This single bonfire perfectly describes the level design of Dark Souls 2.
This single bonfire perfectly describes the level design of Dark Souls 2
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Better than having a door that does not open from this side, would be much better if they were all just ladders that needed to be kicked down
>he didn't explore Iron Keep properly
I cant belive they didn't patch that
What about the one right nextdoor to a bunch of archers?
Forget that, what about the Cathedral of the Deep in DS3?
It was game ruining shit with all those fucking knights running around.
I'm more amazed by this, I think it's most useless bonfire ever.
There's another if you kill smelter
Cathedral of the deep was a great zone though, very tight knit despite being entirely based on "door does not open from this side"
Also they're called Cathedral Knights for a reason
What? I never had any issues with bonfires there.
>an interesting optional area that uses interesting architecture to convey its setting?
I think it's intended you kill them 12 times
If you've played this area for more than five minutes you'll know those things are dopey as shit, slow as fuck and barely aggro at mid range
Come on guys, the worst Bonfire in Dark Souls II by far is Straid's Cell; even a DSII apologist like me can't deny the insanity required to pull that one off.
Why did the mummies respawn?
Who reviewed this area and said "looks fine to me"
It's weird how they're human-shaped and yet explode in a weird gas explosion. Their function is not to be a challenge fight; it's to frustrate and impede in a semi-comical way. But a room full of like 7 of them PLUS an NPC who is vulnerable to that damage and stands next to where you spawn in is super bad. Again I think it's meant to educate you to kill them 12 times, but Straid is such an important NPC it's still stupid.
Some of the random undead worshipping there were strong, so they gave them armour and made them knights. Not much more to it.
That bonfire isn't for the iron keep
That bonfire is so you can refill your sunny D
It was intended newfag
If you took that bonfire you had to start iron keep again from dragon rider bonfire
What's the point of this thread? Dark Souls 3 has even more retarded bonfire placement.
It was so that retards like you dont hate their game for being too difficult
Most of that is because of adding boss bonfires
That's what happened with the archives/dragonslayer ones
Boss bonfires were added and not checked
>too stupid to understand the point of that bonfire
You shouldn't be playing DS2 if something like this is even way over your head. Everything they say about the anti DS2 meme mob is true. You're all just a bunch of mouth breathing dimwits.
>It was so that retards like you
What? I have never once complained about the difficulty in any Souls game. I think you are confusing me with someone else.
>unironically defending the worst game Fromsoft has ever done
Dark souls 2 is retarded and you know it. I don't think there's any amount of posts praising it that would change my mind after beating it once at launch
It's just so retarded for all the reasons we already went through in a million threads. yet STILL there are DS2fags who defend it, it's incredible. Got over it a long time ago though, let them rot with that piece of shit game
good game actually
Let me guess, it was your first?
Dark Souls 2 would be the worst Souls game ever... if Slashy Souls didn't exist... what the fuck was that?
Fucking B team
>conflating the artificial difficulty argument with the gripes about horribleness of das2
What a dishonest picture. Really shows how desperate das2fags are now.
A free endless runner as a joke to promote ds3
What the fuck is this
It really isn't.
I'm playing through Scholar of the First Sin as my first experience with Dark Souls 2, and after having played Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3, this game pales in comparison so fucking much. It's like they deliberately made the game frustrating as fuck and swam you with a metric fuckton of enemies just so their game would be hard, and it's artificial at best. They took the meme of Dark Souls being hard and bumped it up to 11 without realizing what they were doing, or they did realize it and they were snickering to themselves.
I've never played any of the Souls games, just seen some "let's plays".
Which one would you recommend for PC?
Another mindless sheep parroting what the Internet says.
I miss those times where people played it for themselves and made up their own minds, and were able to grasp the nuance beneath the surface level.
DaS1 and 3
Ignore 2.
they're all good, but the port of 1 is pretty bad, you'll want to download mods to make it better.
This. Go for the first one.
Ds2 is not a horrible game, it's pretty great compared to today's industry standard
but yes, the weakest of the series
one of my main complains about this game is how fucking lazy some of the rooms and corridors are modeled ingame
there are times where you find yourself walking down some cubic, uninspired, symetric box-looking walls ever seen
just fucking slap a fucking brick texture into a flat vectorial wall
what a fucking joke
I was jelly as fuck, when I was looking at bloodborne footage, where everything blooms with exquisite detail and atmosphere
even a empty room was crowded with assets and layered decoration in walls and floor
tl;dr = level modeling in ds2 is fucking shit
Not that user but I pre-ordered das2 and got all the dlc for pc.
Even got a friend to lend me his xbone so I could play it the month or so earlier it came out for console.
I played the game before you.
It is shit.
I made my mind up during playing it.
It is the worst souls game.
It had fun weapon types and movesets which helped replayability and pvp, but other than that it looks like shit with half finished areas never intended to see the light of day and questionable level design. The DLC optional boss runs are pretty memorable though since they are all bullshit.
5/10 desu senpai
Thanks, friends.
this t b h
fucking YOLO cucks complain about """"artificial difficulty""""
I have the fucking controller in my hands right now playing it for the first time. I occasionally get some semblance of enjoyment, but overall, I'm questioning whether or not if I want to continue. It is in no way a bad game, I've played much, much worse, but it's just so fucking annoying in certain ways that it's hard to get much enjoyment from playing.
If it was intended, then there should have been a taller ledge. It's so fucking stupid because you should easily be able to climb it if it was any other game.
where are you supposed to go after iron king canonically if you exclude DLC area?
shaded woods? black gulch?
why are the screenshots not widescreen?
You don't need to see the whole screen, HURR
Straids Cell? Excuse my idiocy, I just recently started playing DaS2, but the mummies never aggroed me. I just unfroze Straid and let the mummies sit snug.
black gulch, iron keep, sinner's rise and tseldora are done in any order. though the game kind of directs you towards sinner's rise first.
They changed that in scholar
2009 called, m8.
>DS2 is not bad just not the best Souls game
Nah its the best souls game right now, if you think its bad than deep inside you hate DS1 even more but just play because you want to be part of the Myiazaki dick sucking group.
No it doesn't. Retard.
These two bonfires perfectly describes the level design of Dark Souls 3
Only Sup Forumsirgins are retarded enough to claim the director not only doesn'T matter but you are not allowed to like the better game because the director attached to it is better.
It is like saying Terminator 3 is the only good one. If you are being honest with yourself you hate terminator 1 and 2. You are just a james cameron dicksucker.
>Das2 alters the souls formula making it more about individual encounters and putting greater emphasis on spacing and properly timing your attacks
>people who fail to realize this and just try to play it exactly like one get frustraded and call artificial difficulty
but there is still undefendable things like the aldia ogres
Cathedral of the Deep is overall one of the best areas in all of Soulsborne.
Which game had the most disappointing final boss fight.
My vote goes to 2.
They do?
Because the grand archive bonfire is easily the best with all the shortcuts and shit.
And the fact that they didn't break their own rules by still having the Dragonslayer bonfire even though it is useless is also nice.
>I played the game before you.
What a terrible argument. You think that has anything to do with how good the game is?
I could bring up how I have 500+ hours logged but even that is a shit argument.
Stop playing then. If you don't enjoy it, that doesn't make it a bad game. It's also completely valid for you to not enjoy it; but I'm saying when you invest enough time you grow to learn to see the expertise underneath the top layer of the game that new players see and parrot as being "bad". Like polishing a diamond there is so much stuff in Dark Souls II that is just flat out ignored because it's not the way Dark Souls did it.
Most of the stuff the critics say are true; sure: hitboxes are janky at times; the world geography doesn't completely make sense; turning iframes into a stat is questionable; there some weird bonfires in aggro range of enemies; warping from the beginning is questionable; waaahhh you start out as a boy instead of just going straight into the character creation. Yeah, all of those are "issues". But focusing on those things, which are such a small, tiny spin on the Dark Souls formula, instead of focusing on the supremely cool shit like working covenants, Pharros contraptions, immensely improved PvP, powerstancing, improved upgrading system, etc etc, is to undermine not only the work that went into Dark Souls II but also the lessons Dark Souls I gave us.
Scholar of the First Sin changed a bunch of things. Many things like that were good but some of them were just giving in to stupid idiots who didn't understand the game, for example "WHY ARE THERE NO HEIDE KNIGHTS IN HEIDE?" The obvious answer being that knights go on fucking pilgrimages; why would they just hang around where they come from forever?!
DS2's would have been cooler if it were more of a boss rush and you had to fight all the throne of want bosses in a row.
A lot of bosses in DKS2 suck too.. Covetous demon, Prowling magus and Congregatio, the gank squad (those 3 idiots in the DLC) and the jewel of shit
>le Sup Forums contrarian meme
No one could be so retarded as to actually like DS2, right?
Sorta, but the main reason for that bonfire is a closer shortcut to Twin Princes
>mfw using that bonfire near Straid's cell with him being free and standing outside on your right
>when I tried to go out didn't see I aggroed some mummies
>run and roll like a motherfucker ACCIDENTALLY hit Straid with my weapon
>think to myself that I FUCKED UP forever
>get out of that area
>return to it after sometime and Straid is cool with me BUT now he stands with his weapon in his hands being ready to kill
yeah dark souls 3 has some pointless bonfires.
like this anons pic for example and the bonfire at the second area is not needed since there is a bonfire right after those three dogs a block away from where you get dropped.
>I miss those times where people played it for themselves and made up their own minds,
>I did
>What a terrible argument.
You are beyond retarded.
I give up.
I am sorry for assuming you are anything but retarded for liking das2.
I think the door that requires the souls of 4 of the strongest beings in the land (or a million fucking souls) just to bypass a knee high pile of rubble speaks more for Dark Souls 2.
>first time going through
>climb the ladder
>accidentally backstep
>land right on the ledge again
That boss was a real letdown
>kill an afker by the bf before lost sinner
>know that the enemies will kill him when he respawns, making him lose his souls and be at a permanent SM loss
Farming spot for the blind fellows.
Having to get past these creepy guys after running through the entire area.
Can use it to unsummon the jester by dying.
No this one had its uses.
It's the best of the trilogy.
This single bonfire perfectly describes the level design of Bloodborne
What the fuck is Soul Memory anyway?
Hilariously enough, YOLO is the single best approach to not only that area but most areas in DS2. I ran down the stairs, climbed up the ladder and was fighting sentinels without taking a single hit after 1 minute.
Same goes for Bloodborne, but the combat is so fast-paced that it barely even matters. Also you don't die nearly as much because it's easier.
It's there as a farming tool. Those things drop dragon bones. Dumbass meme mob can't figure out even obvious things. No wonder mob mentality and memes govern your existence.
You have the worst taste. Never get into game design or into any position where you have any influence on videogames.
Any souls you collect, even if you die and lose them, permanently affect your online presence
Same shit in DaS3 after Dragonslayer armour and DaS2, push a board down to unlock a shortcut to your last bonfire... 5 feet from a new bonfire.
Maria's doesn't show up until after you kill her, nerd.
Here's your (You) you desperate piece of shit
what area was that? was it from the main game or DLC?I didn't play the DLC
Dragonslayer's bonfire was for Lothric and Lorian.
Welp, that explains that. Thank m8
So it doesn't matter. Every single boss in the game gives you a lantern so why should she be an exception?
you can technically do that if you want
So you needed to walk an extra 20 feet, just like Don't defend DaS3 if you're going to shit on BB in this image, it's retarded.
>A lamp for defeating a boss to fight the next boss to get a second lamp because you get lamps after defeating bosses
Those two are completely pointless afterwards though, so not much of an argument.
the problem with DaS3's bonfires is that for whatever reason, they decided to go the DeS route of having bosses drop bonfires. which leads to some bonfire proximity worse than DaS2
>didn't use the DLC fixed DS2 argument
I like you. You have the right idea on the series and DS2 is my least favorite of the bunch easily, but I can also appreciate some things in it.
You did forget to mention Soul Memory though.
It's how matchmaking works, instead of using Soul Level the game uses Soul Memory, and Soul Memory is the total amount of souls you've acquired by any means but for convinience there's also tiers so that its not down by the number on which people you can connect, certain items can get you up and down some tiers to find friends or foes easier.
I just started playing Dark Souls 1. Why is the dodge roll speed so slow? The character just flops onto the floor and takes about a second to get back up, which completely contradicts what I see in gameplay footage. Does it get faster when the dexterity stat is increased? (I know about the weight thing). My class is knight
I don't want to start a thread asking this and google gives nothing so I'm asking here
You need to pump resistance. the first 10 or so points are going to feel like nothing but the change starts to become obvious after that.
who hurt you
Keep your equip weight under 70% for a better roll, under 50% for the best roll if I remember correctly
Equip load actually doesn't mean what it think you means (like most of the game's stats). You should actually read your equip limit as 1/4 the number it says it it.
Your equipment is heavy
Rings and leveling endurance / taking off armour helps with roll speed, if you wanna fast roll take most of the armour off
This bonfire perfectly describes that you need to get good.
Resistance gives ADP in DS1
Lost Bastille is my favourite area in DaS2
+ comfy as fuck
+ good and challenging bosses
+ tons of secrets and I MEAN IT
+ multiple ways to get to the location
- fuck mummycucks and those fuckhuge guys in Sinner's Rise