What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Open world

Feminism and the people denying its impact.

open world

Why else would she look like an ape

yeah this

unsuprisingly the story is one of the sexist things I have ever seen

Open world needs to die

is this real

I think the verdict in IGN's review summarizes how everyone feels perfectly.



>Feminist punches a person for telling the truth
DC predicted Donald Trump rallies

It's as real as Squirrel Girl educating Galactis on pronouns and Captain America being a nazi.

Anita and her army of beta cuck nu-males, feminazis, tumblrinas, triggly puffs, SJW, transfats, and faggots

Fuck this earth.

Literally nothing. It's as fun and engaging as the first game. Comfy as fuck.

>this comic

>I can't have super powers because Y chromosome
Wow, could DC be any shittier than Marvel?

comics literally say that trump is hitler.

not joking the literally made said that people that support his views are terrorists

so it´s not like the would feel bad about that

Someone post the real version where she looks like a true nigger.

>Not physically
So you're not hurt. Have a good day.

When did women get the idea that assault meant more than, you know, assault?

requesting unedited version

that actualyl is Marvel.

they are both bad but Marvel is by far the worst.

at least DC sometimes let´s their white, male characters still act heroic and every now and then has a slightly attractive looking female costume unlike Marvel that is full tumblr now where are all white, straight men are either useless or evil

Open world, honestly.

I loved the first game, but this game is pretty boring.

>Literally tumblr art style
>A self-loathing man who hates men
>Literally, "I hate men." "I agree" dialogue
>The whole page of the comic is about some ungrateful cunt's boyfriend buying her tickets but then throwing them away, and she sees it as some sort of loss on her part, like she's owed either going to the show or the money for the tickets now
Do I need to repeat that this comic claims men are the worst while depicting feminists as the worst?


Open world. Same thing that ruins most games now.

>scalping tickets is also illegal but they don't call her on that

>using the word "mansplain" unironically

that simply is what happens if it is only ok to voice one kind of political opinion.

the left have turned into absolute nazis during 8 years of obama because nobody fought back. nobody dared to speak up when their speech got more and more insane. saying "kill all white men" is actually a perfectly reasonable statement according to the left

it´s only going to get worse if hilary wins the election as well

>it´s only going to get worse if hilary wins the election as well

But user the left preferred bernie over hilary

Women should be treated like cattle. Put them in a cell and only let them out to fuck, cooking meals and clean up the room.
It's a shame women are allowed to play videogames.
I had many girflriends and none of them where good at videogames. I'm not being sarcastic.

This is why I became an independent, both sides have gone off the deep end.

>What went wrong?

They have no clue about what actually makes games fun and listened to the wrong people's opinions (e.g. that the original was too hard, that free running is inherently fun and that it needed more combat sequences).

If they had been smart they would have used a more popular setting like a decaying cyberpunk or gothic city and made faith some sort of thief or assassin who uses her freerunning abilities for proper game-play like finding unusual ways into buildings for a robbery/assassination and running away from the ninja guards who can also free run and chase you down.
The plot could have been pretty much anything with a conspiracy, but a thief or hitman style scenario would have filled a niche a bit better than "some generic evil corporate bullshit or something" did.

Essentially they wasted a massive amount of potential by making terrible decisions with mirriors edge and not learning from that AT ALL. Now the whole franchise is probably dead forever, knowing EA.


it's already released?

Here's the thing

Obama steered the car towards the cliff at 35 miles per hour.

Hillary will accelerate that car to 80 mph.

However, Trump will accelerate that car to only 55 mph, but at the same time, Trump is going to destroy the only brakes.

Whether you're for Hillary or Trump, they're both going to make America worse. Hillary is going to make America more than twice as awful as it is now, but at least she won't destroy the brakes.

If conservatives get into office with Trump, America will never vote for another conservative candidate ever again. He will irreversibly destroy their reputation. People will vote liberal the following election in a reactionary way and it'll put the final nail in America's coffin.

If Hillary gets in, conservatives will have enough time to build a DECENT candidate for the following election. People will reactionary vote against liberals, all conservatives have to worry about is not fucking everything up.

It's all about balance and understanding that sometimes you need to cut the arm off to prevent the gangrene from spreading to your heart.

You weren't part of the closed beta, bro?

What the beta was for exactly, I have no fucking clue. But there was one.

>Make a sequel to a game EIGHT years after the original game was made
>Make the sequel a prequel, when everything was already established in the first game and the first game ended to set up for a sequel.


>America will never vote for another conservative candidate ever again.

People need to accept that the GOP is/was totally out of touch with the American people and the American people will never vote for a GOP anointed candidate ever again regardless of whether Trump wins.
There's a pretty good reason why only 30% of Americas identified as republicans prior to the rise of trump and it's not because the majority of people are now leftists.

Catalyst is a straight up reboot, though

Hype died before it was even confirmed, desu

or you can look at it like most people do: Trump is America's last hope

I think making Mirror's Edge about killing makes it inherently gaudy, and I didn't like it in one. It ought to be about robust parkour mechanics with something to break up the pacing. Combat just fills the void, and should have been designed that way.

It would have been cool to set this installment as a sequel to the original.

One where the city slowly decayed into unclean 80's cyberpunk city scapes as the authority figures lose their grip on the city.

They could present an actual intelligent concept of "power figures are bad but actually held the city together" vs "freedom is inherently good but carries its own problems such as unruliness/instability/decay".

I wouldn't even mind them having the cliché "freedom is always the right choice" ending. But they had a chance to make an actual engaging game and blew it. They listened to fans to cater to a subjective market. Problem is, you can't so this in any medium of entertainment - from TV to music to cinema. You either sell a brand , like Blizzard did with their Warcraft film, or you sell IPs. You can't make something unoriginal like this game and expect people to gobble it up without engaging in them in some way. They failed because they took the wrong market approach : SJW points rarely translate into sales.

nah the GOP is just a bunch of losers. they are going to die nowether if Trump wins or not.

I don´t even know if Trump is going to be a better president then Clinton or not politcal speaking but socially speaking I know that people would finally able to speak openly again under a Trump as president

white men would finally be able to openly call out feminists and their sexist bullshit.
white and black people could finally have a serious conversation about black on black crime without people screaming "racist"

trump winning would be a death sentences to pc censorship and shame tactics because he would be the perfect proof that it doesn´t work and that the public had enough of it

and hey maybe the left would stop pushing all the sjw bullshit after a mayor lose, who knows?
political parties tend to change the most after a mayor loss

it would be nice for once to read a spiderman comic again without being told that I´m a sexist, privileged shitlord that will never be as good as all the "perfect women"

>Like most people

Like 7 out of 10 Americans don't like Trump, the guy has 0 moderate support and won't beat Hillary. He does have a ton more hardcore fans compared to Hillary but that doesn't matter considering moderates won't vote for him.

The religious right has them by the balls, plus you need to all stick 100% to their main talking points to even be in their party. I respect Trump for fucking over the RNC but he really can't win.

trump tends to beat polls because people fear social backlash for supporting Trump

people have literally losed their job simply for having none left politcal views

>according to libshit polls

trump will eviscerate hillary in every debate

Freerunning simply to get places is not interesting to the vast majority of people, which is why catalyst has performed so poorly sales-wise.
People don't play games like ASS creed, dishonored, dyinglight or just cause for the acrobatics, they play them because the gameplay mixes combat and acrobatics. People who actually like just freerunning a generic obstacle course are a tiny minority, which is why the first game had a soft reception and the second one was DOA.

Hi Ben Shapiro's copypasta.
>He will irreversibly destroy their reputation.
He's not a GOP supported candidate, and I think the opposite will happen.
Bush's presidency was traumatic. It was traumatic in a way that allowed the left to get anyone they wanted in, no matter what.
Now people have no idea what its like to be under a rupublican like bush. The left has turned them into a very boogyman that needs to break. In a few years, people will be able to vote having lived in an america ruled entirely by the left and their propaganda, and that's not an uphill battle anyone is going to be able to win. It will be over. Conservatives will become irrelevant. People overestimate the powers of the executive branch, even if Obama spent his entire term bolstering them.
>People will reactionary vote against liberals
And we should beleive this is going to happen why? Most of Obamas greatest crimes go completely uncovered by over 50% of the media because he's black president. Imagine woman president that everyone feels bad about because Bill cheated on her.
>she won't destroy the brakes
Quite the contrary, Ben Shapiro's copypasta, in the next couple of years, our supreme justices are being changed, and they've already set a precedent for that being where the real power to interpret and enforce law comes from. I know god damn well Ben's game, and he's planning to ride the bomb all the way to the moon.

>Freerunning simply to get places is not interesting to the vast majority of people, which is why catalyst has performed so poorly sales-wise.
I love it when Sup Forumstards blatantly lie

>ven with some tough new competition, Overwatch managed to stay in first place for a third straight week, “just beating off the challenge” from newcomer Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, which debuted in 2nd.

It's as appealing as the first game. Anyone that says otherwise is fucking retarded. The people complaining about the game atm are retards like yourself, and the speedrunning community who are legitimately complaining because there aren't any glitches in the game (like kickglitch in medge).

Mirrors edge was ridiculously more involved than those are, and you are often under fire. I'm talking in a macro sense. The idea of Mirror's edge being turned into a Rambo simulator disgusts me.

He's losing in like every poll currently.

Trump hasn't actually won a debate, all he does is act outlandish while everyone else tries to act like a politician. He's never made any noteworthy points in his rantings. Anyone really impressed by Trump's debate skills might be autistic.

Those poor guys saying that open world plus parkour will be great.

>le autism xD Xd
>le Trump is Hitler xD

leddit is that way

so the new mirror's edge is bad?

is it even worth pirating when that inevitably happens?

>it's a communist shills on Sup Forums episode

getting tired of this one tbqh

it uses denuvo

>Implying I ever mentioned my political standing
>Implying I ever called Trump racist or compared him to Hitler

Careful moving those strawmen, wouldn't want you to harm your fragile arms.

If I can't pirate it, I won't buy it.

Pseudo open-world and unlocks.

>I love it when Sup Forumstards blatantly lie
Overwatch is the only recent game released on playstation and mirror's edge couldn't beat it, despite overwatch already out of its two week high sales window. All that chart shows is that it beat a game that's been on shelves for over a month and given that EA is reportedly not happy with sales already, well...

>The idea of Mirror's edge being turned into a Rambo simulator disgusts me.

Is dishonored or asscreed a rambo simulator?

you can always distinguish a liberal from the rest by their unrelated, unfunny and feminine retorts

>wouldn't want you to harm your fragile arms

what sort of socially retarded cuck would say something like this in an argument?

why are leftists so braindead, Sup Forums? are they a lower form of human?


Move unlocks, changed Faith's appearance to be more safe, unlikeable characters
Also DICE/EA tried to pander to the loudest minority that doesn't buy or play games


>say it doesnt sell well
>it sells well
>just spout rhetoric
Your post is useless.

>it's another "piracy HELPS the industry" episode

It's an anonymous image board, bro. Nobody gives a shit about your dumb and incorrect stance because you're anonymous, further more, why are you even trying to sound cool with that stance when, again, you're anonymous?

Holy fuck, did this kid just learn what the word anonymous means or some shit? I'm giggling.

which will eventually be cracked. Even if it takes years.

June 7th so yeah


>man saves the woman


I can understand why you want Trump to be president; thinking is hard, so don't be ashamed.

>calls someone socially retarded
>uses the insult cuck

gottem. Nice assumptions and strawmen though.


At least pretend that you're on a computer and can look up the definitions of these words, user.