Never play the original, is this good?
Never play the original, is this good?
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God no. It's just as empty as Dragon's Crown. The appeal comes entirely from being a weeb who thinks artwork is real people.
It's fun. Just take some time off before starting a new character.
the original has beautiful artwork and is well written, but the gameplay is terribly repetitive and boss battles are a trainwreck
the remake is pretty much an across the board improvement, a rethinking of all the game's systems, and if you liked muramasa or dragon's crown then you should enjoy it
It's fun until you realize it reuses assets and maps like there is no tomorrow and you basically have to play through the entire game 5 times.
Never finished the original, got bored after finishing Cornelius story.
>Never finished the original
Nor should you. The original is honestly a terrible game save for the art and writing. Vanillaware has come a long way since Odin Sphere.
The original was OK, but the remake actually refines the combat to be a lot more crazy. Not DMC crazy but somewhere close. It feels like you're playing MvC2 where you are doing nothing but aerial combos while linking magic attacks between, so if that sounds like something you'll enjoy, pick up the remake, because that's all you'll be doing.
It's my fav game on the Vita so far. Took Muramasa's place
Oswald > Cornelius > Gwen > shit > Mercedes > Velvet
I just finished Cornelius' story and I wish I could skip the gameplay and just watch the story scenes.
It's really easy and repetitive on normal.
People who think this game is fun haven't played it yet. The story is pretty interesting, but after to your third character and having to redo ALL that shit again, it gets old.
I went straight to hard mode, and it's still sort of easy, but the mid-boss and end level bosses kick my ass. Still loving the game.
Redoing most of the stages is indeed boring as shit, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun trying to be stylish with the combat. Granted, it's not nearly as flexible as something like DMC or Bayonetta, but I still find fun just to try and see how long I can keep the enemies in the air.
So play on a harder difficulty you fucking idiot.
It's shallow and repetitive. Dragon's Crown could not be called a deep game but it still had more complexity than this. It had better levels as well. It's the better game if you had to pick one or the other. If you want Odin Sphere remake just wait and get a used copy for like $15 later.
>Implying playing harder stops the game from being repetitive as fuck
Shut the fuck up.
I've never played it before this. How the fuck would I know?
>playing through the same environments = repetitive
How? You play through as 5 characters that play very differently. If you're really that bored by it you don't have to explore everything and even if you do each area takes like 30 minutes to complete
Adding more environments wouldn't make it less repetitive because they all play exactly the same.
Wew this is some next level bait right here. This is a much much better game than Dragons Crown. The only positive that had for it was that it had multiplayer. It was easily one of the most boring games I've I've ever played.
The original was good but the combat was meh, they changed the combat to be like Muramasa in Leifthrasir.
I want to impregnate Gwendolyn
Honestly the combat is a lot better than muramasa. Although the bossfights kind of end up just being spam fears. But that might be different on higher difficulties.
Doesn't matter, the stages are the same shit and having to do them with a different characters doesn't make it better.
>pcucks being in this much denial
There could be a million different looking stages but it would all be the same shit. If you got bored by it it's your own taste and not the game being shit. Maybe if autists didn't play through every character in the same sitting and paced it a little differently you wouldn't get bored so quickly by it.
I don't trust you with a kid.
The background is the only thing that's the same, you've clearly never played it
I liked it. It's like playing a story book, in art and dialogue, so expect that going in. You can juggle pretty hard in combat and make long chains of attacks, if you're into that. The actual fights are pretty easy though. I recommend starting at a harder difficulty if you want any sort of challenge.
>people defending the shitty level design
It's repetitive, fucking accept it already.
>literally out of arguments because you have no real mechanical knowledge of the game
Calm down pcbro
Much less repetitive than muramasa and Dragon crown.
You should always choose hard on your first playthrough of anything.
literally finished Gwen and Cornelius' story on Hard without much effort except some mid stage bosses
I'm pretty sure I know the mechanics
fuck off shitfuck
Haven't played those two but sure, I believe you
Doesn't mean Odin Sphere isn't repetitive
but I want to make a beautiful Valkyrie a mother
Good god Cornelius is shit compared to Gwendolyn
Im dieing to shit that couldn't even touch me before
>all these posts
>no pooka
post pooka
bruh you just need to git gud
learn to love the spin
So sorry you had to watch a lets play until that point
>Doesn't mean Odin Sphere isn't repetitive
So what? Its a side scrolling game about taking on waves of enemies and sometimes bosses
Lots of games are repetitive in some way
Games nowadays are easy. You should always go on hard for your first playthrough whenever that option is available. But keep going on easy mode if you're so insecure and believe people who play on hard watch a "lets play" beforehand, user.
You just suck. His air combos are insane and his cheapest PP skill stuns pretty much everything. Keep a few drain potions on you and you can keep some enemies stunned for the entire battle.
I never argued that it wasnt generally easy, but you don't seem to have much mechanical knowledge of the game beyond that of a lets play
>You shouldn't play a game as long as you want because of bad level designs and it's the players fault for getting bored and not the developers for half assing their game
Sure buddy, it's my own fault. I'll make sure to restrict my game time.
I never got why people like Vanillaware games so much. I beat Odin Sphere, Dragon's Crown and Muramasa and the three of them have the same problem: eyecandy games with 10 hours worth of content, then repeat everything with different characters.
why is this allowed
Their first over one million budget game was Dragon's Crown. What do you exactly think they'd be capable of doing with less than one million budget?
If it's not on PC, it's simply not up to the standards of PC gamers, therefore it's shit. I thought this was well known by now
There are people who like grinding in mmos or musou games as well.
As long as there is a small incentive, people don't mind repetitive gameplay too much if it's at least serviceable.
Because they're fun, very well made for the budget, and give you multiple ways to approach a level?
>for the budget
stopped reading right there
Good argument
So what are the changes in Leifthransir again, aside from the obvious graphic boosts? I know they improved the combat and stats, and also added in that touring restaurant guy, but did they add anything to the plot at all, or any new bosses or enemies or anything?
Yeah but god did Velvet's playstyle feel bad. I had to be overleveled with her by 10 levels to stand a chance in any trial stage and regularly died to minibosses.
yes, new bosses and enemies, stages are not just flat terrain now but have more ledges and stuff.
Combat is vastly improved, itemization is improved. Basically everything is improved and appears to be done so in a good way.
But the amount of skills you have in this game make the combo possibilities more deep than in Dragon's Crown.
i dont know man
what skills were you using
Did they add anything to the plot? Any new scenes or anything like that?
well pp skills I remember using a lot were
the standard fireball one + with the column of flame + the one that sets the floor on fire
If the boss had plenty of grunts which is commonly the case I'd also use the decoy spell in conjunction with the curse spell and then I'd use the POW skill that has you grab an enemy and swing them back and forth, causing most things to explode from the curse.
I'd also use the fire drill or dodge bombs as a standard means to deal damage on bosses
Overall I felt like I had to rely far more on invincibility frames from certain skills to survive than with any other character.
>5 star difficulty
>hard mode
>2 x minibosses that i could barely beat before
>Velvet's last trial
>3 of the grizzly bear odin soldiers at once.
Look at the way she's dressed. She's asking for it.
Will this ever come to PC ?
Well it's your own fault for getting bored of it you fat fucking faggot. Not the devs fault it doesn't cater to whatever autistic taste you have cucklord.
>it's a pkek begging episode
Just buy a PS4, or wait for NEO. There are enough games in this category to justify it
You definitely aren't good on basic combat, Cornelius is designed with more variety in direct combat, in fact, if you are good with him you even use a single potion; his main thing is attack, attack and attack again, almost like Oswald.
No, the audio is straight the original PS2 recording but remastered, in both EN and JP versions.
I don't want to spoil, but at the very end, the Best Ending, they at least added a new picture regarding the fate of two certain characters, it is the new thing regarding plot.
Spoiling it anyway:
There's a picture beyond the original PS2 pic for Mercedes becoming the actual Yggdrasil, the new pic is her roots reaching downards the Netherworld, down there we see Ignway admiring the single root thread, with a flower on it that's just like Mercedes crow.
>Just started playing Mercedes
How do I skip her and move on to the next character?
Focus on getting the ability that speeds up POW regen/reloading.
Not that guy but actually didn't have trouble with that trial, the Berserkers are quite easy to stun.
In my opinion the far worst Mid-Bosses are That Fucking Dwarf Airship, the Frost Giant and the Phoenix Rider, holy shit, on higher difficulties with higher levels they are just insane, not even gonna talk about theit Trial Versions, one is trouble enough but two? Just kill me.
I thought she sucked at first too, but really the fact she can fly is a blessing if used correctly.
Seriously, many bosses become ridiculously easy with a good experienced Mercedes.
>two frost giants at once
>one curls up into a giant snowball and starts bouncing around while the other jumps high into the air to land hard on top of you
I love straight into hard mode. Took a while to get acclimated but once you find out what good skills and pots there are as well as how to keep combing to keep the damage piling on, it was great.
Cornelius took a bit to get good but he chains up so fast like so the skill to add damage bases on chain as well as continuous skill use combined with two vampire rings basically made him in killable as you spin/drill to win.
But now I'm on Mercedes and it is BRUTAL.
I like that her first shot has instaknockback which good for distance but even when wearing all damage increasing equips, She's super weak and now super fragile as well.
I struggled fighting Oswald but eventually beat him
Wagner was a tad easier
Interestingly enough, I didn't have much trouble with Titania stage
But the horn mountain trial with the 2 ice abominations. Holy fucking shit. What the fuck is that? I mean just why?
>two frost giants with oswald
you know vita can take screenshots
That is a screenshot. No internet connectivity on vita or way to move pic from vita to phone. Unless you know of a way?
Is there any disadvantage on playing on the PS4/3 than the Vita? The cursor in Dragons Crown PS3 was a bit of a pain
you cant play it on the bus
there's nothing like that in odin sphere
it was originally a PS2 game
Just focus every Phozon on Mercedes base Psypher strenght, her very first Skill, the Flare Shot and Increased POW recovery.
With that she easily becomes unstopable if you are good enough to not her let get hit often.
Nah there's no touch controls nor cursor control in any version of the game. Get it on the vita if you want portability or PS3/PS4 if you want higher res.
>it was originally a PS2 game
The orignal PS2 game was littered with loading times; see how you just pass through every area smoothly in Leifthrasir? In the original game that had a loading screen.
Fly is good for running away but I got too uses to timely evading with Gwen and Corny so it seems useless to me. How do you efficiently fight as Mercedes? She's just absolutely horrible. Also you stupid fucking girl even though he frog told you about the curse on YOUR OWN PEOPLE that turned then into frogs, you still refuse to kiss him and help turn he others back and even though you said grant him one wish. Fucking hell. I agree with
Also I'm confused as to how the timelines work in these stories because didn't Oswald kill Wagner? But then you meet him as Cornelius who kills Belial but you met Belial as Gwendolyn? And apparently corny story started before Gwen's cause her sister wasn't dead yet? I don't know what?
The frogs ooze poison.
Who's talking about budget here? Being low budget doesn't excuse a boring game. If they don't think a budget will allow them to make a good game, then maybe they should either rethink the game to make it better on a lower budget or put that budget towards something else.
If you grab the cat and get on the couch you can see the timelines next to one another, Cornelius is the last guy that fought Belial because Belial died after him, Cornelius meets Wagner before Oswald.
Anyone claiming the game is easy even on Hard, have you bitches finished the game yet and unlocked Heroic Difficulty and Xtra New Game?
Heroic + Xtra = Your HP never raises beyond its base stats, meaning everything is a One Hit Kill, while eveything else remains a damage sponge.
Why is Alice so cute?
I got like 4 antidotes that I'm not using in my inventory.
>Also I'm confused as to how the timelines work in these stories because didn't Oswald kill Wagner?
The game itself has an option to view cutscenes in chronological order, if you have problems following the plot now, just sit back, finish the game, then come back and watch everything in order.
It's like hell or hell mode from Devil may crys. I bet you have to basically have an entire inventory full of ice spirits for some bosses.
what does that have to do with it
he was asking if it's like dragon's crown where some things are made for a touch screen
Because superior ancestor genes.
go to the menu and open up story tab
it shows you the timeline of all cutscenes
You should of been tipped off when you see Griselda alive during the begginng of Pooka prince that these are all interwoven.
Oh okay that's cool. Guess I'll just keep soldiering on them. I can see it getting worse for her.
From what I saw in that boss battle, Oswald seems like he might be fun to play as.
Nope, you only have what you brought over from the first playthrough, your levels and items, although you can just spend all day creating Ice Spirits to ease the pain.
How the hell did anyone ever not know what characters to use in the armageddon fights? The clues are pretty blatant.
Yeah that's what I meant. Cheese bosses or trials by "grinding" an inventory full of level 9 ice spirits
What's the point on switching to previous chapters when you can select all the previous areas on current chapters?
You can change to Hard Mode anytime you fucking retard.
Which you should have done in the first place. Even Hard is easier than the Normal Mode of the original game. And I played that one on Hard the first time no problem.