Is Yandere sim worth playing at it's current state?

is Yandere sim worth playing at it's current state?

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Im not going to fucking buy your meme game YandereDev

fuck off Eva

Are there any other games where you can run around a school and do shit, educational or not? inb4 persona

I hear if you take a gun to school it can be pretty interesting

Skool Daze is all about that.

already got 800k views homeboy (in ~2 days)

Bully, by the GTA guys

Pico : School shooting

You realise the reason Sup Forums collectively hates you is because you keep anonymously posting subtle little "look at my game" threads?

Danganropa. You're in a school, and spend much of the time chatting with your classmates. You're all trapped by an evil bear there until someone kills another and gets away with it in the trial, so you've got to make the best of things.

Also Bully, of course.

yes im sure it has nothing to do with Sup Forums being contrarian

>hate Eva for being a whiny cunt and abandoning Sup Forums when his dick wasn't getting stroked enough
>still watch gameplay updates from time to time
>the game keeps coming along and looking better than anything current mainstream vidya companies release
7 minutes of buckets n' shit was more entertaining to me than all of Sony's E3 conference. Now that's pathetic.
Maybe I might buy if the price is reasonable enough.

Who could be behind this thread?

I feel like the game would have been a lot better if it didn't have simulator in it's name, that's always a lame excuse for lackluster depth and style

>Why do you expect any semblance of story/ characterization/challengue/consistency, it's supposed to be a sandbox

They are always superficial parodies with no ambitions, so no cool game where you happen to play as a yandere for us

Lovesick is actually a decent name.

Im glad someone else gets it

They are contrarian. Provably so! But you're attitude certainly doesn't help.

that's sorta neat desu

Anything is better than carrying the cursed stigma of the word "simulator" in it, at least it would help to stop people to see it only as a meme game, I just hope the dev doesn´t starts to actually pander to peopel who just want it to be a meme game


Reminder to set it at 1.25 speed if you're going to watch it.

2x speed is fine. fucker talks real slow

Artificial Academy 1 & 2

Just like in real life, you get NTR'd by Dio

Not to mention that everywhere he spams his advertisements, people are already sick of it.

Even on Reddit they're tired of him.

>is Yandere sim worth playing
short answer is no
long answer is no because the person who makes it is an attention whoring Sup Forumstard who has made people he has asked to help make the game (for free) leave the project because of his attitude and personality

Okay grandpa, time to go to bed.



Eva is literally a prime example of what happens when you give an ideas guy 100% control of a project. Instead of actually developing the game he's too busy adding in dumb features and "easter eggs" that could be added in when he has the core foundation ready. But nope, the faggot's too busy debating whether or not he should turn Yandere Sim into a beat em up like Yakuza because he played it this month.

Silky smooth 25 fps.

>Shit dev
>Shitty looking tech demo
>Barely any effort, didn't even make the character models himself
>Basically a shitty weeb version of Overgrowth
Why is this trash even popular?

It's free right now

If you're referring to your time, then go ahead if you have fuck all to do

Its. Learn to English.

Sup Forums also loves overwatch unironically

Proof that no one should take Sup Forums seriously

Please fuck off, YandereDev

>the person who makes it is an attention whoring Sup Forumstard
In what way is Eva a Sup Forumstard? Please elaborate.

>Is an early access game worth playing
The answer will never not be no.

Silent Hill

>you play as the yandere
>no cute yandere to stalk you
what is even the point

>user makes thread asking about a game
>Sup Forums brings up some dumb drama about a tripfag or something
>entire thread derailed to not be about video games

Sup Forums everyone

That little turd was just desperate to say that.

Nice try YandereDev

Well, if i'm him (i'm not), then nobody else in the thread is either.

Also if I were whomever this attentionwhore is I wouldn't be saging the thread

Let's say you're not him and you don't know what people are talking about YandereDev is the person making this game and he is an egotistical bastard.

This thread was most likely made by him in an effort to sell his shitty game

Sup Forums is so fucking retarded - so the post is automatically not valid because he's asking, so you shit post it? This is why no one takes Sup Forums seriously...except YandereDev for some reason.

At the current state, its a meme game that's mostly interesting because there's fun debugging options, but the game feels empty since the npcs aren't that interesting, and the motivation to kill someone is more arbitrary than based on the objective itself. I'm a story guy myself, so this is very disappointing to play at the moment - everything feels like it exists on one dimension of thought.

It's not complete so personally I haven't expected much.

You think anyone would like or give a shit about you if you kept rubbing your shit on everyone's cheek all the time while thinking you're being subtle?

Honestly, this is the first thread I've seen on Sup Forums about the game and it's been merely a week or so that I found a video about it on youtube and even then I thought you're being pretty obnoxious.

Who fucking knows, but it'll probably be worth a pirate when it comes out.

Are you still mad that Mike Z got enough money to fund indivisible?

He got mad over that, seriously?

He dropped in some of the threads telling people to not give him money, saying he was going to celebrate when he couldn't reach his goal.

anyone playing the mobile version?

Is he still deluded that including combat in his game would be beneficial for it?

>I want this game to be a big spooky survival horror game!
>That's why all the character's have puns for names, there's many wacky easter eggs, and the atmosphere is anything but survival horror

>I'm a story guy

Thank you for being the cancer that is killing video games.

It's a neat concept, too bad is in the hands of an autist that keeps replying to every e-mail he gets instead of making the game, then makes a video about how many e-mail he gets instead of making the game, and is incredibly butthurt about Mike Z not liking some game he made years ago.

>complains that he doesnt have enough time to code the game
>adds meme features to the game

>wants the game to be like hitman
>tries to add in features from fucking yakuza games

never worth playing

If it weren't for the memes it would be a masterpiece.
Its not worth touching at the moment though, its a piece of shit. Wait 3 more years.

>>wants the game to be like hitman
Why wouldn't you just play Hitman instead of the cheap anime knockoff then? Top kek.

but I want to murder animoo chicks while wearing cute underwear!!!

So what do You exactly do in this game? You kill other chicks?

it seems like hes making the game such a chore just to kill someone too, saying its not meant to be easy to get away with murder but like has the guy ever played a hitman game before?
its pretty easy to kill someone and get away with it, the challenge is making it look like a perfect crime but i dont think he understands that

He's an idea guy who's also desperate for attention. He's so caught up in the fact that he managed to gather up a fanbase that draws fanart and cosplays his models he ripped off the unity store he's going to milk it for as long as he can.

pretty much this.

fucking hell i forgot about the fact all his models are unity assets

the man says "DONT HELP ME UNLESS YOU THINK A GAME DEV WOULD ACCEPT YOUR WORK" and he uses unity assets
what a fucking asshat

>Life is Strange
>Countless Visual Novels
>Countless Anime Games
>Natsuiro High School
>Postal 1
>Hatred (one of the levels is a university, IIRC)
>Super Columbine Massacre RPG
>columbine.wad (the new one, don't play Eric Harris wads they're shit)

Well, he keeps adding "easter eggs" related to things like Undertale etc. you know, popular stuff. But they're not memes, obviously

I sincerly think the game is doing pretty well and more promising than most things I saw at E3
Fight me Sup Forums

He posted this year? I though that he was angry at us for not sucking his dick 2 years ago.

>being this ass blasted
jesus fucking christ can this guy grow some skin or something

He posts on cripplechan, but even they're abandoning him.

>lol notice me senpai xD

>they treated me like shit once they learned who I was
Didn't everything start with him being a little bitch blogging endlessly about how hard and shitty his life was while people went all fuck you talk about the game you fucking faggot? At least that's how I remember his last threads here.
Jesus Christ how fucking delusional can you be.

The guy fucked up by naming it "Yandere Simulator" in the first place.
Of course it became youtube memer material because of the name, even FNaF had more originality going for it.

>I started making this game because I wanted to be respected and loved by Sup Forums

I thought he got over the whole MikeZ issue and learnt that people give others criticism.

But he literally sounds like a child sprouting every curse he knows since things aren't going his way.

I seriously hope he's not trying to get involved in the vidya market, since he has no idea what he's getting into.

I would actually respect what he does if he didn't sound so fucking bitter all the time, get over it.

Pretty much I like Yandere sim over that pile of fucking garbage battlewatch

>I wanted to be respected and loved by Sup Forums.
Life goals

Could as well dump the other pics



>I started making this game because I wanted to be respected and loved by Sup Forums

As a bonus, Eva's fanfiction

I'll never understand why people are obsessed with the creator of this game.

I like the idea of this game itself and played a brief bit of it a while back and thought it was neat enough, if a little simple. Hopefully once it finally releases it'll have enough content to hold its own. Kinda sucks how if I ever make a thread for the game I'll just be called a shill though.

Eva is just that guy

What part of this image am I supposed to find cringey? Seems like a normal post.
Also how is he italicizing text?

It's true.
9 or 8 years ago he just to spam his steam on Sup Forums just for attention.
He also spent his time flirting with a 15 year old girl who joined the stream. She managed to trick him into buying stuff for
Because he hasn't changed one bit and will always be a huge faggot.

Does anyone have those IRC logs with him and Mike? It was like talking to a brick wall.

Did he actually go out of his way to make a chart on how he wants his Youtube comments to be?

That's for his streams.

>Because he hasn't changed one bit and will always be a huge faggot.
What does this have to do with his game though?

Because he could do a game like he wanted, instead of pandering for attention.
This is him talking about it atleast

Two options:

1. Full game never materializes
2. It does but runs like shit

It's because if you look this guy up you immediately realize there's no way he'll actually churn out the full game

Because he's the one making it.

>obnoxious spamming streaming faggot for years
>decides to make a game specifically to be respected by Sup Forums
>repeatedly makes threads for his stuff, claiming to want constructive criticism
>people make suggestions, drawfags give ideas
>samefags in his own threads
>acts like enough of a faggot to get Reddit and other chans to hate him
>threatens to doxx some generic cyberbully
>constantly making excuses about harassment affecting development time despite him having a patreon and streaming
>actually made a video telling people to stop sending emails to his one address because he's obligated to read every single one on his own and that's cutting into development time too
tl;dr: instead of working on his games with neat concepts, he looks for scapegoats

Nah Eva you pandered to too many people adding in fotm waifus and intro anime.

someone post the mikeZ chat log

>when he targeted Sup Forums as his main audience
>I'm making the game for fun, not for money
>when he targeted 8ch as his main audience
>I'm going to need some donations so I can do a full-time job and end the game early
>when he targeted youtube as his main audience
this is like that doujin of a pure girl slowly turning into a slut.