Have you ever scammed, ninjad, stolen or betrayed someone on a video game?
Have you ever scammed, ninjad, stolen or betrayed someone on a video game?
>Be with a guild for ~4 months
>Active recruiter, I manage the forum, asked for privilege to organize bank
>60 stacks of mageweave go up for auction, a whole tab of blurb items gets vendored
And I got myself a mechano-hog.
Nah, but I've been tricked a couple of times.
Not really but one time i broke to my faggot steam "friend" account and steal his hats from tf2
I did, in Lineage 2.
My clan was small and full of elite players, the other clan we had war with was big but full of retards so the fight was pretty even.
I was a pretty well known pvper of the 1337 clan, pretended to have a big argument with them, got "kicked" from the clan ąnd joined the dumbfuck clan "to get my revenge"
The idiots were extatic that they finally got a decent player among them while I was constantly spying on them and pming my old clan their positions so they could get ganked.
They were getting rekt so hard that they couldnt level anywhere, but didnt think its may fault it went as far as my friends were allowing me to beat them 4v1 (with the shitty clan members all dead and watching me win) so I got promoted as officer really quickly. I ninjad all the items I could from their clan warehouse, called them idiots and went back to my old clan.
Fug, I miss that game.
I used to play as a girl in RO private servers because I loved the female sprites and animations. People confused me with a girl for absolutely no reason (no emotes, no "don't hit on my silly boys", no RP, just "hi, wanna grind on [place]?"), so I decided to just play along for shits and giggles.
I joined multiple guilds (sometimes invited by the guild master), got free rides on EXP/MVP parties even though I had nothing to offer, random gifts from random people like cute hats (so I all had to do is to wear then to please them), and even got married in one of these servers (fucking Jawaii and its stupid honeymoon shit).
In the end I just got everything from the guild bank, asked for loans but never paid back, gave everything to some alt account or just dropped it on Prontera's streets and quit the server. I remember that one of the guilds got so buttblasted about it that they started to demand "tranny auras" for male players playing as girls.
Probably closest I ever had to "betraying" someone was convincing everyone in a TTT game that I was innocent so effectively that after the match some of my friends would repeatedly ask if I was lying about unrelated things for months. It was pretty funny at the time.
I always whore myself when I begin to play any mmo, then send the infinite amount of cash earned that way to my actual character.
when me and my friends played minecraft I was helping a friend build his storage room
Back then chests were a full block, so while he wasn't looking I dug out a small area behind the chests and tunneled back into my house.
Then I built a hidden piston door to the tunnel, so nobody inside my house would run into it.
I also put some dirt on his end of the tunnel so if he eventually took the wall down, he would think it was just extra space and not trace the tunnel back to me.
Basically, I had a secret tunnel that let me steal all of his stuff whenever I wanted. It was pretty fun
Just by my ex girlfriend, we used to play Ragnarok a lot and she had my main account. Never cared about it, and only realized like months after we broke out.
I traded my full mithil for full addy because I told the kid mithil was better and he thought it looked cooler. This was back in runeacape Classic in like 2003
I once created a character that apparently had the same name as some well known and respected dude who quit playing and deleted his account. I pretended to be him to get a lot of free stuff.
Kicked some poor sap from a dungeon after some expensive seasonal items dropped in Phantasy Star Universe
My room got a new coat of paint that day
If I still played MMOs I would do it more (now I just play these online "diablo with a twist" simulators, like Phantasy Star and Dungeon Fighter). It was awkward at first but I had lots of fun and got free stuff as a bonus.
Apparently even tranny archetypes are popular these days. I bet it is easy as shit to get rich even with just "honest" ERP.
>Have you ever stolen someone on a video game?
Scammed all the time. Destiny was a big one I'd ask $20-50 PayPal or psn card to get a raid or that stupid fucking flawless and people took the bait every time.
I scammed kids and young teens off their Xbox 360 live account around 2005-9
Possibly made $400 over the years in doing this
The most I ever sold a account was $60 which already had a year or less left on it and lots of arcade games
Shadowrun demo made this so much easier because it was free to play and multiplayer only
Oh sure, just once though. Made a girl character, sent nudes of my ex in return for godly weapons and gear. Broke a lonely man's heart.
>played on Maplestory private server
>v.62 or something close, so no game changing updates ever
>if you get an endgame weapon or set of gear, basically set for the rest of time
>anyways, new to the game, decide to make a girl character
>messing around in kpq one day, some higher level asks if I need help levelling
>tell him I would love to help
>as he's running me and another nub through kpq over and over, we get to talking
>asks me my name, where I live, when did I join, etc.
>bullshit him completely, say I'm a college girl who lives with her bf in Texas
>adds me to his guild, supposedly the top guild in the server
I figure at this point I should go for the long con. The guy is clearly desperate for attention, and I can tell he's fucking loaded (ingame)
>a few months pass, by this time we've become fairly acquainted, and every time I log in he and a few other guys flip out
Sadly all of my betrayals/whatever were just dicking around with close friends and I've never done any spectacular devious shit or anything.
>playing TTT with bro
>we decide on some dumb strategy that we'll hole up in a remote room every game and crouch on top of eachother in the corner, then shoot anyone who comes in like some sort of man turret
>one round i am a traitor
>"okay crouch down ill jump on top of you"
>we stay man-turreted for like five seconds, he looks up at me and i blow his face off with a shotgun
>walk away
>he asks me for advice on what he should do, tells me he wants to save the game to a flashdrive so he can play at the library while his dad is at work
>I do my best to convince him that now is the time to quit the game, and he should only come back to it once his life is figured out
>he eventually agrees, and decides that he will quit that night
This is when I take action. All of these months of RPing are about to pay off
>later that night, about 40 of our guildmates are on, this is a big deal now that the leader is quitting
>while everyone is hanging out and chatting, I send him a text, saying we should disappear for a bit (ingame) so just he and I can chat
>he gets all excited and agrees, we meet in a random FM room and sit down next to each other
>I tell him that now that he's quitting, he should give his items to someone, just in case his dad sits behind him and makes him delete his account
>he agrees, but says that his stuff is seriously some of the most valuable gear in the game
>he says that he wants to spread the gear around throughout the guild
>I get all flirty and say I bet I can convince him to just trust me
>tell him that I'll send him 3 pictures NOBODY has ever seen before, not even my bf
>he gets super excited, flirting back hardcore and telling me he doesn't buy it
>says if I send him a pic, he'll send one back
Eh, fuck it
>go through my old pics, find a picture of my ex with her ass resting on her vanity desk, cheeks spread
>send it, like 30 seconds later he sends me a pic of the most mangled, hairy, discolored dick I have ever seen
>gush over how wet his pic made me, how he has such a nice penis, how my bf isn't even close
>he says doesn't reply for a few minutes, neither ingame or over text
>finally get a text from him saying he "did something naughty"
>admits that he just jacked it to the picture, okay whatevs
>he asks for the other 2 that were promised to him
>I tell him not so fast, now do you trust me?
fuck, cont.
>mangled, hairy, discolored dick
Do go on
This story ends with him killing himself I bet.
>he says yes, he trusts me, but he NEEDS those pics. He says he can't live without them
>"tee-hee in a minute hun, let's just get this ingame nonsense over with so we can chat more. Might even take an extra one"
>he proceeds to trade me item after item, 9 items in a row, all of them godlier than the last
>whole process takes about 10 minutes, since he has so many characters with so many equips and scrolls
>in the end, have about 19-22 billion mesos worth of stuff (quite a lot of money)
>as soon as the last trade is done, he says he's ready for the pics ;)
>tell him I'm going to go take one in the bathroom just for him, and to give me a few minutes to get pretty
>proceed to block his #, leave guild, delete everyone off of friends list, and log off
>stay away from game for a few weeks, check the forums and realize I had caused a shitstorm
>the leader of the guild tries to get me banned, tells the GM's I conned him into giving me all the items
>GM's do an investigation, go through his chat logs (cringe) and make it clear to him, and everyone else who played, that he willingly traded all of his items for noods
>forums explode, I laugh
>2 months later, make a new character and transfer all of the items over
>now one of the richest characters in the game
Dats it
>tfw shit like this pretty much can't happen anymore because even the dumbest of fools have learned
>even if they haven't, you've become too antisocial and old to try anyway
>tfw not a poorfag and can just buy my games
>tell anyone who begs to get a job
>"please man I start work in a month please get this steam game for me"
interesting story
poor motherfucker
btw when did this happen? 2006?
Nope, I want to say late 2014. I only recently started playing again, since the private server just finished celebrating it's 3 year anniversary.
In the 4craft games, I sometimes join enemy factions and when they are weak or small, I just destroy them and steal everything they have for my actual faction.
Just one time, when Sup Forums was weak as fuck (thats the usual case now a days though) I started to steal most of the stuff they had, not only from the Sup Forums "banks" but searched for hidden shit inside other peoples room. Blowed up everything in the bunker where they had the back up and shit, and they still didn't find me or who was stealing everything, while I was hidding everything on a chest far away.
Got discovered later and lost some TNT because for some retarded, invisibility potion doesn't actually makes you invisible in that shitty game. It makes some weird particles on your head.
The greatest love story ever told.
Nowadays people just accepted that everyone on MMOs is a guy but that they are all horny as fuck anyway, so ERP whoring still is a thing.
I used to ninja shit in vanilla WoW and TBC raids all the time. Never got the items taken from me or received an account suspension either.
Fuck that sounds awesome
whats keeping you away from L2? i hear it's still active
Server name? Or at least the forum link, I want to see the drama.
Mapleroyals GL finding it, post it if you can
Yeah early Pokémon X/Y I scammed a guy out of a shiny Genesect. He trusted me because we were of the same country, I told him just wanted to fill the Dex. When he trusted me that Genesect I just d/c. He gave me a "Nice" and I removed him from my list to diminish the remorses.
https :// mapleroyals. com/?page=index
Veteran of countless hours in Diablo 2. Enough said.
I traded a crate for a pair of earbuds
I used to make phishers for xbox lives login back around that time frame, I scammed around 2,000$ total or so in DLC purchases, other content, gamer pics and I used to change my gamertag to something similar to someone in my games gamertag and change it back just to mess with them, I feel bad about the people I got looking back on it but it was pretty fun tbhfam, also their was a faggy DDoS clan called TsGh and I used to make phishers for them but without them knowing I would backdoor all of their login txt files so while they were out spreading their phishers and doing all the bitch work I would just go on their txt files and pluck login info I wanted and sell the ones I didnt want.
In a roundabout way, mainly because I was betrayed by someone else while using someone else's item.
I never did, and I never will.
when i was 14-15 i used to visit an "xbox hacking forum" where we basically phished peoples xbox accounts and credit cards and either used for ourselves to license transfer and buy stuff or dumped them for other people
i started off just checking accounts i phished for stuff to license transfer, then i gradually started spending peoples microsoft points to download games to my account, then over time i started to actually use the credit cards on the accounts to buy games and stuff
then the forum got taken down and i just kinda forgot about it after a month but i only realized how fucked up it was that used peoples credit cards and that i couldve really fucked wth some poor families a copule uf years later. its still pretty depressing desu
Damn didn't see that before i posted
same lad
I bought a PS4
I used to run that two man trick on RS with my cousin. the one where you'd stand at opposite ends of the bank and it looked like they were ripping you off at first.
My leveling buddy in wow used to join groups as a tank and get stacks of mage food and then leave to come quest with me and share the food.
You cruel motherfucker
I stole a Ghostring card from my guild once.
I was actually planning to steal whatever I got from the OCA and replace it with a fabre.
It took forever to make a decent gear to put it in and then my account got phished anyway.
somebody please post my favourite WoW greentext I haven't seen it in years. where he goes through with an arranged marriage with the Gmasters daughter on an RP server in order to be high enough of a rank to get into the G Bank so he could rob them blind, it fucking kills me
yea now that im older and I feel pretty shitty about it, I never took more than 60$ bucks or so per person but still. I still like to sniff the air and observe packets that travel through a wireless network but thats from because im in cybersecurity now not because im trying to do anything malicious
>think i'm hot shit with black armor set in runescape
>try to lure some guy over the ditch into the forest or wastes or whatever the pk area was called
>he plays along and i go to attack him
>two people in full rune run on-screen and start pummeling my shit
>slam my keyboard and wail while my dad calls me a pussy whiny baby from the other room
i deserved it, too, that was some pathetic shit i did
i've never read it, someone please post this lol
Once in diablo 2.
I managed to convince some fucktard who was trying to scam people to download some program that "dupes" your item.
The moment he ran it all his items dropped on the floor and his game crashed.
He came back bitching and crying.
Would give newer players on TF2 copies of Dota 2 for shitloads of items.
This was at the time where every week you recieved like 10 of them.
did spaghetti fall out too
I can tell this is fake since you metioned v. 62 of maple story, yet also snapchat which was released and became popular much, much later.
>scamming 8 year olds in Maplestory
The good ole days
It's a private server, did you fail to read that? Moron
I used to tell people alt+f4 was a cheat code on multiple games.
it's a cheat code on here too, try it everybody
>Playing Medieval 2 online with my older brother
>He didn't have any friends to 2v2 with these two guys who beat him in a previous match
>he apparently got angry and demanded a rematch the two other guys agreed as long as its a 2v2 again.
>match comes and I order all my units to route
>Brother is fucking angry but tries to salvage but can't because other guys overwhelm him
>lol he later came up to my room to hit me (yeah he's fucking autistic) but then he got in trouble from our parents lol
Never played WoW but I too enjoy that story quite a bit. Don't have it saved, unfortunately.
>use "leave Sup Forums forever" cheat code
>browser closes, I guess it worked
>open browser again
>Sup Forums still there
Yeah and now you deserve to be beaten within an inch of your life again except this time in person, retarded frogposter.
Commit suicide.
When I was playing WoW I told people to type /afk kick in Alterac Valley to kick all the AFK people right before we killed the boss.
The command actually kicks you from the battleground.
Nope. Someone tried once in Runescape, said they'd swap my adamantite helmet for an adamantite axe. Turns out it was just an adamantite hatchet so I told them nah.
jesus, why so angry?
>that glitch that allowed you to teleport over to someone from across the entire screen and pick up all their items in 1 frame
>tfw tricking people into thinking they can dupe items by dropping them in a corner of a private area, then just nabbing their shit and getting the hell out of there
>scamming club penguin accounts
what low life have I achieved.
Kek I also remember convincing him to give me his earbuds for TF2
>inb4 bullying autstic boy
He derserves it,I caught him jacking off to me once
Took me half a second on my phone to find it.
Didn't ninja or scam shit, but used to run a little business. There was a bug in the game, that allowed soul-bound items to be sold. When an item drops in dungeon, everyone must pass on it, then in 10 minutes it becomes free for all, and a player from the world can join our party and loot it, but before that he had to pay a fee, which could be really big, depending on an item.
Our reputation had to be clean, so people would trust us and pay upfront. Sometimes, players could not pick items (it disappears after a long while), and we refunded them every single penny.
For the dungeon run we hired two people and split our profits with them, because the dungeons were intended for six men, and we were only two - so that would make us four - still less than norm, so we have to split less, and more money would go into our pockets.
No cruel shit, except, maybe, for one time.
That time, a good polearm drops for my gladiator, and I was on my healer. This was a rare event, weapon drop was very rare, and people had to pay alot of money. As usual, we start auction in the global chat: who would make the best bid, would take the item. I have managed the "auction" and faked bids: some guy was bidding an insane amount of money, and I was "bidding" even more under my gladiator's name. Of course, in the end that guy had to surrender.
I've lied to our 2 hirelings that I need to "reboot my pc" and "go afk for a while", as I was quickly relogging on my alt, and my friend was arranging the trade with me. We even made it so we don't have to split full price (something in the lines of "that rich competitor isn't online, and this guy is refusing to pay so much, we will lose the item if we don't sell it fast"), but I don't remember the details.
That's how I got the item for 1/2 of its usual price.
>diablo 2
>"drop your items here to trade"
>force accept trade hack
>social engineer accounts
>guess easy passworded xfer games, jack the shit on the ground
>guild wars
>take advantage of people who don't mouse over the items and put up shit with the same or a similar icon
I was a stupid teen when hats and trading became a thing in TF2. Some guy I'd played with every day for months scammed me for a bunch of hats.
That was when I realized they were pointless and began just playing the game properly again.
Actually no. The opposite. Handed out millions worth of gold or whatever the cash equivalent was in Lineage II.
>online friend wants others from a forum we hung out on to join her
>it's just me and her
>she loses all her stuff, huffs and quits for the day since she's in Lithuania of all places
>spend my day off from work running through a zombie forest knifing undead
>end up with well over 100 million, hand it over to her so she can get her gear back
>fucking around in zombie forest, getting all manner of rare loot and money I have no use for
>run to closest town, set down stacks upon stacks of a million gold in the center, throw out all the gear I can't use which in itself was worth a few million for each piece
>gain a small following of like six people who compete to grab all the shit I leave behind in zombie forest because all my armor and weapons were class A and could go no higher unless i did some ridiculous quest or something
>buy sets of armor worth millions, throw it out, or sell it for like 100 bucks.
Dark Elf Santa Claus up in that motherfucker.
Moslty back in tf2 and dota 2 days when trading was a thing.
Used to scam people of items for really low tier shit.
Got a level 69 team captain off a kid for a really shitty hat worth 2 metal or something.
That shit helped me get my first unusual
Hacked a friend's account on runescape, really by hacking I ment got extremely lucky in figuring out his username and password, logged on as him and traded all his shit to another friend and we split the loot, hacked friend got on not even 10 minutes later complaining about how someone was already logged in and thought it was a bug, saw that all his shut was gone and promptly logged off never saw him play ever again
I played EVE online
come on, if you just put 50000 credits into the pot you might get a plex, I do this to maintain the game alive.
look at this character which is NOT my alt got one
and these 2 guys got it while they were only in their trial version
come on, it's only 50000
>Hacked, and by "Hacked" I mean did not hack
I fucking hate people like you.
You got hacked didn't you, bitchboii?
>playing tf2
>random guy asks for sidney sleeper
>had 4 repeats, so I open a trade window with him
>immediately put one and accept the trade - didn't want anything in return
>he puts an ushanka and says 'trade?'
And that's how I got my only heavy hat in tf2.
Nothing major but I stole rare pets from people on wow and got some devent gold from it
>find rare spawn hunters are constantly after
>already have it but fuck whoever gets to it next, delete my pet and tame him again
>once finished taming just as another hunter lands nearby, says he's been looking for that pet forever
>I mention that now that I have him I'd be willing to help him get it now
>somehow he's so excited he gives me 100 gold I guess so I would have more incentive to actually help him
>he tells me to stay on and look for it
>he logs off shortly after, I block him remove him and go offline myself
how can you be this underage
No, I just get unreasonably rustled by people who call mundane computer use "Hacking" to sound cooler.
I gave people fetch quests on runescape because I was too fucking lazy to get wood for my house myself
>hey dude I'll pay you this much gold if you get me this much wood planks!
>oh shit dude I used up the rest of my money while you were gone here have this shitty piece of armor instead!
>new update with killstreaks
>everyone had little knowledge of the fabricators
>bought professional fabricators for 6 cents each on the steam market
>sold them for about 3-4 keys each
i'm not sure whether i should feel bad or feel smart con artist
>gf picks up my phone
>I don't have a pass on it because I don't give a shit about phones and barely use it
>she opens up my Facebook
>"haha hacked by your gf : P"
>"wow even user can get hacked easily lol"
She shows it to me like a giddy child
>look at it with a blank face, return to what I was doing
She's my ex now.
>boat ride to orbis
>lvl 50 'leet gamur' drops level 70 thief gear to show how cool he is
>dress up in rags so no one suspects I'm a mage
>drops his shit
>tp over and steal it
>hey can you give that back, it's my brother's and he's gonna kick my ass
what does that have to do with videogamse?
FUCK. I remember dropping my red triangular shield just to show off, and someone snagged it as well. I think I quit the game for a few years because of that
>thread is about hacking
>the internet's use of the word 'hacking' in a huge misnomer
>half the stories in this thread involved with hacking aren't actually hacking
>provide story as to what normies think is hacking
Do you see the relevance now?
>Be playing Maplestory
>In a guild that did Zakum helm runs back when they were the best helm possible
>Would be the dedicated treasurer for these payments
>Would manage the waiting list for our clients
>Would often pocket 7m - 15m extra just for moving them to the top of the list
>Usually had between 5-20 people on the list at all times
>Would sometimes upcharge those who didn't know the price just for extra cash
>Got close to 1b mesos before the new updates put us out of business
I used to randomly type common usernames and passwords on this Lineage 2 server where I played, since the username and password could be the same. This one guy had "songoku" and "songoku", I took all of his shit, some of it were pretty good.
I'm actually surprised that seemingly I was the only one to try it, considering there were thousands of accounts and players
I was like 7 years old playing Asheron's Call and I told a guy to give me his equipment so I could "look at it".
And then I just ran away.