This game is pretty uninspired all things considered. Why are we hyping this game to death when Elder Scrolls has been doing this for a decade.
This game is pretty uninspired all things considered...
Other urls found in this thread:
because it's nintendo
let the salt flow
Because TES has been doing it terribly.
This, TES gameplay is unfun garbage.
TES did it awfully and such a big change on a big and well-known franchise like Zelda is interesting to say the least.
You'll get a lot of "GO AWAY TODD XD DO I FIT IN YET" replies though.
First Person > third person for open world games.
Better combat. Elder Scrolls is only tolerable if you're ranged or magic.
I bought this game when Kojima made it and it sucked dick.
First person is shit for melee combat.
Condemned: Criminal Origins
This has gameplay
This game has better physics as in it actually has them.
Bethesda games have the worst physics I've ever seen; you try pushing a shopping cart down a hill in fallout and it explodes flying up super fast and some dominos in the corner of the room somehow collapse from it.
You're focusing too much on the open world. The new Zelda's focus seems to be on emergent gameplay, by using the rules of the world creatively.
Use fire torch on grass -> create updraft -> use parachute to fly to higher places, or attack enemies from above. Or don't use the parachute, instead use spreading fire to trap and burn enemies.
Meanwhile in Skyrim
Use fire spell on anything other than an enemy -> does nothing.
hey user, gonna pre-order the Skyrim remaster soon?
Reminder that most of the fun in games like this is discovering things for yourself. That you've seen some cool shit already will only ruin the game for you. Accidentally setting a forest on fire would be so much more fun if I didn't know it could happen before I did it.
Doesn't work that way anymore. Kids have more fun watching people scream into a camera and act stupid while playing a game poorly.
Go away Todd.
Do I fit in yet?
because elder of scrolls have never been worth playing
That really does sound fun but I'm just worried that it'll be limited to specific areas rather than something that you would be able to do in random places in the world.
this thread is now about parallel universes and how they work.
dont expect too much
>you can set things on fire!
>wait . actually only npcs
>you can destroy buildings!
>scripted buildings only , which hardly exists
Shadow of the Colossus, Red Dead Redemption and The Witcher 3 are bad game then?
First person makes sense only if you're too shit to bring immersion with other ways, also strongly depends on your combat system.
Most of my normie friends played through Skyrim in third person too.
Also this it's been a long time since I haven't seen a true sandbox open world.
Give me a blues clue, i need help
nice reverse psychology, Toddler.
Why is there so much blur?
>I don't understand the little nuances in game design and gameplay
This is why Nintendo fans will always been leagues beyond the intellectual ability of your average pleb normie.
Its like an elder scrolls game
>Dungeons have purpose now
>Progression unlocks more options and map
>Food has a purpose now
>Combat isn't shit
>Physics are dope
>Climbing a hill isnt just jumping and clipping up you actually climb
>Interesting dark souls esque story (Wake up in a post ganon ruining hyrule world and have to piece it together)
Im hype
Only if I can make/customize the PC. Otherwise no.
It might be real life
>He doesn't have his QPUs aligned
Skyrim was boring. Lifeless and felt like time frozen.
>will always been
Maybe that was Todd's intention.
Pledging your allegiance to a corporation. Fuck off Nintencuck.
See we are so above your ability to understand that you can't even understand what is being said.
Rid this site your yourself pleb normie.