I haven't browsed for awhile so I don't know what's going on.
But why do all of a sudden people hate Witcher 3 now?
I haven't browsed for awhile so I don't know what's going on.
But why do all of a sudden people hate Witcher 3 now?
But we love Witcher 3 bro.
Underage b&s with console war mindsets
because Sup Forums hates conformists
it was pretty bad bland openworld shit.
Sup Forums is a retarded place, what else did you expect?
It's too popular.
No one hates Witcher 3.
What I do hate though is that the only "defense" people can make against the new zelda seems to be using witcher 3 and it's dumb they aren't even similar games.
Because legal retards like posting on this board.
Sup Forums has hated it from day 1, and a few people that shitpost non-stop about popular critically acclaimed games they haven't played
most opinions on Sup Forums are just people parroting others on Sup Forums that have a contrarian opinion. I would bet that less that have of the board actually played Witcher 3 or Bloodborne.
buy it on gog.com
It won Goty
Familiarity breeds contempt
I don't hate it. It just has a lot of flaws that are overlooked.
Based game to me is a 7.5/10. Haven't played HoS yet.
People realized it's just as mediocre as Skyrim and Dragon Age: Inquisition.
give an example of a good game released in the last two years
who knows. Could be Nintendo guys bitching about Zelda being pretty much a Witcher 3 clone
Xenoblade X
Fire Emblem: Dawn of Radiance
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Mario Maker
Mario Kart 8
Gee, could it be because Sup Forums isn't one person and some people disagree about the game?
I played through the first two games and loved them, replayed the second one two times.
I wasn't able to finish Witcher 3, let alone the expansions. The open world meme ruined it. Big, bland and soul-less with way too much padding.
Heh, good one
For the same reason people started disliking Skyrim after the initial hype died down. It's not a good game.
sorry mommy doesnt let me play games with tons of blood and swearing and dark and edgy and bad games too
>nintendo shit
>strategy tactical shit for old people
It's not like people started hating the Witcher 3
Basically, most radical witchercucks got as retarded as soulsfags and that's why it's easier to spot negative opinions - everyone who sat silent ignoring The Witcher 3 because they didn't like it started saying out loud what they think about the game.
And don't try to justify that shit with "W-WELL Sup Forums TRIES TO BE CONTRARIAN"
>i can't understand bait: the post
Dark Souls 3
Bloodborne piss skins upset that this a better game.
I wasn't here for over a year cuz I've been shitposting on Sup Forums while getting redpilled by Sup Forums but I've also noticed that Sup Forums is once again filled with autistic sonyggers with DSP set of gaming skills. I thought they pretty much got bullied out of here when PS4 had no games.
sonyniggers mad that call of souls 4 didn't win the GOTY
t. someone failing for sonyniggers false flags
It's cool to hate what's popular.
I've always hated it. Core RPG is trash. Any game with shit gameplay is trash. Witcher is fucking trash.
Witcher bros have been pretty damn quiet about the game's success. If something like bloodboner had won GOTYs and whatnot, the >never ever posting wouldn't stop.
It's typical for your average Sonygger to automatically discard every game they like as trash the moment it becomes multiplat, just look at DaS. But then again we deal with people who argue that 30 fps is optimal for games and that Blighttown fps drops were intentional by design.
>Witcher bros have been pretty damn quiet about the game's success.
What the fuck man? You mean daily "Now that the dust has settled", "GOTY coming through", "Best game of all time", "Sonyggers/Nintendrones BTFO" threads and raids on /vg/?
Tons of falseflags.
There's like millions of people who played W3, how can you expect there wouldn't be a single rotten apple among them? If bloodboner had won 50% of the playerbase would be shitposting about it to this day. With witcher only an extremely small handful of the playerbase shitposts.
The amount of witcher hype threads is even smaller than the amount of Witcher shitposting threads made by assblasted fromdrones
>i-it's all fromdrones
Bullshit. All fromdrones are falseflagging witcherfags, now what?
That wasn't even my argument, but yes most shitposters tend to come out as fromdrones very quickly
Honeymoon phase wore off so everyone is seeing EVERYTHING wrong with the game and realizing it was always a 6/10.
Actually Witcher is the kind of game you just fall in love with the more you play. You'd know that if you weren't a shitposter who either never played or quit after getting bored in the first 40 min.
>This game gets better with time
>Thats why its combat sucks and is preschool easy
>side quests are follow witcher path kill shit get paid
>the story is spliced from hub to hub
>it has an unnecessary leveling system
>its perk tree might as well not exist
>equipment is more gimmicky than Dark Souls
>the game is so black and white youd have to be 13 to think it ever attempts at moral ambiguity
>everyone exists to make geralt look better or fuck him
>the dlc just tries to come up with half baked plots they couldnt shove into the main storyline
>player base impressed by cut and renamed beard dlc
Its literally My First RPGtm
Try me bitch.
Yeah, the casual facebook audience absolutely loves this game and Skyrim. Everyone else sees them for what they are: mediocrity.
>>Thats why its combat sucks and is preschool easy
The combat doesn't suck, and for an RPG it's top-tier. It's not "preschool easy" either (depending on whether you make an OP build ofc), next you probably say it's button mashing even though almost all enemies block or interrupt combos.
>>side quests are follow witcher path kill shit get paid
The side quests are the most well thought-out of any game I've played in years, but of course you tackle on to the few optional monster hunts and treasure hunts.
In fact, your opinions are all either so fucking dumb or flat out false that I won't waste my time countering the rest of your drivel
I don't hate it, nor did I jump in the bandwagon. I do however feel like it was utterly disappointing. I prefered the previous games, open world just fucking sucks.
Actually, anyone with a hint of taste sees TW3 is a top-tier RPG and a video game
because /v hates games
Sure thing, facebook.
I am currently hating it because it keeps CTD'ing on me, has only happened in Novidrad so far, I have had 10 CTDs in total.
Sure thing, PS4 dudebro
Witcher 3 is not an RPG
That's called a baseless assumption, facebook. You're not very good at this.
>tons of dialog
>questing, free to do anything at any time
>all the rest of RPG elements
>not an RPG
Sure thing, friend
>baseless assumption
>"ur facebook XD"
And you seem to be terminally retarded
Why does Witcher 3 being good make you this mad? Seriously, enlighten me.
>combat was hard
>sometimes i had to stop hitting LMB to win
>everything on the map was a question mark
>so i did it all
>even though they were all just different version of the same thing
>listen to geralt bitch and moan about shit
>find the question mark
>kill anything nearby and then move on
>i also cant come up with any justification why your wrong about other points
>so ill just say your wrong and leave
>hopefully no one notices my bleeding ass from the OBJECTIVELY GOTY BUTTHURT I just recieved
Dude the game has massive flaws and ignoring them only makes you look foolish. Its a 7/10 at best. Its a less fun Inquisition but a better polished Mad Max.
>>sometimes i had to stop hitting LMB to win
Ah, just what I was expecting. Button mashing gets you killed in record time unless it's against a single weak enemy.
>>everything on the map was a question mark
You know you can turn the markers off if they bother you?
>Its a 7/10 at best.
If it's a 7/10 for you, fine. 7/10 is pretty good so I hope you can see how somebody else with different taste might rate it very high.
the witcher 3
Well you actually like bad games like Skyrim and Witcher 3, and those games happen to be loved by facebook. It's anything but baseless. Yours on the other hand, has no logical basis. In light of this it's really ironic that you of all people would call someone retarded. And it's even more ironic that after that, you would go on to call me mad when you're the one throwing out insults like "retarded" even though that applies to you based on everything you posted. Are you on medication?
When did I say I like Skyrim? Because I don't.
>calling my accusations baseless while putting words in my mouth
Utterly shit gameplay.
Wrong. The gameplay is god-tier, and the combat is good too.
Now there's a surprise. How could you not like that when it offers the same draws with the same depth as Witcher 3? In fact, it's probably better when it comes to gameplay, slightly worse in terms of characters but these two even out to make them equal quality games.
Are you on medication though?
>In fact, it's probably better when it comes to gameplay
Are YOU on medication?
>slightly worse in terms of characters
Pleb king 2016
No, I'm not. Are you though? I asked twice now and you haven't answered. Do you even understand the question or is it beyond you?
It's the chad of videogames.
Anything that is popular, successful, and well-regarded Sup Forums disdains.
Wrong, both shit
>mediocre score
What did he mean with this?
People usually don't bother answering retarded insults masked as questions. Now that you know, you can stop F5ing for my answer.
But it was already clearly explained above why this question is very much warranted. Are you on medication?
And I can see you're new, facebook, so I'll let you in on the fact that most people use auto-updaters. No need to press F5.
>all of a sudden-shitposting
report and move on
No, I'm not on medication, and I'm in good psychological health. Happy?
Now can you tell me what ticks you off so badly about TW3 being a great game?
You're kidding right? Stick around for a non-falseflag thread and you'll see how much people love it... Hell, I doubt there's a board on Sup Forums that doesn't consider it a masterpiece. Sup Forums loves it, /his/ loves it and so on... but only Sup Forums happens to hate it? Give me a break. Unless by referencing Sup Forums you mean a minority that suspiciously posts the same webms and falseflag threads daily and samefag their own threads, rather than the majority of people who played it.
Combat was pretty trash. Environment was convoluted. It felt like there wasnt a lot of planning when layong out environments.
Gwent is pretty neat. Overall i sold it/10
Fuck off shill
Actually, the vast majority of Sup Forums loves it too if you check actual polls and not read the threads infested by a few turbo-autists
>le Sup Forums is one person may may
You've still much to learn, kid...
You're either lying, or you actually believe you're in good mental health, which means you're very clearly delusional. Either way I'm not happy, because I want you to be healthy. You should be on medication. Were you born this way or is it a result of a tragic disease or accident?
Nothing ticks me off because it's nowhere near being a great game. What a stupid question, very fitting for you.
>makes personal attacks against my mental health
>while shitposting for an hour in a thread about a game he's probably not played or only played a short while
Not even sure what you're trying to achieve, but you should seek help.
It's not an attack nor shitposting, it's just a logical conclusion. I think it would be better if you stopped looking at your condition as a weakness and tried to accept it, and take medication.
Also, once again you missed the question. Seems like your brain has problems processing them. Here, you can try again:
Were you born this way or is it a result of a tragic disease or accident?
>Were you born this way or is it a result of a tragic disease or accident?
No diseases or accidents
Since you have such hard time understanding people can dismiss your dumb questions, and since you keep posting with an unhealthy obsession in a thread about a game you don't like, I have much greater LOGICAL reason to assume you have yourself some brain problems.
Witcher is a 7/10 series.
Witcher fans are a 0/10 fanbase.
So you were born this way. I'm so sorry.
user, you wouldn't know logic if it slapped you in the face. But it's okay, just take medication. How is your family dealing with it? Are they holding up okay? And how come you're not already on medication? Don't tell me they didn't even try. Do you violently spaz out every time they try?
>keeps throwing around the word logic like he thinks that would give him higher ground on a debate
Your "logic" is concluding I have mental problems because I don't like Skyrim. You sure are a master of logic. It's kind of fun how you keep going in these little circles and never come back to discussing the actual game instead of flinging shit at me.
I don't hate it but I don't think its that great either
The dialogue, music and art design is mostly great but it suffers from bad quest design, lazy padding, pretty poor pacing in the story and sub-par gameplay
Its a relaxing talk-athon but other than that I don't think its that amazing.
Certain fanbase is assblasted that Witcher won GOTY 2015
most people played the real goty by now, bloodborne which shits on witcher in every way
Bloodborne GOTY 2014
Dark Souls 3 GOTY 2016
Witcherfags getting BTFO
I hated it until I learned how to play it properly. Literally just learn both dodge moves, use the shield spell and sell everything you can to make dosh
It's a game with shit gameplay that witchercucks actually defend.
The best thing about this is that it forces witchershills to admit that Skyrim is better.
Again, logic is just very far from you. Liking or disliking Skyrim doesn't change anything about the conclusion based on everything you posted.
So let's try again, since your brain was just once more incapable of even grasping the questions:
How is your family dealing with it? Are they holding up okay? And how come you're not already on medication? Don't tell me they didn't even try. Do you violently spaz out every time they try?
because Sup Forums is done liking it.
Projecting much?
Currently on my second playtrough, Death March this time.
I think the game suffers from a couple things to a great extent, for example story pacing, quest design and combat.
On top of that the game likes to pad out its content a FUCKLOAD, where theres just so much pointless shit you need to do before anything progresses.
No. Can you really not even understand the questions? Is that how mentally deficient you are?
noice bait bro.
how can anyone say that skyrim is better than witcher with serious face?
skyrim had fucking awful quests, worse combat than Witcher 1, dialogue written by 10 year old etc.