Remember when people were hyped for this shit?
Remember when people were hyped for this shit?
"Optimistic, but hesitant" is pretty much the best that game ever got out of me.
Might be living under a cave here, but did anything go wrong with it?
no its just a nintendo shitter trying to pretend that 1 game they got is somehow surpassing all other games
Didn't even get shown at e3. Dead in the water
I was, but now I sort of feel like this game is gonna be a letdown. The fact that devs know little to nothing about it just shows that this is just a random world generator.
Is there anything unrelated to the devs that should actually make people un-hyped?
Didn't even get shown behind closed doors at E3. This thing is going to be a disaster.
I never understood why people were in the first place but I do sort of get that some people really enjoy exploration.
the only feature i've heard about is finding random generated creatures and naming them
isn't E3 mostly for even newer games though? I mean this one is meant to come out in a couple of months and was shown at E3 already
just huge worlds with nothing in them
i can see it now
I remember when I was, but after the series of delays I don't care anymore. No doubt it'll be a case of overpromising and lacklustre delivery.
I wanted this for max comfy flyan, exploran, huntan. Hope it doesn't turn out like complete shit.
I personally can't wait to meet up with my friends and explore the universe together.
>Game was supposed to release next week
>We still haven't seen a member of the public play the game
I want to get excited for this game but I'm not sure it even exists.
I can't wait to watch this game flop.
Im still hyped tho.
Looked great at the first reveal trailer in 2014. Then the more they showed the less excited i got.
I'm sure it will be fun, but there's no way i'm paying full price for it.
I don't know about that, but it has been delayed 2 times now and there's barely any gameplay footage.
No, it was all shills and rmaybe a few retards who also fell for Scam Citizen. The only upcoming sandbox game that Sup Forums is hyped for right now is Bannerlord.
The owner of my local mom and pop game store bought a ps4 exclusively to play this. He bought into the hype hard. Kinda sad.
It was delayed until August.
Why was ANYONE hyped about it? I remember people were, but never understood their reasonings. They showed nothing and the stuff that did were obvious Molyneux-tier fake promises.
People thought it was going to be multiplayer and you'd be able to fuck someone's planet up and the changes would be permanent but it ended up being single player where the world resets everytime you leave
oh yeah we will explore those planets,shoot some space shit and then what? nothing. I dont feel like there is more to it than what the trailers are showing and i really wanted it to be an adventure in unknown world.
I can't get hype about indie games anymore
Elite dangerous 2.5
>Developer got Sony involved
>Sony wanted massive marketing
>Developer continuously bitched to Sony (and on camera) how stupid it was to try and mass advertise an exploration game as it kills the entire point of exploration revealing everything
>Sony finally listens and stops forcing developer to release new information
>All is right in the world
Im looking forward to it, we so rarely get exploration games these days ill take anything.
It's not really an exploration game if everything is randomly made and the planet that you previously explored is completely different making exploring it useless
plz be soon
yeah, back before people found out it was singleplayer. maybe ill pirate it if im bored
The procedural planets are the canvas to the actual exploration elements. They've revealed some of these, like alien languages, already.
>previously explored is completely different making exploring it useless
Its not RNG like that. Planet X will always look like Planet X, and the hill on Planet X will always be there if you go back.
Yeah but you can't shape the planet or anything since it resets
True, but that doesnt really fit into the game either. Its not minecraft, the point is to keep moving through space not to settle down.
>he doesn't know
Noone is dumb enough to be hyped for a LE INFINITE game.
>B-but nintendo!
Like pottery
i fell for the cubeworld meme
>Guys our game has billions of planers
>But we can't really advertise because then we'll show too much
They can't get the PS4 version to cache the randomly generated worlds.
Yes they can, its just a handful of lines of algorithm.
>like pottery
>You enjoy things I dont, I want you to stop
Sup Forums in a nutshell
pls die
Can you build something, like a cool city?
What is there to see? Billions of planets and they can't show any off for fear of showing too much. Billions is a big number. Something is fishy as fuck that they can't show just a few new ones out of billions.
Any normal human would have red flags going off about that.
The city would be gone as soon as you leave the planet so no
Nope. They can't do it without causing the game to crash. That's why it's delayed and sony won't even mention its existence anymore.
See the post twat, the planets are a backdrop to the exploration elements
sonydrones overhyped this, this was easily the worst game of all time, I really didn't understand how they got hype for the space travel and exploration. Shit made me fall asleep, now they realize that's all there is. Fucking drones
Nice source
It seemed to me that the only real difference between planets was a color palette. On top of that, there doesn't seem to be any actual goal or reason to play beyond exploration.
Feel free to post source, because the game itself is only 10gb and it streams in a minuscule amount of data as you roam.
Guys remember this other Sony lie ?
you cant built anything. all you do in the game is fight robot policemen, shoot rocks/wildlife, collect chemicals/ore, learn alien language at monoliths, travel through space. There is tonnes to do actually now that i have listed them. GOTY
No, I've just known its name forever. I've only once heard it being mentioned, and that was by the most normal man I know.
I honestly don't even know what it is other than a PS4 title that I'm probably never going to play. It may as well be on the Xbone or the Ouya.
>Planets are the backdrop
You're one of those faggots that thinks drifting through an empty area devoid of anything is exploration.
Nothing resets, all changes are saved on your machine, and "significant changes" (whatever the fuck that means) are saved on the server for everyone. If you blast a hole in the ground it will always be there in that exact spot.
>exploration game where the entire point of the game is finding the things you can do in the universe
I mean really, Sup Forums users are stupid but you're pushing this to new limits. They revealed the languages and other bits to show there are features in the game, you have to find them though.
it's coming out DRM free for PC on GoG too
The planet does not reset, for you. When you dig a hole and come back to it later it will still be there. It does stay original to any other people finding the planet however.
I'm in the "Could be neat" camp. But I'm not rushing out to buy this at release.
Please learn to read because that isnt what im saying at all and im not going to keep saying the same thing over and over just because you cant understand it.
What kind of shit is this? Why can't you just save the game state? The Daggerfall sandbox was more sophisticated than this.
Saving changes on the machine means there will be syncing issues if they were to add coop
I'm honestly expecting a lot of rehashing. Just "This planet has purple planets" and "This planet has a green sky" but everything else is the same.
>The planets are le canvas to exploration
You sound like a pretentious cunt.
>Oh wow a new RPG game
This is what you are doing. Its an exploration game. You explore and find things to do. Thats what exploration games are.
fuck off shill
Learning alien languages using some alien rosetta stone. Hm. I can see how this will be popular with the kids.
>It does stay original to any other people finding the planet however.
See, what's the fucking point of this? It would be nice to actually see the marks other people have made on a certain world.
Don't tell me it's to prevent griefing/resource depletion. After all the keep yammering on about
>muh billions of planets
Yeah, resort to insults, see if that helps prove how smart you are unable to grasp simple concepts.
You can dig holes? Now I'm interested.
Would the servers handle it?
>showing one part of a planet of of muh 6 million will ruin everything
The games MP is like Journeys, its not a big part of the game.
Its best to think of it as offline with the ability to visit the same planets as other people have visited.
It's going to sell though, so what does the quality of the game matter
Your weapon is a multitool that can shoot enemies, dig stuff, take resources, scan animals etc. With certain types of ammo (I think) you can blast holes
I'm looking forward to it, although they probably killed a lot of hype and buzz around it because they pushed the release date so far back when it was close to coming out
>Reminder that theres a LOT of info on this game
It's just that you have to watch like two hours worth of interviews, but they have talked at length about everything the game is, has and does and how it does it. I won't go into specifics here because I'll get called a shill, look it up yourself if you are interested
because they've already shown the entire game. you walk around on a planet and that's it
I don't get why you couldn't have a multiplayer.
There are underground caverns on certain planet types with different resources, you can blast into them and go sub surface exploring
Apparently the best resources are deeper in the planets, but so are more dangerous animals and other environmental issues (poison clouds, ect)
>Yeah resort to insults
>See the post twat
Not only are you a pretentious cunt using buzzwords like canvas instead of actually explaining your dumbass statements, you're also unaware of your hypocritical nature. I love it. Keep going, I want to see how much more of a cunt you can be while shilling for this game.
no ones gonna put that much effort into shitposting
I too think its rubbish they didnt put in real multiplayer, but they dont look they are changing their minds on it. So its going to stay singleplayer.
I'm no gamedev but if minecraft in shittily written java code can do it in real time I don't see why NMS wouldn't be able to.
>hey guys I'm new!
How is using a word that perfectly describes something pretentious, would the word background or map be less insulting to you? The fact you are getting so worked up over 1 word shows you are pretentious, not me.
No more replies for you, you're obviously just shitposting and trying to get a rise out of my so I wont give you the satisfaction anymore. I explained the game simple enough for a toddler to understand, if you cant grasp it its your own idiocy.
How do you know?
i only remember paid shills constantly making threads about that crap
Really? Because it looks like there is plenty shitposting here already
>He keeps going and is still self aware
Keep going faggot. Next you'll tell me the game is like the Mona Lisa.
Planets are re-calculated everytime you enter one, cancelling whatever happened there if you're not the cause of the modifications (otherwise the changes are saved on your machine).
Saving all changes would mean saving all the planets that were explored so far on servers. If they didn't do this in the first place it might be best to assume that there was something preventing them from doing it, as that probably wouldn't have been the hardest part.
It would have to be saved on servers wouldn't it?
How else are they going to keep track of these "significant changes" that everyone can allegedly see?
>Can't wait for the launch
>can't wait for a the salty hate from this site
>Cant wait for Sup Forums to shit on it
>Because indie games must be shit
still will enjoy it because you all suck and i remember that Sup Forums opinion just doen't matter
>When you dig a hole and come back to it later it will still be there. It does stay original to any other people finding the planet however.
On one side it would be cool to leave a mark but on the other if everyone do this the whole planet will look like a swiss cheese with no species left. Probably the thinking process that went for the descision but you should be able to leave a mark that doesnt affect the planet.