It's a omegaalphasin swears gratuitously and pretends to be intellectual episode

>it's a omegaalphasin swears gratuitously and pretends to be intellectual episode

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's a faggot user that actively spends time obsessing over e-celebs on the internet all day long because he has no life of his own episode

>Wife's son

What's the deal with the whole "Wife's son" buisness. If you're raising the kid then it's your own damn kid.

>my wife's son



Sure is video games here

He makes great videos but yeah he can get annoying at times with the excessive and unnecessary cursing.

what a faggot, does he need to share it to the world? Fucking millennial cunts and their craving for attention for the most retarded basic shit.

I use to enjoy alphaomegasin's content but i now i just bored of watching him rage like a lunatic.

That's why they're mocked. A normal parent would just call them their son if they truly felt it was so. These betas on the other hand don't see them as their child, yet they're essentially supporting them like they are. If your partner has a child that isn't from your blood, and you don't want to take it on as your own, don't be with them.

It's the internet being retarded as usual-

Fucking Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck Fuck

I'm really confused also. Is it some joke, or does he really say it that way? Thats pretty shitty for the kid.

>proud dad
>wife's son
Have some fucking consistency.

Is he your kid or not?
You don't get to be wishy-washy about it.

What video game is this?

Is he the step dad?

God of War 4


That would be the implication of the phrase "wife's son"

>bill nye is on netflix
holy shit


I've never heard or seen someone say "wife's son". They always call them their step-son. Is this just something new?

>my wifes son

>That's why they're mocked
No, they actually think raising another man's son is embarrassing instead of heroic

It's photoshop.

>Is this just something new?
I have a vague feeling that OP's image is shopped because wife's son is a meme that metastasized from cuck

Proof, por favor?

It's a meme, that's his actual son.

Nothing embarrassing about giving a child a family if his own blood father is too much of a coward to do so.

Met Bill Nye as a kid with my science teacher. He wanted $20 for an autograph. Always thought he was an asshole after that and so did my teacher.

>being a cuck

It's oppressive to call your child son when xe identifies as sonfluid you shitlord.

>Wife's son
Why is this a thing nowadays? Is this a cuckold thing or what? The only reason to ever say "my wife's son" is when you aren't actually the father, like you're his stepdad or something. If you are the biological father, you have literally no excuse to act like he's only your wife's son.

awesome, thanks!

Hi, ledit!

>being underage

People do this usually so they dont have to CONSTANTLY give out autographs and its most likely easier to turn down people when money is involved instead of just saying no.
Not defending it, just giving it a different perspective.

>my wifes son
I don't have a reaction image worthy of this

>Is this just something new?

Yes, mostly because of the mother.

Women want to feel they are not tied to the guy so they prefer him to call the kid her son.

Yeah, why not call him "stepson".

I have never heard of this aside from here, just now. I dont believe it.

Yeah, it's mostly a form of crowd control.

Tbh I'm happy for this movement. It's finally pointing out "step" relations for the deplorable cuckolding that it really is.

He was just very rude about it, but I understand where you're coming from.


First summer on 4chin?

Then that sucks. Could have been an off day, or a bad moment. But sucks he was a jerk to you, user.

He said "aside from here," user, because it doesn't happen in real life.

Le cuck meme xD

Step parents are awesome

My dad was killed in a work accident, and so I was raised by my step dad and my mom. Granted he had a child of his own and was taking care of her due to his wife being killed In a car accident but
it's extremely important for kids to have both a father and mother figure growing up to end up being well adjusted.

>getting raised by a cuck

>My dad was killed in a work accident
>wife being killed In a car accident

Death surrounds you!

Wait, he's a fucking cuck?

>he had a child of his own
So you were a step cuck?
what a faggot

Cucked from beyond the grave

>it's extremely important for kids to have both a father and mother figure growing up to end up being well adjusted.

I disagree. My dad was killed when I was a few months old and I was raised by my mom. I grew up fine.

>raised by a cuck
That explains the new generation of beta nu-males. Cucks are everywhere and they're raising children

>i speak in Sup Forums memes


Does this drawing turn you on?

I mean it's definitely possible to end up normal without both parents but more often than not people end up with some issues. But then again that could just be shitty culture nowadays


No it ain't. I have neither a father nor mother figure and I'm fine.

Its a drawn picture. No. I like real women.

I do it for the (You)s.
Thank (You).

Statistically, no you didn't.

>27 year old white male, tall with a pretty face but overweight, not obese

>would rate myself a 6 out of 10

>only women interested in me are 30-35 year old single mothers

>don't want to raise another mans child, want a child of my own seed

Guess I will be single forever

You should just leave Sup Forums. This place is full of literal children that don't understand the real world because they've been sheltered their whole life.

>tfw my dad raised my half-sister and she's super smart and successful, but im an autistic dropout NEET
is this the power of cuck genes

>le no one here is 'fine' jokez

Considering people with both parents can end up shitty and fucked up. I did fine.


Nah. You're a failure. You're shitposting on Sup Forums and haven't had sex yet.

>I grew up fine.
>Posts on this site.

Anyway, how's your cuck life?

Nice projecting bruh, I'm sure you're super successful in life.

You're a fucking queer, dude.

Growing up with a single mother is worse than growing up with a step dad. More often than not, you end up real fucked up and usually a closeted faggot. Liberals/jews try to push that it's possible but it's not. The atomic family is the key to success.

Aw, did I hurt your feelings?

>but overweight
That's why. Put down the fork and lose the weight. Why would anybody be with you when they can be with somebody else?

You have to remember that you're competing with others of your species. Yes, somebody should like you for who you are, but that doesn't imply if who you are isn't desirable.

>youre on the internet you are totally not fine!

Im perfectly well adjusted. I understand sympathy, empathy, love, humor, being mature, and know I am allowed to be on Sup Forums without being a shitty human being


>OP being a faggot episode

I hate reruns

>da joos!
How to spot an autistic manchild 101

Suck a dick dude bruh

Sure, whatever 'facts' float your boat.


>and know I am allowed to be on Sup Forums without being a shitty human being
You sound like the average Redditor who visits.


What's your problem? He's a decent person that loves his famalam

t. Tyrone Nigginz

But user, I dont use reddit or visit it. So what now?

.t Sholomo

get mad, kike faggot.

The fact that he understands that posting on a website doesn't equate to an identity just proves that he's right and you're not.

He feels that he is a person outside of Sup Forums, yet here you are telling him that he's a "Redditor" as if that conflicts with the supposed identity that you feel he should have as a "Sup Forums user."

>All these cucks, cuck babies, and cuck sympathizers ITT.


I'm white.

oh man that was a good one.. here's your (you)

I did lose weight few years ago, was a lot thinner when i was 24 , but years of sedentary work and honestly not giving a shit did its thing, i just don't have the motivation for diet and gym hitting AGAIN.

Funny since people that i know of my age are in similar position, we all gained weight over the last couple of years, i guess that's how it goes here.

Being on Sup Forums is a sign you are a shitty human being

>Caring about e-celebs personal lives