How cancer am i

how cancer am i

playtime thread i guess

Doesn't look like you enjoy variety desu

10/10 in the cancer scale

i just like shooting people..


Dont even know how that terraria happened.

you should see my league of legends time first

Are you proud of it?

I guess I'm a sucker for f2p grindfest pay2convinience games

TF2 was a mistake.

Itt: people who think theyve played a lot of a game

You're the type of person to print out a picture of gabe, stick it to your wall with tape and then call anyone that doesn't like steam or those shitty games a faggot. Also 14.

>Being proud of Donut 2 playtime


also whos gabe?

What's with the constant steam playtime threads? Are you so insecure you need validation from fat neckbeards for what games you like?

Your top 3 are literally the trinity of shit games

>not having 400 hours on adventure capitalist

Pretty sure we're all just waiting for that guy with 5000 hours in le funni ebin meme game to post

cont. 62 hours on time clickers. Whathaveidone.gif


This doesn't even show the fact that I spent $300 on CS:GO [Spoiler]someone please kill me[/Spoiler]

Could be worse when I've spent $3k on TF2

Tony, get off Sup Forums.

Kek, I just bought Overmeme a few days ago and that seems to have cured my addiction for now.

I cured mine back in the beginning of 2015 when I told myself to cut the shit. I've only ever spent money since to spoil myself for my birthday

I bought OW a day after release and I've started my stupid spending there, too. $120 dropped and only about 10 Legendaries to show for it

The epitome of

Opening cases of any kind is always going to be addicting

Rate me, cucks


>playing clickers
stop posting any time

Fight me.



>fallout 4

Why are casuals with

>APB number 1
>GTA V nowhere to be seen

Explain yourself.

multiplayer time sinks don't count, user. that's artificial playtime

GTA V is lame and APB was* fun.

I started playing APB in closed beta and made a lot of friends playing it and was in the top clans and stuff.

When GTA V came out I already had too much invested in APB to want to switch.

Because i have countless hours spread among many different games. My top game turned into shit urging em to pursue better games.

>Enjoying a game for longer than 10 hours means it doesn't count
Fucking normies I swear to god.

I don't believe you.

This is believe.

i'm serious though, i like multiplayer games but i value a solid 60 hour playthrough of a singleplayer game a lot more than playing the same game mode for 1,000 hours in a multiplayer game. you're just doing the same thing over and over for all those hours

EVE actual playtime closer to 2500, since I didn't always launch it through Steam. I no longer play any of these games. In fact I no longer play games. Rip.

I've put well over 3,000 hours into the Advance Wars series.

GTAV was shit
And APB was free

>I don't believe you.
Well, like, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

You're not cancer but you're pretty toxic

Few, if any, games have 60 real playthrough time, though. You're most likely just playing the game through more than once.


My boyfriend thinks im a nerd...


Why does everyone always have the same games on these lists

>i like gaming

how cancer am I

You are a walking tumor.



fucking casuals, get the fuck outta my Sup Forums.
you're supposed to have at least +10k hours on at least one game

worrying when every german I meet has zero respect for themselves.
What happened?