GOTY (Game of the Year) 2015 as decided by critics and consumers alike

GOTY (Game of the Year) 2015 as decided by critics and consumers alike.

Well deserved. 2015 was putrid shit and this was the least shit.

you gonna keep postin this webm?

Fine, I'll talk.

I played some of this. Thought it was unfun floaty garbage with movement worse than GTA5. Played the previous two in the Witcher series, and I consider this a huge downgrade in gameplay. It's uncontrollable batman arkham garbage, and very few of the game's features actually work as intended.
Quit after having fun with Geralt's upper body's animation being frozen in a retarded pose for over 30 minutes, while riding horse and during combat.

Why in God's name is it considered GOTY?

It's 2016

>Why in God's name is it considered GOTY?
It's the least smelly turd in a sea of turds.

Yeah, it was a good game, after all. Minor flaws changes nothing

That would be Bloodborne.

Bloodborne was released in 2015.
Rocket League was released in 2015.
Splatoon and Super Mario Maker were released in 2015.
If you want a stupid open world game, you could put Metal Gear Solid V for GOTY.
Fuck, I'd put Undertale on the top of the list before Witcher. That's a less smelly turd than this one. Excluding the fanbase.

>Gone Home wins GOTY
>"it's fucking bullshit, GOTY means nothing, fuck these casuals"
>The last of us wins GOTY
>"fucking sony fanboy faggots, shit game, enjoy your movie!"
>The Witcher 3 wins GOTY
>Posted constantly and used to brag

I've yet to play it, but the logic on this board is fucking retarded. This isn't a "Sup Forums is one person", but it's a generally what is parroted here.

Nice bait senpai but it's kinda dull at this point.

>I've yet to play it

>I've yet to play it
Then your opinion is irrelevant.

Still better than 2012-2014 and looking to be better than this year

Do you realise my post wasn't in regards to the quality of the game? Or are you illiterate?

>Hal Life 2 won GOTY
>Mario Galaxy won GOTY
Anyone could destroy your argument under 2 seconds yet you still keep posting

His argument isn't about the game

>i don't get the 'logic' of people liking a game i didn't play

Seems to me that' you're just an autist.

Why does the fact that games Sup Forums likes wins some GOTY awards change how generally people on here feel towards games they don't like winning? You can't give credibility to something if it only supports your point when it's convenient and disregard it when it isn't.

Again, my post isn't about the quality of the game. I'm not saying it didn't deserve GOTY, that's not my point at all.

I don't understand why you people still do this. And you know exactly how pathetic it is.

Wow, your shitty list is simple proof that 2015 was awful.

>rocket league
>nintoddler shit

You're just bitching to bitch

So you didn't understand my post, thanks for clarifying. Dumbass.

>why does the fact that games Sup Forums likes wins some GOTY awards change how generally people on here feel towards games they don't like winning? You can't give credibility to something if it only supports your point when it's convenient and disregard it when it isn't.

Baiting people like you for laughs

>the worst kind of opinion

>Why does the fact that games Sup Forums likes wins some GOTY awards change how generally people on here feel towards games they don't like winning? You can't give credibility to something if it only supports your point when it's convenient and disregard it when it isn't.
I've read this 3 times and still don't know what the fuck you talking about

>the whole combat system is basically spam mb1 peasant tier
>minor flaws

I'm stating to believe people are ironically liking this game or it's fucking neo/v/ shitting up the board.

The combat is fucking repetitive.
The downgrade is real.
Soundtrack is comic(ALALALALAA LEYEYEYEYE).
And don't even get me started on the witcher senses medieval detective fucking bitch mode.


Missed some punctuation, but you should get the gist. Giving credibility to the GOTY awards when it supports your taste in gaming and disregarding/shitting on them when games you dislike win GOTY is retarded. Yet Sup Forums will criticize awards for games like Gone Home and TloU winning while using GOTY awards as an achievement for The Witcher.

Not him, but you might be dumb. He's also wrong though, because there's no universal "GOTY"

There's obviously no universal GOTY, but it's generally decided on Sup Forums that whichever gets the most GOTY awards is considered to be media's GOTY. Hence why The Witcher 3 is always stated as GOTY 2015, even though Fallout 4, MGS V and Bloodborne won many themselves.

They were both better crafted on an objective level. What they set out to do WORKS and is well done.

It's nothing but a fucking bonus that they're actually fun and engaging.

Baiting people like me into what? Calling you out on your bait?

That's probably a pretty fulfilling laugh you're having.

>That bitrate

Learn how to make proper webm jesus christ.

There are more than one GOTY awards, Bloodborne also won GOTY but only because gave it to its exclusive game.
Also it's not like Oscars where the same group of judges decides it every year, any magazine from literally who and give a GOTY award to games they like.
People here like it when games they think deserving won it and vice versa, it's just knee jerk reaction, nothing complicated about it.


>combat system is everything that makes a game worth playing
Go fucking replay your Dark Shit edgelord

>>Gone Home wins GOTY
>>"it's fucking bullshit, GOTY means nothing, fuck these casuals"
>>The last of us wins GOTY
>>"fucking sony fanboy faggots, shit game, enjoy your movie!"
>>The Witcher 3 wins GOTY
>>Posted constantly and used to troll and berate CDProjekt fans

fixed that for you

Is this with the potion that makes drowners not attack?

The fact that there can't be universal goty means that we are free to disregard the winners we don't like as opinions and parade others. And we have the right to do so. It doesn't matter how many media outlets say the same thing, as long as the game at least wins 1 GOTY from something.

Witcher? More like Bitcher.

Yeah because it's a better game than bloodborne or dark souls3

Yes, you're all free to do so, which Sup Forums does. Doesn't mean I can't make an observation about how retarded it is when people do it all the time.

It's really not. What do you get out of lying?

Nah I think he's just lured the drowner to the limit of the treasure he's guarding.

>troll and berate CDProjekt fans
Except it's witcher fans that bring it up

>game is about tracking giant monsters and other stuff and killing them
>violence and combat are a big part of the witchers' lore
I guess the part of the game that is normally the most engaging and thought-provoking isn't really important?

Oh wait... Maybe you just like following brightly lit paths laid out for you to find more brightly lit paths. I bet the quests where every step starts with "Use your Witcher Senses to..." are your favorite.

Goty doesnt mean shit ever
even if my favorite game of the year wins it

Weak GOTY. Might be true. 2015 was a bad year.

DS3 was released in 2016, dingleberry.

I love how much this game triggers Sup Forums. Besides, that webm is a AI glitch, normally those things rush you if you're within like 30m

I agree, but a lot of Sup Forums thinks otherwise.

>dodge and attack
>repeat at nauseam
>Hold [scrotum] to activate witcher senses
>repeat at nauseam


Literally no one here gives a fuck about GOTY awards.
The only times the awards mentioned is when they use it to bash a game because some shit games also happened to win it

Pretty good game, actually.
On NG+ now, haven't even started the DLCs.

>people are still mad at this game

Suck shit, weeb

That's not my experience with Sup Forums.

This game is not perfect, but i'm enjoying it. I'm searching for an immersive world, you're searching for gameplay, that's fine.

>light attack
>strong attack
>spining attack
>charged attack

What aaa game has actually complex gameplay? Most people find witcher pretty, polished and fun, which is all you can hope for from today's industry

im sorry to inform you that actually Overwatch is GOTY

It will also be GOTY 2016, stay salty. One of the best games ever made.

In terms of public reception its the best rated RPG since Baldurs Gate 2.

>dodge and attack
>repeat at nauseam
The same can be said for 99% of third person action games.

It's mine. I never see threads unironically using goty awards as some objective measure of quality unless it's bootyblasted console war babbys complaining about the winner

>calm, reasonable response
I see. Carry on.



Learn to read fucktard

bloodborne fan still hurt i see.

The combat itself is actually pretty good, the only thing it's really lacking is enemy variety.

They don't have enough attacks, ways to tackle them, or combination of enemies to deal with that make each encounter new.

But otherwise it's pretty good. Head above most games I've played.

sorry, I meant to say GOTYEY

Every Witcher thread
>OP posted glitched webms or retarded greentext
>someone posted legit reply to counter the argument
>posts got ignored, OP continued to shitpost for 10 minutes then disappeared

lengthy open world games have glitches and bugs?

say it aint so

Not to mention all the stat based combat items like oils and runes which are meant to be utilized heavily by the player, although I have a feeling most people gloss over alchemy altogether and miss out on the added dynamic

meme game
meme thread
meme life

because it samefags.

The Witcher 3 gets so many great patches and has a god tier story.

It even support so many different languages and the graphics is the best I have seen.

At first I thought the game is garbage, but after 30 hours it was perfect!

There are thousands of RPGs with worse combat than TW3 but only a couple with better. Here you are hung up on hating this one for its combat when the effort and labor put into making this a product worth playing are apparent.

If you don't want to see developers even try in video games then go on, hate The Witcher 3. We can have more Gamebryo games out of Bethesda and those will always be there for you.

At least CDPR had the self respect to make their own engine, Bethesda didn't; and has all the funds available to do so. But that's the status quo you defend here.

The combat isn't the only selling point. Bloodborne can be described the exact same way but i bet you think that deserves GOTY.

>public reception
>since Baldurs Gate 2

You mean since Skyrim, right? You normies loved that as much as Witcher 3.

It's not even better than Total Warhammer to be GOTY this year. The WoW of FPS games.

didn't play it

Skyrim certainly has more sales but not as high of public ratings.

>E-everyone who likes things I don't is a normie

Such a stupid "insult"

It's like you revel in being an autistic loser with shit taste in video games

bloodborne 30 fps game.

play on tv for more input lag.

so much for a hardcore game.

It's just a bunch of Polish shills. This series is literally the only notable thing that country has produced.

>tfw the real reason i don't like Witcher is because i have to play as some retarded, deaf, mute, stupid, edgy, stereotypical looking old white dude that wears the dumbest clothes

i just hate how he looks and the man bun pony tail things kill me. would rather have the voiced protag of Fallout, just let me change my appearance for god's sake.

a rehash of a 6 year old game
>Rocket League
Flavor of the month Twitch bait
>Splatoon and Super Mario Maker
nintoddler garbage, especially Splatoon
unfinished game that Konami killed

None of these are better than TW3, which actually had some effort and heart put into it.

But can you climb that mountain?

Actually a lot of action games have pretty varied combat mechanics, like Arkham you have a range of gadgets, movesets and have to counter different types of enemies with different moves.
The only action games that are actually just smashing the same button are the SoulsBorne games.

You're doing the same exact thing right now, crying TW3 got 300 GOTY awards so essentially everything is right with the world by your logic.

Aside from the fact that you're mad a developer cared about their consumer getting a good product and that makes you the very cancer that should be purged with fire everywhere you rear your head.

>witcher 3
>a rehash of a shitty GTA
i can do it too

You think witcher 3 was only bought and talked about by polish shills?

The difference really isn't that remarkable and as you say, maybe when Witcher 3 reaches those sales they will even out. Skyrim is undoubtedly the other casual flagship RPG.

And it's not an insult, normie. It's like you want me to think you're an autist on top of having shit taste in video games.

what went so fucking wrong, bros?

i am literally shaking with rage right now

Geralt's pretty smart
Geralt has better hearing than normal human
Great's pretty talkative
Geralt is pretty smart
Geralt's never edgy, can't think of one moment where he isn't a sacrastic asshole
>stereotypical looking old white dude that wears the dumbest clothes
Just take off his clothes then
> and the man bun pony tail things kill me.
You can change his hairstyle

That comparison doesnt even make sense. The only thing in common is the open world. Whereas mgsv really was unfinished and executed by konami. And splatoon really is marketed towards 5 year olds

They are the ones making threads bragging about all the goty awards they won.

> It's like you want me to think you're an autist on top of having shit taste in video games.

This isn't 4th grade, "I know you are but what am I" doesn't work here especially when you obviously have some of the worst taste in video games.

I bet you play Disgaia and other trash for retarded fags who will never reproduce.

Too bad unless an indie game sells millions it would never be considered for GOTY by retarded game outlets. There were some really amazing indie games to be released in 2015 and years prior that were honestly much better than the witcher 3 and shit.

>The combat is fucking repetitive.
Name, one, ONE fucking game when this isn't so.

Yeah, nah.

>it totally doesn't work here but NO U!!! >:(

Comedy gold. I wonder what it would elicit out of an autist like you if it did "work."

I bet you think Witcher 3 is a decent game. Oh wait, you actually fucking do. Embarrassing.