ITT mass murdering psychopaths

ITT mass murdering psychopaths


>plot is actually aware of how much of a mass murderer you are



weeb shit is not allowed in this thread


fuck off tripfag


Lurk for two years before posting.

Says who you fucking nigger? Get cancer and die

where do you think you are?

Lurk for two years before posting

>using word weeb as an insult
>on Sup Forums
>the moot is literally weeb himself


newfags plz leave and never come back

Damm drake a fucking psychopath and has a killing fetish. This is why i couldn't even take any uncharted game serious at all. Thats why the games are teen rated to begin with. Kills over 1000+ people just for worthless shit gems.

>>the moot

Does Sam count?

newfag confirmed. leave or lurk more.

watch out user, that was some double-layered irony


Every Bioware character in existence.

You could've just told me who that is why I should care.

>so much of a newfag you don't know the who is moot joke
Truly, a beacon of light in this darkness is me.

>Implying I wasn't also being ironic
You guys got trolled, I bet you feel silly now :^)

watch him try to act like it was bait

you like the killing.. dont you?


>Lurk more
>Falls for who is moot joke
Newfag here boys, fuck out faggot.

the joke is on you, I made those anti-anime posts ironically

what even is this thread anymore


Showing the futility of making video game characters sympathetic.


ironic shitposting is still shitposting

summer has begun...

Nice try but I'm not going to fall for this one Ironically

damn straight

any character in No More Heroes, pretty much the whole point of the game