Post some roleplaying tips and ideas, I'm an unimaginative fuck

I'm playing 3. New Vegas is ass

this desu

Why is the 3/4 fanbase such cancer?

>watching a youtube vid about 4
>"yeah Boston was cool but I was really hoping 4 would take place in another country"
>"Maybe 5 will take place somewhere other than America, I want to see what happened to the rest of the world"

I see this sentiment a lot and it enrages me. If you want a Fallout that doesn't take place in America then you don't want a fallout game nor are you able to grasp the concept of what makes Fallout Fallout.

Isn't the rest of the world like turbofucked in the Fallout Universe anyway?

Like a lot of Europe being underwater/a swamp and China actually just a glowing hole in the ground?

Yes. So unless they chose somewhere irrelevant like South America or someplace that nuclear war couldnt make worse, Africa, then its America or nothing.

What the fuck, that song just came on pandora...
A-am I supposed to believe in god now?

>Framerate just won't improve
I hate this.

To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip.

I still can't believe obsidian just stole bethesda's idea.

What about Russia?

included in places nuclear war couldn't make worse

Can you guys just fuck off and make /nvg/ already?

If you can't use the Fallout general on /vg/ that's fine, I understand, Fallout 4 shitposting is going to dominate that thread, but making endless threads on Sup Forums, with multiple ones often going on at once isn't exactly the answer.

I like New Vegas too, but you guys are getting as bad as "le epic ISOLATED meme XD" VTMB kids.

>people that want modern GTA taking place outside of USA
>people that want Fallout taking place outside of USA

it makes spotting the retards much easier

but what do they eat?

don't blame us just because some newfag doesn't know how to use the catalog.

It's not even about whether there are populated inhabitable places outside of America or not.

Everything about the feel and design of Fallout is based about an interpretation of AMERICAN culture. It's a retro futuristic, post apocalyptic look at America. The clothing, music, dialogue, character archetypes, architecture, cars, etc are all drawn for 1950's America and it's idea of the future.

Yeah there are probably other places in the world not destroyed by the bombs but I think somewhere in the old Fallout Bible or one of the Interplay devs specifically said they don't say much about the rest of the world on purpose, that it doesn't matter, that Fallout is specifically a story about post apocalyptic America.

You're both faggots with shit taste.

Ricardo Mantelban playthrough

But even in the 50's american culture was dominant around the globe.

To some extent sure, but then if its just going to be "American 50's culture just re skinned into another country then whats the point?

Don't worry the New Vegas Fanbase is pretty cancer too
Not nearly as bad normally
Patrician taste is the people that play the Fallout Tabletop RPG with the Fallout 1/2+ Lore Book
Been playing a Game in the Mid west with the legion and their Horde style push towards the West, Players are normal Humans and a nomadic Super Mutant from Broken Hills

Be Skitter.

the zone, but it's all of eastern europe this time

> Fallout 1/2+ Lore Book
Does that exist?
Do you mean Avellone's Vault Dweller book?

D20 makes Fallout look like some cheap 40k clone

how about you take inspiration from your real life and play a faggot who sucks all the cocks in the wasteland

I have to ask, what did people find in this game that i didn't?

>walking the wasteland while nice (Thanks to mods obviously) it worn out its welcome around 1-2 hours into the game, discovering new locations felt like a pain because of how far they are from eachother (inb4 a retard says "auto-walk button" because that only underlines the point)
>Literally no reason to help anyone in Vegas after killing Benny
>If you decided to make Vegas independent (or take it for yourself) then there is no reason to help other factions, in fact, makes more sense that you eliminate all competition
>Most factions treat you like an asshole as soon as you meet them
>really easy to max out skills
>SLOW AND CLUNKY COMBAT wich mods slightly improve but it is still slugish as hell
>middle to late game you get bullet sponge enemies up the ass
>some conversations really go on forever (inb4 retard #3 says "if you don't like standing around talking for 10 minutes then you are impatient") in points where i just want to complete the damn quest

i ended up getting fed up with most of the factions and killed off their leaders, sided with Yes Man, got my ending, erased it from my backlog, i think the game is good but it has a lot of boring moments

just want to know what other anons that didn't like this game think about it

The cover definitely isn't the best but as someone else who plays it, it's really just a framework to throw your game at, modify it as needed and have a good time with the story.
I've tried using the Fanmade System, modifying Apocalypse World and a few other systems that are more general. The D20 book is probably the best you can have when it comes to a system for the Fallout Universe

I'm on a Junkrat build, explosives only with a general evil/wild card role play.

>xD muh meme game characters

They eat gesamtkunstwerk

Be the true Shotgun Surgeon.

>Wear the doctor fatigues
>Use only shotguns and knives
>Wear a hockey mask or a gas mask
>Purge the wasteland of sickness and pain with your divinely ordained boomstick
>Collect all manner of drugs, medical equipment and the like, and give your patients experimental drugs you make yourself
>If anyone asks you if you're a real doctor, perform a lobotomy with a double dose of buckshot

"What happened in Russia?"
>Metro 2033/Stalker, that's what happened

Diversity for the sake of diversity.
At best it does literally nothing.
Realistically it just dilutes and ruins what it touches.

Have you tried Fallout 4? It seems to have what you are looking for.

Here's your (You). Satisfied?


Is there no way to save the cap pressing machine in the sunset sarsaparilla plant? The only choice is to scrap it for the mission. Cant I have the evil choice of taking it for myself and print caps from scrap metal or something?

Locate it before the quest, I think. Otherwise, mods.

Different stroke for different folks.
I got Immersed into fallout. The lore was consistent. While the game felt like a wikipedia page because people keep explaining shit to me about the NCR, I got listened to them all and felt part of the world.