Who else owns a pretty good gaming PC but is getting a PS4 Neo when it comes out solely for the exclusives?

Who else owns a pretty good gaming PC but is getting a PS4 Neo when it comes out solely for the exclusives?

fuck off shill.

I am not and you too.
Stop baiting and misleading people into this mess.

I will never leave my beutifull pc for some ps4

PS4.5 satisfied my daily need for anal porn desu

Not if it's still pay to play online.


except because i'm ONLY gonna use it for exclusives i'm gonna get a regular ps4 second hand, once console users flock to the neo

Yeah sadly as a square enix fanboy theres way too many titles coming up that I want to play but im hoping to get a cheap used ps4 when all the ps4cucks buy an ''upgrade''

so you want 2 remaster machines?


I really really want to play Bloodborne but can't justify a 460 dollar game

At this point I'm literally begging sony to give me another amazing exclusive or two so I can finally have an excuse to give them my fucking money

Nah my regular ps4 is fine

well i will, i have the option of either upgrading my 770 or buying the neo and i already know what i chose


The PS4.5 has no exclusive worth buying apart from Bloodborne.
Fuck off shill. If you want PC gamers money that much then port your games to Steam, then we'll talk. I haven't bought a console since the PS1 and that won't change no matter what.

I am. Turns out PS4 having nogames for three years played in my favor in the end.

I wish. I have to pay for it out of my own pocket.

>If you want PC gamers money that much then port your games to Steam

I guess you just don't like any games.

>GOG drone
Reminder Trails in the Sky 3rd is not coming to GOG because of a "child rape" scene GOG considered problematic.

Me, desu. I wasn't able to get a PS4 when Bloodborne came out, but I will once the Neo comes.
Some really exciting games coming, though, hope I can control the urge to get the regular one.

>being so poor that you can't afford machines dedicated to the hobby you claim to love
>still pretending that PC mustards are somehow an elite caste when it's more likely that a consolefag will also have a PC but a PCfag will not have a console
>falseflagging me as a GOGay because you are blinded by rage

Maybe you could try opening up another """petition""" to port Bloodborne for the PC?

Yes but it just places me in a shitty position now, I held off a PS4 because of of the .5 rumors, even though they've been debunked, we dont have a release date for the next console yet in the mean time games keep coming out for the PS4 right through to next year. If I buy it now the NEO will still be right around the corner, the only benefit I'll get is some games rather than longevity of the hardware. The only people who have truly benefit from the PS4 are early adopters and I am kinda jelly but if I play the long game, I'll save money in the end and only have to buy 1 console if that makes sense.

Sorry but it's true, right now it's a Bloodbornestation.

>Ace Combat 7
>Nier Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>all the Yakuzas

Now those I give a shit about.

>buying a shitty console just for one game
I'm just not a retard like you.

I hope you say that in every Breast of Wind thread.


When they first announced the PS4, I considered waiting for a hardware revision and price drop.

But now, I'm probably just going to skip it altogether. What's to say there isn't going to be another revision with better hardware a year later? What's to say games aren't going to run like shit on the Neo when Neo 2 comes out?

>Maybe you could try opening up another """petition""" to port Bloodborne for the PC?

I told you guys today earlier.. sony pays people to shill on Sup Forums

I fucking told you. It's happening since 2013.

no you`re just being paranoid, no one is paid for anything on this board

If its a good enough game, why not?

I'll never understand people who argue about their respective platforms. If you like to play games, why does it matter how you play them? Different platforms have different pros and cons.

Its like seeing someone playing on a GameBoy and saying to them "Haha, wow, you still play that shit? Look at those shitty pixelated graphics, that simplistic gameplay and story. Fuck you, I only play on modern and superior handhelds."

All they wanted to do was play classic Pokemon. Enjoy your games and shut up.

You mean Bloodborne?

Are you sure?

Why then posting sonygger meme means ban in less than 15 seconds?

I will and I'll probably give my normal PS4 to my younger siblings (they are always a gen behind).

maybe in 2 or 3 years there'll be a second good game for it

because its just blatant shitposting, the same goes for xbone and pcucks memes if it`s pointed out as heavily as the sonygger memes

Already have a ps3 for that same reason, will be getting a ps4 neo too, probably a wii u/nx as well and I'm still on the fence on the xboner (honestly if forza horizon 3 comes out soon and they put it on PC I wont bother)

Of course my Herrenvolkā„¢ Machineā„¢ is my main platform because I'm not a filthy peasant, but gotta have them exclusives as well

So if I rant about "pccucks" all day I would get a ban?

Nothing is far from the truth. However posting a single picture of a sonygger gets you banned in 15 seconds

Even waifu threads are not deleted after hours

You should get a WiiU RIGHT NOW because there is a kernel exploit for the latest firmware.
You update to latest firmware, put in a SD card, and never have to pay for a game anymore.
It'll get patched out on the next update.

The new NieR looks good; Https://youtu.be/Iq3_phBQA_Y

Last Guardian will come out eventually and I'm looking forward to it, although it's not for everyone. I had fun with the Ratchet and Clank PS4 game, that's worth getting if you end up getting a PS4.

Fuck man, I don't know. The new God of War might be okay, Gravity Rush too, then there's that new Kojima game. No clue when any of these are coming out though.

If you've got a good PC then it's not really worth it just yet, I'm a retard for jumping on the bandwagon but I've got a lot of disposable income and I don't regret it.

EDF is really fun, I enjoyed getting Dark Souls 3 two weeks early. I repurchased Dark Souls 3 on PC for 60fps

>buying a PS4k when you can just buy a used PS4 when it comes out

shoo shoo, shill.

I'm waiting for the NX to reveal itself before I decide which I buy but good advice, thanks.

Honestly if I can only pirate the virtual console releases that's already good enough for me

i`m a so called sonygger myself, while i haven`t shilled in anything before would i really get banned the instant i post something with a picture like this? Don`t be ridiculous. And even if something like this would happen, nothing would change to my statement whatsoever

I only have a 1080p TV, so I don't see the point unless it runs games at 1080p at higher frame rates. If I buy a PS4, I'll buy a used one from someone upgrading to a PS4K for cheap to play bloodborne and weebshit.

Are you honestly still crying about the fact that you got banned for posted an image of a crying wojack black sonygger?

The fact that you participate in console wars and actually have those images saved on your computer is pathetic. Reevaluate your life

there isn't enough exclusives for me to buy neither console now
i rather buy a wiiu since it already have mario and bayoneta
>ps4 only have bb
>xbone have..killer instict i guess

pc only has undertales, but you built a pc, why?

no, the picture with the fat nigger meme

post and wait less than 20 seconds deleted/ban

I post because it's funny, grow up kid

souls games are meh, ps4 will get the last guardian and persona 5 and you can also play FF15 on it

well that's why I want one, but none of those are released so might as well wait lol

>I post because it's funny

It doesn't seem funny to me when you're still damage controlling and trying to defend your console waring hours later. You should be banned even sooner for posting those images, the mods are finally doing their job and the only funny thing here is them fucking your shit up in the process

my pc is from 2007 since nothing have been worth updating it for since that year
i like Des/BB, DaS was a disappointment and i dropped DaS2 after 1 hour
interested in persona5 , but i still have the first half-way since years ago
yea exactly my point , i just learned to buy slim consoles if enough exclusives are released , no one with a brain cell would buy a console for "future releases"

Dude, I haven't bought a console since the PS1. And my PC games backlog keeps increasing every few weeks because I rarely find the time to play video games anymore.

The one where the character shit on the ground? Maybe that's because it's also NSFW.

Wew lad.
That's maximum autism if you're avoiding stuff solely because of elitism.

Nah, I just can't be bothered. This is not autism. Autism is buying a PS4 when it has no exclusive.

Autism is when you're so far up your ass that you start believing the shit that comes out of your mouth.
Quite a sad bitter person, aren't you?

Says the autist who bought a PS4.

That's right.
I bought a PS4 because I enjoy video games.
You bought a PC to bask in your little world.

I'd love to it honestly has a lot of games I'm interested in but I just can't use that god awful controller

No point to consoles now that they will be coming out every 2 years.

No point to gaming pcs now that you have to upgrade them every two years

So far I own a PC. I might get a Neo three years from now assuming it has enough exclusives.

Or I might not bother. Honestly, some of the games look like they might be good, but there's nothing that makes me desperate to get one.

>when it's more likely that a consolefag will also have a PC but a PCfag will not have a console
This is patently untrue, my man. Only about 10% of gamers own a PC good enough to play modern games.

consoles are becoming more and more like game-oriented pcs.

if they eventually evolve into pcs (or in other words disappear) there will be more focus on creating games with better graphics framrate etc, less worry about shitty ports and what not

PC isn't entirely based on having a handful of exclusives


Maybe in like two years when there's enough exclusives out to actually worry about