wanna look up what the word "arrogant" means. You are honestly one of the hugest retards I've ever seen on Sup Forums and I've been here for 8 years.

My fucking side the salt is real

>OP compares the games
>you, and yes, its obvious you are the assblasted nintenfag, start posting webms making the witcher look like shit
>trying to make zelda seem better, by showing the witchy as a buggy game

Stay deluded, fanboy.

Metroid Prime is overrated as fuck, not because it's a FPS, but because the exploration/puzzles in it are weak as hell.

the "goty" of turbo casual faggots that suck the cock of devs based on twitter popularity and kotaku coverage.

How is something that's been in development for longer than the Witcher 3 has been in existence a ripoff?

Explain to me what a 'fetch quest' is.

lol wtf why is Link wearing high heels??

>LoZ is basically what Link's Awakening became years later, if anything this is more like Adventure of Link

What the fuck am I reading?

Whats even Witcher about this? do Witcher babies really think their garbage drowner killing and letter reading simulator is the first open world game?

I don't save webms of shitty games, because that's not something I'm interested in. But hey, keep telling yourself that it's impossible for two people to enjoy Zelda games, yet not enjoy shitty damage tanking Witcher games.
>trying to make zelda seem better, by showing the witchy as a buggy game
Again, it's literally the opposite. You're trying to make Zelda look bad by comparing it to Witcher, and you're upset now that it flew back in your face.

I played the witcher on ps4, I didn't like it. I thought it was boring from the beginning. Why can't you take it when someone disagrees with you?

You're all cancer

>Any other platform gets a decent looking game
>Sonyggers show up in droves and leave salty posts everywhere

Shouldn't you be happy with all your great exclusives or do you not feel like rewatching Uncharted for the x-th time?

TP and SS were shit

What the fuck is wrong with you. Are you that attached to a brand that you've gone mentally retarded?

can you explain to me the logic behind a sonyfag posting webms that make a ps4 game look bad.
i dont follow it myself.

I've beaten every home console Zelda. They're not all perfect, some of them aren't even good games. But overall it's a series worth checking out.

Witcher on the other hand sucks. I played the first one for a few hours and I got bored with it and stopped. Didn't even bother with 2 or 3. It's just incredibly boring combat, uninteresting world / characters, etc. Mediocre garbage.

But we're being told that Witcher is so much better than Zelda, and all the little Witcher fags are so upset that people have a different opinion. How could anyone possibly prefer the better series? Shame on us I guess.

The butthurt this game is creating is great.
Shitposters are basically parrotting non stop shit like "muh graphics" and "b-but it copied *insert game here*".

Yeah, you're right, I'm clearly a fanboy for preferring fun games like Zelda, and not damage tanking garbage like Witcher. Keep proving me right.

Go to shitty location and bring me back one bear ass I can't be fucked to do it.

Jesus, you need to take a break from Sup Forums, you sound really bitter.

not really "parroting shit" when it looks like fucking ass, bullshotted hard on teasers, rips off every other game we've had for decades bringing nothing new to the table but will still hold a $60 price tag and be praised as Wii Us best game, which is probably true sadly enough.

> even though Witcher is Runescape 3D. Just look at those webms,
Are you really this dumb

Yeah but be real, it's entering the open world explore genre not only late, but two years delayed :^)

So are you guys going to spend $300+ on a new console, or will you be playing the shitty version of Zelda?

Don't put the trash heap shit show that was pokken tournament on the list with the rest of those good-decent titles. And put W101 on there.

>Its another "Nintendo sucks thread" because people are not allowed to like things

Dude Pokken Tournament blows two dicks at once.

Damn, Link is /fit/ af.


I want to FUCK Utage-sensei

>"b-but it copied *insert game here*".
I honestly think the fact that it copied so many different games, is one of its greatest assets. I see elements of Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter, etc. Best case scenario, it takes the best elements of all of these games and combines them all into one.

Of course, fags will try to turn this around and turn it into a negative thing. Like "oh my god it copied all these games! How pathetic, Nintendo can't even come up with their own ideas!"

You do know most people who own a Nintendo console on Sup Forums, also play on PC? Sony and Microsoft aren't relevant to most of us. The most popular combo on Sup Forums is Nintendo and PC. I am one of these people and I have to say, Zelda is a great series, Witcher sucks.

How was skyward sword generally received?

I played it on release but honestly can't remember much. I thought it was alright.

That's why its kind of a wet fart, just sayin'

>I honestly think the fact that it copied so many different games, is one of its greatest assets

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Don't forget they stole ico's art design

2 ports, 2 eshop titles, a fucking budget game developed solely as a bundle package, a game also available on the 3DS and a underwhelming, mediocre sequel to a franchise everybody was hyped for.

What a great console.

There's no reason to assume this will be the case. I think it will be the best at everything, and will piss all the Sony and Microsoft fans off.

>The overworld
>Dungeons being shaped like shit
>The sidescrolling sections
>Dungeons are slower paced than AlttP and more in the style of the original

The only thing that's really changed is the linearity. Hell Oracle of Seasons was originally devised as a LoZ remake which is why it has all the bosses from that game and old man grottos in it.

Too bad you'll either have to buy a new expensive console or play a shitty version.

>these games don't count because [insert shitty reason here]
Wow we've never seen this post before

No Zelda execpt SS actually has fetch quests at all. You're otherwise never told to get something where you're actually given the location, you either have to find it yourself or figure out what to even do in the first place. The few times this does happen it occurs on a timer, so it ends up being a test to see if you can get to the place fast enough.

You know what you're right, I'm rushing to the shops to buy a Wii U right now just for motherfucking Mario Maker.

It's sad though that the game that used to be known for it's uniqueness has stooped to copying other genres in order to survive. I might have to buy that desert notsecret of mana game they just announced just so something with the Zelda gameplay will live on.

Until I see some dungeon footage. None of that shrine stuff.

Kind of like how Twilight Princess on the Gamecube was so much worse than the Wii version, right?

No, I'm getting the Wii U version and it will be as good, if not better. I'm not interested in the NX's stupid gimmick controller, or whatever dumb gimmick they will shoehorn into the game for the NX version, much like how I wasn't interested in TP's motion controls in the Wii version, and I happen to like the Wii U pad for Zelda games. We saw how it works in WWHD and TPHD, and how this controller is appropriate for Zelda games, and I think it's great.

It's better than whatever shit you play now (GTA and Witcher)

>I think it will be the best at everything
Pretty much not possible. Theres no way its going to borrow elements from a bunch of different games, and then do them better than their respective games. Its nice to hope, but its just not possible. Especially with a lot of the hardware limitations its facing.

>I honestly think the fact that it copied so many different games

I see two primary influences, both of which are earlier fucking Zelda titles, the original LoZ, and Wind Waker.
Which I guess by proxy means it's also influenced by Miyazaki films like NausicaƤ, but those aren't games

>nintendo make a bad game
>people get angry at them
>nintendo make a good game
>people get angry at them

The GC version of TP was better because it had a controller instead of waggle shit, Link was left handed, and the differences in performance were basically non-existent because the hardware was pretty much the same.
The Wii U version will have worse performance because of worse hardware.

Yes I see the light now, where did I go wrong in my life playing only non-NintendoTM games!

What about the goat quest for the pellar? Or the horse thing for the tree in the ladies of the wood quest?

>errone mad
>I will enjoy this game no matter what
>only happy one here

>I'm getting the Wii U version and it will be as good, if not better.
How delusional can you get

This game was made in response to Skyward Sword's negative feedback