>Play game with Sup Forums
>Nothing but meme posting in chat
Play game with Sup Forums
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You deserved everything you got.
>Play game with Sup Forums
wew lad
>Play game with Sup Forums
I remember playing once with Sup Forums while drunk.
I got kicked out for voice shitposting
Playing Worms Armageddon and 100% OJ with Sup Forums is fine.
>played halo 3 custom games with Sup Forums when it went free with gold
>it was an amazing time
Let me guess, PCuck right?
>playing with tumblr/reddit/other cancerous site pretending to be Sup Forums
if this was old Sup Forums aka old Sup Forums you would have the most insane multiplayer experience of your life. nobody to very few people had mics, but the unspoken teamwork was something amazing to behold. didnt matter if you were a pc players, console, furry, etc. no meme spewing ever happened, it was just playing video games together, once the meme spewers came we all silently went our ways and went back to raging at each other about video games online, looking forward to the next time we all play together
>play game with v/v
>antisemitic bullcrap everywere
So anti-arab? because jews, espeically american jews, are ethnically Mediterranean european whereas yasidis, arabs, berbers and so on are real semitic people.
Ironically the only people committing real anti-semitic crimes are Israelis
that sounds like something straight up from reddit.
there is no old Sup Forums or new Sup Forums or any other subboard for that matter. this anime based image site was always and will always be full of 16 year old retards.
Sup Forums has had a lot of shit memes lately.
The "A deal's a deal" guy made it, along with the last good meme of Sup Forums
That shit looks like it got ripped straight from a doujin and had the text edited
This isn't true. Th88e once did a survey of the age of people on boards. Sup Forums and Sup Forums happen to be the youngest, but the average age of people on /tg/ is about 30.
could you be more specific?
It IS straight from a doujin. The person who drew it is the same person who drew Deal-chan. His name is Yamagushi or something.
>play game with Sup Forums
>join TS
Then give us the source to the doujin. Google and IQBD give nothing
the artist is Uo Denim
and the doujin is called naturally, Ride on bitch
Listen to That's where it came from.
>Do we have a deal?
Dude has some nice art, also
>kid finds his dad fucking a girl his age
Fuck that's weird as hell, maybe it's just 'cause my dad is old as fuck.
how come is not on exhentai?
He's a good enough artist that he doesn't need to be. Like Meme50.
does it have anything to do with fakku and copyrights infringements?
Probably. Stuff like being successful enough to have lawyers crack down on pirates for you.
oh baby
fuck jacob, now the jew is taking away chinese cartoon porn, is there nothing they won't get their grubby little hands on?
ok, just checked, a lot of his doujins are indeed on fakku. fuck this shit. i am not even into vanilla stuff like this anymore, but sometimes i still get the itch
are there some sites that don't give a shit about fakku lawyers and just host anyway? or there's some strange procedures to access this content on exhentai too maybe?
it's been that way for like 5 years now dude.
nhentai.net doesn't give a fuck fakku
Secret places are best kept secret, lest fakku finds you.
>Playing with Sup Forums
Someone post that video
or just host a server in some country where american jew lawyers can't DMCA you
another thing. since all the new nice and fresh doujins from fakku are translated, who did translate them? fakku staff themselves? or they just uploaded fan made translations claiming rights?
>I genuinely lift
>play BGO with Sup Forums
>they quit before the game is even halfway done
You're all casuals.
>implications implyng implying
>playing games with Sup Forums
>watching anime with Sup Forums
>listening to music with Sup Forums
>driving car with /o/
>lifting with /fit/
>masturbating with /aco/
>going on a shooting range with /k/
>reading books with /lit/
>doing a science project with /sci/
>programming with Sup Forums
>doing politics with Sup Forums
You are part of the problem good xir.
>play game with Sup Forums
If you playing with anyone who declares himself to be part of "Sup Forums", chances are you've been playing with reddit.
Man, this guy can't stop dying.
What a perfect excuse to dismiss negativity against your precious Sup Forums.
>try to play Dokapon Kingdom with Sup Forums
worst mistake ever.