89 days till Tokyo Game Show

>89 days till Tokyo Game Show

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Goddamn it

>The same day as Jap P5 release
>TFW want to watch it with Sup Forums
>but if I go I'll be spoiled
Truly suffering


>he plays persona for the plot

What you should be posting is like 60 days to gamescom



Ok I got 89 days to learn japanese and play P5


the world's biggest game faire

I like finding things on my own

And you play it for ?
Even if the gameplay is cool, it starts to be boring after 40 hours.
I want to play this game the same way I played P3, and I fucking enjoyed it.
I was spoiled for P4 and it was nowhere as interesting as 3.

What are you plastering the name of my penis all over this board?

>Sony wins E3 2015 with no games
>Nintendo wins E3 2016 with one games

At least we're heading in the right direction

It's possible, you know.

>Nintendo wins E3 2016 with one games

>Microsoft wins E3 2017 with pc games

I'm ready for Nippon E3, it'll be much better than this shitfest of an E3 and Nintendo will perform way better there.

Since it wasn't said at E3, I'm waiting for TGS for the specific release date on Gravity Rush 2.

Give me that shit Sony, please, I fucking need it, the new gameplay at E3 is pure fucking sex.

>47 days till Quakecon

I don't think so.
He has to know all those fucking kanjis and the grammar in 3 months.

>139 days till Blizzcon


>being excited for overquakefortressborn

As much as I'd be happy for a return to quake or even quake 3, they're going to be cashing in on the recent revival of the class based shooter

Although team fortress did originally start as a quakeworld mod so i guess we've come full circle

I want to see NX there.

>Nintendo wins E3 2016
Sure mate


There is nothing wrong with him saying this desu
Who the fuck expected Nintendo to be good with specs?

i actually only care about dishonored 2

Oh okay

Carry on then

Then show me your moves koku-jin.

No joke, if not for FF7R, last year's TGS was like 10 times better than E3. It's gonna be so much better this year, can't wait.

>Who the fuck expected Nintendo to be good with specs?
Everyone less you.

>good specs
NX has a chance
>"For us it's not about specs"
NX U, rip nintendo


Can we expect the NX announcement with a Spring 2017 launch?

He never said the specs are bad you mongloid
He just said the marketing will not be focused on the specs

What the fuck?