What went wrong?
The textures at a distance and the objects at a distance look worse than 360 version of Oblivion.
What the fuck? I realize the Wii U and NX (probably) is underpowered but surely they can do better than this.
What went wrong?
The textures at a distance and the objects at a distance look worse than 360 version of Oblivion.
What the fuck? I realize the Wii U and NX (probably) is underpowered but surely they can do better than this.
the powa of the wii
Maybe the game isn't finished
surely they can do better than this
How did you expect an open world game on the Wii U to look like?
I wonder if the nx version was supposed to look like the top one
>NX version on top
>Wii U version on bottom
Just a tiny bit similar to its preview
>stream screenshot is low quality
on top is an edited version of a promotional trailer from two years ago
below is gameplay from an awful live feed, albeit the trees look like shit now, but trees also look different in different areas
I wouldn't have to post this, if you didn't react to the awful bait. The thread would have been deleted, if you just don't respond
The top isn't even the original picture.
What kind of bait is this?
nintendrones cucked again
>top image is fan made art
>original gameplay it was based on was pre rendered animation.
what went wrong with your thread
you don't have to post anything you little bitch
the same bait that's been consistently posted over and over and worked again and again across the past 3 days
The top image is photoshoped, this is the real environment
>uses a shot of a live stream
shit b8 desu ne
Wii U has no hard drive standard, only has 1GB of RAM that games can use, and it's on a 64-bit memory interface, meaning the CPU and GPU share only 12GB/s of memory bandwidth. GPU also has 32MB of eDRAM to help mitigate this, without it Wii U couldn't even run games in 720p
Compared to the 360 which has 22GB/s of bandwidth shared between its CPU and GPU + eDRAM and the PS3 has 25GB/s dedicated to the CPU, and 22GB/s dedicated to the GPU. Both also
Stream or not, the LQ textures and lack of objects are pretty darned obvious.
Fucking washed out colors.
Actually, just about all Wii U first-party games are 1080p.
The final game still looks fucking worse, though.
>retarded nintendo fanboy image
Fuck Zelda.
>just about all Wii U first-party games are 1080
This is wrong
there's smash and wind waker HD, that's about it
Daaaamn all that fog makes me feel like I'm playing/ looking at banjo tooie on an n64
Why do people keep posting the comparison to the original reveal as if we had any kind of idea what the game would even be like from an obvious cinematic trailer? They could have completely scrapped and reworked everything and it would have been alright since we literally had no idea what the gameplay or final look would be like.
do you people even like video games?
Don't expect much in the graphics department, as Nintendo has always found ways to make the games look decent despite graphic strengths (DKTF)
But that pop-in. That's inexcusable
>liking games
jesus when will this meme die
There are some autists really butthurt about this game considering there have been consistently at least 2-3 threads exactly like this since e3
I never invested much in console war stuff, I've always been a Ninty fan and tried to keep my distance from sonyggers and their ilk but holy shit. This irritates me.
Why don't you fucking die, you fucking dudebro, jock motherfucker? Fucking worthless piece of shit. There wouldn't even be video games without Nintendo.
found the beta virgin
I'd rather be a beta virgin than a jock, dudebro sonygger playing Gears of War everyday lol lmao. Muh mature games for mature gamers like me! Muh violence! Muh open world!
Fuck off. Just fucking die.
>Gears of War
You seem upset.
If I'm annoyed it's because I came here expecting to come to a Nintendo-friendly board to discuss an awesome new Nintendo game, and instead people are insulting it, insulting Reggie, insulting the company in general.
Of course it's fucking annoying.
Just ignore them f a m
>Would rather be a virgin loser rather than banging hot girls all because of differing video game tastes.
Reevaluate your life my man.
We need a Nintendo safe-zone!
Nintendo of America execs should be arrested and charged with aiding and abetting the spread of autism throughout the western world.
I'm trying to, but they honestly get to me sometimes. I'm just trying to relax and seeing this every day upsets me.
lol, who cares about girls? even then, have you seen cosplayers? lots of them love nintendo games and even have triforce tattoos. Sonyggers only like dudebro stuff which is pretty gay anyway.
We always have these threads after a massive downgrade/bullshots you retarded newfag.
If you don't like it you can always fuck off right back to Reeeeeeddit or whatever shithole you came from.
>lol, who cares about girls?
Uhh every straight guy? It's literally one of our primal instincts and built into our brain wiring to want to procreate with members of the opposite sex, evolutionary reason to pass down our genes and create offspring. You know, the very backbone of any species?
Don't even try to deny you don't care about them, guarantee you rub one off frequently to porn or your anime smut collection. That says plenty enough that you care.
I'm sure Nintendo could push the limits of the WiiU to maximum but they're not as irresponsible as Microsoft to do so and then blame the customer when their console overheats and bricks.
>sonyponys care only about graphics and ignore the fact that this game has the potential for amazing gameplay
No wonder all you faggots get are cinematic experiences
They're making the games look bad for our benefit.
>that street lamp
>those shadows on the building
Why do developers do this shit? Why do they think this kind of shit is okay as long as you can push the graphics quality?
Looks fucking amateurish to let such glaring graphical issues in your final product.
i had to see this shit for myself before believing it.
it's fucking over
>he makes the same thread multiple times per day
Sup Forums was invaded by tumblr fags and nu males a long time ago
garbage like undershit didn't help either
>Compared to the 360 which has 22GB/s of bandwidth
>PS3 has 25GB/s dedicated to the CPU,
Bandwidth numbers are meaningless in isolation. What you haven't mentioned is that the 360 is using GDDR3 (a high bandwidth / high latency variant of DDR2) while the PS3 is using XDR (a variant of the extremely high latency RAMBUS).
While the Wii U is using low latency DDR3. So in real world numbers, the Wii U is actually achieving close to its peak bandwidth, while 360 and PS3 are getting less than 10 GB/s.
>Nintendo thanks their loyal fans who stuck with them through hard times by cucking them with the shitty version of Zelda