ITT: God of War My Wife's Son in one picture
>"My wife's son" meme
>Implying hundreds of thousands of men all around the world aren't satisfied with getting pussy at the expense of having to deal with someone else's little shit
>Meanwhile you're not getting any
Who's the real loser?
Why was every single game at Sony one button to win except Horizon?
So are you saying the Cuck game is the best thing Sony could ever done because western feminism?
the person raising anothers kids. Better to not breed than raise someone elses seed
cuck detected.
There is nothing wrong with it. I sometimes take my wife's boyfriend to Mc Donalds when he is hungry. And he buys me ice cream
>pay a few dollars for a prossy
>get laid when you want to
>dont have to pay upkeep on a kid that aint yours
Can we replace the word cuck again mods?
for God of War?
Can someone pay him 16 dollars to shut the fuck up ?
Like the way f a m turns into senpai?
that would be fantastic
So journalists won't dock it points when the paid reviews come around
Cuck used to be like that (I think it still is in all caps) but they removed it for some reason
My gfs dad got with her mom that had a kid and proceeded to have 6 kids with her.
Is he a cuck?
>abloo bloo bloo
Only if is changed for Pikachu.
You got a problem with free ice cream?
f a m
doesn't work... senpai ?
oh it works.
>used goods
>raising another man's child
Is the ice cream good?
this is the game you are talking about
>calling kid "my wife's son" instead "my son" even if you are not his real father
This is true cuck mentality
I like this b8.
can I have it?
>Implying cucks have sex with their wives
It's also something that no sane person would do.
Probably the reason why it only thrives around here.
>not even his wife, his gf or his one time lay's daughter
thanks polski for perpetreting extreme cuck culture.
cuck was the worst thing to come to Sup Forums in a long time.
yes, cucks should be hanged.
Wow man
>qt Vietnamese chick sends me a nice sincere message on okcupid
>read her profile and realize she has a son
>don't message her back after reading
>think about it the next few days, "eh, maybe i should reply back anyways"
>log in and see she has deleted her profile
>tfw it wasn't a flavor of the month buzzword and it's here to stay
that's what you get for cucking yourself
>on the internet
>on the internet
>on the internet
>getting into a relationship with a non-virgin
Enjoy getting cuckolded
She saved you from yourself
Where's the video games
>white women
>any at least mildly decent looking female being a virgin beyond high school
You've severely limited your dating pool, user. Enjoy dating hambeasts or living in your own pure waifu fantasies.
Why are people so disgusting?
Better dead than a cuck, cuckboy
>pissing outside
you wot
>marrying non-virgins
Tell me none of you would do this
>My Wife's Son
Isn't some Overwatch hero called like this?
So they don't get what happened to Final Fantasy, people can't suck when playing it to make it look bad.
Is this the Peeved Pedro thread?
take it to the loo, Pajeet
That's hot 2bh
Get used to it cuckboi
Looks like they're by some train tracks and probably away from a public toilet. Did you never take a piss into a bush in your life?
There is literally nothing wrong with getting with a woman who already has a kid. Plus I can play all the vidya I want out in my shed on weekends my stepson's dad comes out to visit.
Could you please not post pics of that spic poser anymore? Thanks.
Could you stop?
>paying for another man sperm
>taking care of anothe rman sperm
>living with another man sperm
top kuk