So Sup Forums, will you be paying $300+ for the Nintendo NX, or will you be playing the shitty inferior version of The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?
So Sup Forums, will you be paying $300+ for the Nintendo NX...
I have a "cracked" wii U so I'll play the "shitty inferior version" for free. To be honest 720p bothers me since I switched to a 50" 1080p TV last year but what can you do? I'm also considering waiting for the Wii U emulator for glorious 1080/60fps experience but that may take a while.
NX will probably use a mobile chip with barely more computing power than the wii U. Nintendo stopped giving a shit with the wii.
Im buying both. Keep the WiiU copy sealed and play the NX one. Dont ask why.
I bought a Wii U, so I'm a retard and will buy a new console at the drop of a hat
This Zelda will revolutionize the industry just like OoT did. It would be a disservice to yourself to waste money on the piece of shit Wii U version when you could be playing the objectively superior game.
Didn't someone say in an interview that both versions will be the same, even visually? If so then NX is looking a lot like a handheld.
hot glue?
Your not me.
I actually like the Wii U. But i dont have much time to play it. I have more sealed games than i can remember. When my son gets old enough to play games ill let him open them and have fun.
Aonuma has said the NX version will have improved visuals. Hopefully they will be able to improve the pop in as well.
I'll be getting the NX.
At least having this game launch both on NX and Wii U at the same time is one thing they've done right. Anyone who wants to play this game will simply buy an NX.
The only thing they need to do is not to fuck this game up which has shown great promise.
Almost no one has a Wii U and most of those who do will buy the NX and play the superior NX version of Zelda.
Well at the Ubisoft conference they said that Just Dance 2017 will be on NX. I can only assume this means it will be a home console.
If the Wii U version comes out, both because I'm a retard.
I don't think he has ever said that directly just people reading between the lines. We've had articles which say they will look the same because he said both will feature same gameplay or to that effect.
>So Sup Forums, will you be paying $300+ for the Nintendo NX, or will you be playing the shitty inferior version of The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?
I have Dark Souls and Skyrim on 360 so no need.
I will play the shitty inferior version, thanks.
The NX can die as far as I am concerned. BotW will be the perfect closure for my Wii U library.
*comes out first
I wonder if Nintendo will bundle the NX with LoZ:BotW since they're launching together, guaranteed sales.
I'll buy an NX and the new Zelda, unless it becomes a Wii scenario and it sells out, then I'll have to go Wii U version.
You guys are seriously delusional if you don't think they'll give the NX version some special feature. They have to sell the new console somehow. Wii U owners aren't going to buy the NX at launch after how badly they were burned with droughts. And people who aren't really Nintendo fans don't have any reason to buy it. They have to give it something or else everyone will just buy the Wii U version.
>b-b-but they promised they would be the same!!
Yeah, and they also promised this game would be Wii U exclusive and come out in 2015. They've still got 9 months for another announcement, especially since they haven't talked about the NX at all.
Stop right there.
What do you guys think the limited edition will have? A midna onahole?
yes absolutely. I have no consoles but the original wii, skipped the wii u because it felt fishy and now I've got a good feeling about nx.
Have since played on PC but I want that comfy zelda tv feeling
I'll pirate the Wii U version.
>people are actually going to buy NX after the fucking Wii U
>Nintendo thanks their loyal Wii U owners who stuck with them through hard times by cucking them with an inferior version
Like pottery
Doesn't the Wii and Gamecube version of twilight princess basically look the same? They wouldn't want the negativity of having no graphics improvement at all for the NX especially if they are showing off a brand new system.
It will be a while before you can play this well on emulator, I wouldn't count on that
GC and Wii basically had the same hardware. The power gap between Wii U and NX will be larger.
The GC version of TP was better because of no waggleshit.
Not buying any nintendo console before it enables piracy after the pile of shit that was the wii u.
I disagree
Fuck the loyals. I'm the biggest fan of Nintendo, and I think I did the best for them by not buying a WiiU. Fuck the loyal fanboys rewarding mediocrity.
This. Its just a matter of time before they announce some shit that will make all the drones go out and buy another console that will inevitably have droughts just as bad as Wii U did.
I sold my Wii U shortly after Smash was obviously a casualized flop. I got PSN money out of it that I spent on Street Fighter V, Guilty Gear Xrd and MGSV, money well spent. Only good games were Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze, which were 3rd party. But yes, I'll buy an NX for Zelda just because for some stupid reason I believe in Metroid Prime 4.
>I'll buy an NX for Zelda just because for some stupid reason I believe in Metroid Prime 4
Are you me?
Depends on the NX launch lineup and what games get announced early on.
If there's enough interesting shit I'm grabbing it on NX, if not I'll buy on WiiU and wait it out.
>the Wii U was a pile of shit
>pirates the wii u games so he can play it
Thats real legit bro good for you
I'll be playing it on the console it was designed for
Unless there are some mind blowing NX NX games announced between now and then, somehow, in which case I'll wait for them to come out and see what the differences between the games are
>I'll be playing it on the console it was designed for
So NX?
I know it's futile.
I know I'm being robbed by the Nipponese Jew.
But I don't care. I want to believe in Metroid Prime 4 being the first good VR game.
>started development for wiiu
>somehow the NX version is "superior"
just like the wii version of twilight princess, right
Depends if they announce anything else for it or if it's backwards compatible with the WiiU
>have a Wii U still in the box unopened
>still buying the NX for superior version of BotW
I'm ashamed of myself.
NX didn't exist when development started
NX didn't exist when they first showed playable footage for the game.
Give it up bros, they never learn.
You're a sad individual
Very unlikely. My guess is a cheap equivalent of the Xbone with better first party support (not GC good, but at least Wii good, or a bit better I hope) with some sort of portability gimmick, family oriented.
>all these jealous Wii U fags
>b-b-but it'll be b-better on W-wii U I s-swear that's what it was d-designed for
>Still trying to justify their shit purchase
Top fucking kek you losers got cucked out of an exclusive Zelda console game, even 3DS had one. Now you have what, 4 games instead of 5? Kek, can't wait to play the superior version on the glorious NX.
As long as the 1st party games deliver i dont care. I have other means to play everything else. I go to Nintendo for one reason. To play Nintendo games.
It's already been confirmed that the NX version will not look any better than the Wii U version, so there's no point in getting it on NX.
Games aren't all about graphics, besides we've reached the point where games no longer benefit much from graphical upgrades.
Nintendo knows it's all about dat gameplay, and they're better off for it.
NX has been in development since at least late 2013, early 2014 at the very latest.
It was definitely in existence when they first showed footage.
Source please.
Man, NXfags are the worst. They basically worship and defend a console they don't even know how it is.
People in here acting like Wii U was some kind of horrible waste of money, but O thought it had a pretty solid library. 100% first party of course, and a blunder from Nintendo's perspective because it sold like ass, but on the consumer side, if you like Nintendo games there are plenty to play on it.
I mean if you don't like Nintendo games and you bought it, yeah, that was kind of retarded.
In b4 someone calls me a drone. I'll get timestamped pics of my PS4 if I need to.
They also promised it would come out in 2015, then 2016, and that it would be a Wii U exclusive.
Stay delusional.
>buying NX just for one good game
No Warrio - no buyrio
Horseshit. Source?
If the NX looks good it'll be the first console I've bought since the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube era. This game has got me fairly hyped but I don't own a WiiU and it's not enough to get me to buy a console by itself. Waiting to see what the NX is like.
>NX has been in development since at least late 2013, early 2014 at the very latest.
Source? If that was the case, the console would be ready to be released now. Iwata first named the NX only last year.
Guys, what if the NX is just a Wii U with a sleeker, improved gamepad?
This is literally what I want from them.
Gimme that weirdass hardware, I have a PC for specs
I'm gonna party $300+ for a wiiu
Honestly I've always thought the system looked great with tons of great games, especially compared to ps and bone, but haven't had time to actually buy one.
>Posted: 31st Jan, 2013
>Nintendo has begun discussing its strategy for its next-generation consoles beyond Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, revealing that it hopes to build an architecture that allows the firm to "make software assets more transferable" between either device, and avoid the software shortages it's seen with its current-generation platforms.
>Development on the architecture for the future platforms began last year, president Satoru Iwata announced during the firm's Q3 financial results briefing last night, and the intention, it seems, is for future Nintendo titles to be compatible with either console.
Wouldnt a sleeker, improved gamepad just be a phone or a tablet...
It's mostly shitposters or very simple minded people that failed for those same shitposters' lies. Don't bother. The Wii U had a short but decent run. I know I'll keep playing it and ignore the NX for a while.
You dont even know what the fucking thing looks like let alone how well it runs you fuCKING IDIOT FUCK YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP
I'll buy it if it has software I want.
My normal rule is 3 exclusives I want but certain games will make me jump the gun for one, i.e. Monster Hunter.
Reminder that the actual game doesn't look as bad as those poorly compressed, direct gameplay footage.
I just hope the NX version won't have any frame drops or even better, have constant 60fps.
ehh we got ps4, xbone and pc for "high fidelity gaming experience."
they should just make sure that they deliver unique content in that unique nintendo style.
if this is the case then why fucking make a new console anyway?
might as well go back to the gamecube.
>Once we launch a new platform, we naturally start to prepare for the next one. As it takes several years to develop a single platform, if you ask us whether we are preparing for our next system, then the correct response will be that we are always developing new hardware.
Man, I really question why the fuck they didn't release it before. 4 years of development and it's not ready to be shown yet? Fuck.
because lew production cost and nintoddlers will eat up anything and ask for more?
What if the NX is the Gamecube2?
So they were planning the console-handheld hybrid thing back then?
The NX is gonna be some Revolution shit, so the Wii U one will probably be superior.
I am no graphics whore and those pop ins people talk about are hilariously inoffensive.
Wii U version it is, for me.
>"make software assets more transferable"
What if it's a Wii U/3DS hybrid?
I'm going to download the leaked demo that's cracked to play the whole game.
It's gonna happen. Too many demo locations for it not to.
Whatever it is it'll be better than the fucking Wii U. Stay mad.
and I'd be ok with it if they released CONTENT, cucking us out of Metroid, F-Zero and other IPs that could use more games favoring Mario's instead
Kek good luck
We'll see how the NX turned out. If the two versions are the same, I'll just pick up a used Wii U or something. If the NX is actually good somehow, I'll get one.
Like the N64 was better than the SNES, kek.
Keep sucking them invisible dicks, bro.
If you don't have a Wii U yet you should get one and pick up all the other good games to go with it. NX will have droughts as bad as Wii U did if not worse.
If it comes out earlier on the Wii U I'll buy it there and on the NX later. But if it's simultaneous release I'll just buy it on the NX.
but N64 was better than SNES
neither, game doesnt look that good
They confirmed both versions will release simultaneously with the NX in March
Well then I will just buy it with the NX bundle.
yeah, it's not like there's a precedent for this exact kind of situation that involved this same exact IP. Fucking retard.
Same moment sony, ms and nintendo drops their current gen they start working in the next gen fampai
What if the NX is backwards compatible and LoZ:BotW is a Wii U game with added NX functionality?
Well, the Wii had GC BC but got a port of TP anyway.
as long as they fix the terrible pop in I'll be happy with the wii u version. this game has a good enough style, I don't mind if it looks like a PS3 game