People actually enjoy this series

>People actually enjoy this series

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t. jealous pcuck


3 > 2 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 1

user, you are supposed to shitpost about Zelda, not Uncharted. Did you miss the private message in the raid chat?

>3 the best
Opinion discarded

The majority of gamers are casuals.
Even on Sup Forums the majority of people have very mundane tastes.

You shouldn't find this sort of thing surprising. The only way of playing good games is to play indie stuff or to learn Japanese.

I like how everyone was talking about how great Gears is when that game died down but now that it's popular again it's gonna be called shit. Uncharted will die down and when Gears hits it's gonna be reversed.

t. weeb rpg player

2 > 4 >>>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1

Well, there are two main factors that affect whether a game is good or not:
- is it an RPG?
- is it from Japan?

Any person playing good video games would therefore be a "weeb rpg player" if you're keen on trying to demean them.

They're good for a playthrough, except maybe the first one. The first one was just really fucking clunky with dumb jetski levels and terrible bullet sponge enemies.

U2 is still the height of the series as a whole, the Madagascar chase in U4 might be the height of the series as a setpiece, although it kind of just piggybacks on U2's mountain chase, was spoiled at E3, and had a really unsatisfying follow-up sequence.

Name your favorite video game, +1 points if it's cool and not mainstream xD

2 = 3 > 4 > 1

This ain't up for debate.

I think if the gameplay wasn't mediocre covershooting and jumping from ledge to ledge it would be a lot better.
Haven't played through all of the series yet, only played up to 2 so far, but the gameplay is the one thing that keeps me from enjoying these games

the only thing I enjoyed was multiplayer

Gb2 Reddit console war babby

I enjoyed 2, although it was the only one I played in the series.

I'm not 12, I don't have a "favorite video game".
I've played more games than I can possibly remember.

3 is definitely not equal to 2 and definitely not better than 4. 3 is the absolute worst at pacing and plot cohesion. Its pacing is fucking trash and some of its setpieces consist of Drake literally fistfighting waves of pirates. It is just a punch of setpieces cobbled together into a hideous Frankenstein's monster.

t. jealous and mad pcuck

>my copy of the Nathan Drake Collection just arrived

feels good mon

For some reason the insane amount of climbing in 4 completely made me hate the series. I was mixed on it before but that just broke me.

>people get upset over what video games other play?


>MGS of western vidya.
>Sup Forums hates it.

2 > 1 > 3 > 4

Egoraptor hates it

False, 3 is fantastic and even better than 2 in some cases.

Damn, that's a pretty convincing argument for it being a good series.

wtf I love Uncharted now!

That faggot hates everything.

But I'm aware Cr1Tikal hates it.

>tfw you try Brutal difficulty
It should really be called "unbalanced, we honestly didn't test this shit difficulty". It's such fucking bullshit at times. You can literally die in a cutscene at several parts. The only way to avoid death before you regain control is to, and I'm not joking, get lucky and hope no one shoots you twice before you regain control after a scene.

2>4>golden abyss>1>3

he doesn't hate it
he thought the game was okay, but overrated

3 is better than 1 and GB

>Best Uncharted game
2 > GA > 1 > 3 > 4

>Best overall game
2 > 4 > GA > 3 > 1

curious what people didn't like abou 1, it didnt have the same epic scale as the later ones sure but it was cohesive and everything was nicely foreshadowed and made sense (with the exception of rando mercs already being in newly-opened ancient catacomb areas)

Compare to 3, which is so obviously just a sting of cool-looking setpieces with a story built around them where you spend like 5 hours in bumfuck nowhere on a ship for no real reason.

Also those fucking mutant spaniard chapters in 1 are the goddamn scariest things in a non-horror video game I've ever seen.

I loved 1 but the games kept getting better and better.

The series is okay for what it is - a vidya version of a dumb popcorn flick.
You can turn off your brain and shoot some people in various locations. That's good enough some times. It's the same shit with stuff like Far Cry 3/4 and Assassin's Creed. Dumb entertainment.

Nothing wrong with enjoying that once in a while. Sometimes you're not in the mood for anything deeper than that. However, they are not great series - it's just wasting some time on some casual games.

Better than Zelda.

Honestly, as someone who has played every game in series 2+ times, I have no fucking clue. 1 is just fine, yet for some reason people act like it's completely irredeemable dogshit when compared to the others, which is absurd since they're all almost identical in terms of gameplay

The shooting, climbing and movement in general felt very clunky in 1. That's my only real gripe.

time enjoyed is not time wasted.

What isn't better than Zelda?

Because it was a chore to play. Waves of bullet sponge enemies, not even cursory attempts at stealth, tedious upriver jetski dodge the explosive barrel sections, and fucking sixaxis grenade controls.

>I only play deep games like Nier and Undertale aimed to mature gamers such as myself

1 is good, the others are even better.

It's bad if you suck at vidya, 1 is the hardest so people hate it because they can't git gud.

I mean, It's not hard to enjoy really. It's fun. I mean, it's a shallow, easy, and incredibly linear, but it doesn't shy away from what it is.

I'm legitimately confused as how many people love it as much as they do though. I mean, I like it, but I'm baffled by how many people see Uncharted as their favorite game ever.

Except everything he said was true.

The entire pirate section had nothing to do with the rest of the game. The game generally suffers from not really being a cohesive experience.

Those games are okay if you can find them for 10$ or less.

that shit was easy as fuck though.

Yeah, could have used some better word. Spending time on some casual games. I didn't mean it as anything negative.

I play a lot of different games. There's a reason I mentioned AC and Far Cry - I've played all of them.
I enjoy some more casual games once in a while. But I don't think they're great games.
This room was fucking cheating on crushing difficulty

Uncharted 4 actually made me realize I'm so fucking over cinematic video games.

I've enjoyed every installment up until that point. But set pieces and impressive cutscenes do nothing for me anymore.

I didn't say it was hard, I said it was a chore. It was a boring slog. As far as stories go, I'm completely fine with 1 because it didn't try vista hopping and it had the most Elena, but playing it was tedious.

Why are you trying to turn this into a dick measuring contest?



I don't know about that, yeah it's filler, but the Sully and Nate storyline is one of the best in the series.

Marlow was cool and so was that lost city at the end.

1 slightly out of place section doesn't ruin a 13 hour game...

You sure you mean it?

Leave, Fujo.

The lost city section was awful, you go there, shoot some djinn (who are regular enemies on fire) and then the place falls apart after 10 minutes.

That's pretty much Uncharted 2 which had bullet sponge enemies instead.

It was fine. The final fight was pretty exciting too.

>Choose hard difficulty
... Okay, the game wasn't bullshitting for a change.

Just wait until you get to Crushing... or Brutal

When did I ever say that I liked the ending sequence of Uncharted 2?

How does it feel that your parents wished they used a condom instead of creating a loser weeb fat faggot

You didn't, I'm just saying it's more of the same, which is a good thing.

I assumed you liked 2 like everyone else.

2 >>>>>> 4 > 3 >>>> 1

Stop fucking assuming things, you moron.

That 3 repeated the mistake of 2 (having a shit ending sequence) doesn't make it good. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?

Fucking this.

3 was a shit game.

I had to reduce the difficulty (not that it actually makes the game any more difficult) so that I wouldn't waste my time sitting behind cover killing the million bullet sponge enemys that spawn in multiple waves in literally every room.

The pirate shit dragged on forever though since you had to go through the entire shipyard before jumping onto the ship.

Cue the sinking ship setpiece.

Then as soon as Drake washes up on shore, no time for bit to unwind after an intense setpiece! Immediately get to stowing away on a plane by catching up to it before it takes off! One second for breather here before a henchman randomly finds you crawling around in the ventwork and then the plane basically implodes due to repeated negligence by the bad guys! Then you get a vision quest-esque sequence which is really bad and jarringly cut together, and then while searching for water at death's door, you get a small sip and suddenly an ENTIRE MERCENARY CAMP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS DOOR IN THE QUIET DESERTED TOWN! Straight into a scene from the Mummy where dudes on horseback swoop in with rocket launchers and save you.

It's such a mess of a game. The second-in-command henchman seems to be immortal one second, seemingly getting shot and mindfucking your crew, but then he starts running away from you the second you flip a table so we can have a haphazard market chase.

You're right about Marlowe being a bright spot in the game, and I liked Charlie, for the small amount of time he was around, but the game overall was a dumb mess of setpieces that were made before anyone even had a reason for them to exist.

Except the Guardians of UC2 were much shorter and you could kill by a crossbow anyway

and you mostly fight Lazarevic's troops in that last section anyway, and they had some logical explanation other than "dude magic lmao"



Its not bad but i've never seen it as impressive
>Cinematic as fuck with tons of events that are scripted as fuck hell even alot of battles designed to be played in one way and one way only
>Gameplay is basically mediocre TPS not even half as good as Gears more like a better RE6 in that way
>Story is just Indiana Jones with more grit

I just want to know what makes it special. Even to normies is the cinematic feel of it enough? Is it really enough to make up for the unengaging gunplay and simple plot. Do people actually think these B tier movie twists are impressive?

In what way?

git gud

No, everything he mentioned is perfectly sound criticism.

Oh shit, a youtube video by some literally who.

>haha git gud casuell xDD

The game is exactly as difficult to complete on brutal as it is on easy it just takes ages because you need a 1000 bullets for every enemy and there spawn at least 30 in every room.

Also bragging with an Uncharted trophy on an anonymous image board might be the most pathetic thing I've seen all week.

>I wasted my time with bullet sponge enemies
>beating a game on hard mode means the game is good

Not really, it's just a slow dude who can't keep up with the pacing.


For what they're worth, they're impressive tech demos with a gorgeous aesthetic. It's a shame they're Sony exclusive though which means no mods or benchmarks.

This is the kind of game you would've rented at blockbuster back in the day to beat in a single sitting.

I think the issue comes from how broad the term video game is. you get games like these that focus more on the writing, causing the gameplay to be very stale by the end. the same issue goes for the bioshock games (mainly infinite), and now we have shit like telltale games which are virtually interactive movies

ITT: absolute plebs and casuals

Gotta be more subtle with your b8.

I guess you could call them the equivalent to a feature-length unreal engine demo.

You're right I've probably seen more pathetic things this week.

>can't keep up with the pacing

The point of pacing is that everything isn't breakneck. Without lows, you don't have highs. If you don't have things to contrast the high octane action setpieces against, you become desensitized to them. Maybe it's something you don't notice if you're just playing a game in very short bursts, where you play one setpiece at a time and just quit for a while before you tackle the next one, but playing for extended periods it just becomes dull.

sounds like a personal problem, I've never heard people having this much of an issue problem with the pacing.

also that air plane set piece was an homage to The Living Daylights.

I didn't

>climbing section
>fighting section

Rinse and repeat.

>sounds like a personal problem
It's not, it's actually basic narratology.

It's just a basic for creating a story. It's something that works as a subtle way of molding a person's experience in the story. Most people don't really understand how pacing works under the hood of a story, like the guy who thought my problem with the pacing was that I couldn't keep up with it.

>everything needs to go like this
It has fast pacing and most people don't have a problem with it. So yes, it is a personal problem.

Uncharted 2 is legitimately a really good TPS. It has some of the best level/environment design to be found in the genre.

Uncharted 3 was a step down from 2 and I haven't played the others

I dont understand the hype: clunky shooting saved by cinematic experience. But hey if people enjoy that let them have fun.

Most people also 3 a lot less than 2, so I don't know if the appeal to popular opinion really means anything for you.

Strong pacing is what makes 2 so damn engaging. There's probably an entire hour of non-stop action from when you're trying to board the train until the final gunfight in the snow, but the game has the sense to have a slow-paced village exploration bit to let the player breathe and decompress after all the action. 2 takes the village exploration and then slowly ramps up with cave exploration, giant cave puzzle, into yetis into another high-octane action scene with the village being invaded, Cat and Mouse, and the mountain truck chase.

Then it decompresses again by having a slower, quieter bit that again ramps up. It's just basic shit. You're right that not everything has to go like that all the time, but 3 is just nonstop and it gets really fucking boring. The only downtime afforded is through short cutscenes that dump you out the other side in another action scene.

And most of this stuff is heavily exacerbated by the fact that Uncharted is modeling itself after action movies.

the animations though