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I liked that movie as well


So did i. Some of it didnt make sense but who cares. I had fun.

My favorite MGS - the hate it gets is just a meme

>extend the game-cutscene ratio
>make chapter 3 and 5 like you were in a warzone just like chapters 1 and 2
Game fixed.

It was a good game. Kojima games are difficult to judge. It's no wonder they divide people so much.

Same. Obviously not BGE, but it was way better than memespouting told him it would be. It's a decent game which has its moments.

There is no way to hate this game if you played the previous ones.


You can't play it out of context.

There's nothing wrong with liking 4.

It's when people say it's the absolute best of the series that you have a problem.

I liked the part where 0 became 1 became 10 became 100 and so on and then the nanamachines killed the foxdie and ocelot was really liquid who was really ocelot and Snake otacon and sunny had a threesome and Big boss was jesus. Good game.


MGS4 sucks.


and this (hated 3)

and this

and the biggest fuck you for last

Metal Gear Solid 4 is garbage and easily the worst Metal Gear game that isn't mobile shit.

Fuck you, I hated it

I liked it till I realized that building settlements up does absolutely nothing, I spent 90% of my time building a perfect fortress with walls and guards, only to find out all you need to do is plant a tomato and have a water tap then leave to never return. So then I went to actually play the rest of the game and it was shit to the point I couldnt even finish it.

It wasnt Fallout at all, but the build element seemed like an interesting mechanic till you realized it does fuck all.


FF13 and 13-2

Everyone only ever remembers that game for Satan's gigantic dick but the world and enemy design was damn neat until they botched a whole circle with challenge rooms. Kinda fell apart towards the end.

MGS5, Resident Evil 6, Brink, Battlefront, Metal Gear Online, Bioshock Infinite. I like most games.

Fite me

The settlement system was fucked because when raiders attack they just spawn inside your settlement, meaning there's no use in building defenses.

I was building up that one settlement at the bottom right of the map along the coast and I spent 3 hours building up my defenses to cut off the only direction that raiders should be able to approach, and then when the settlement came under attack the raiders just spawned right in the fucking middle of the settlement.

yeah I just ran around pretending to be a space marine, haven't had so much fun in a bethesda game since morrowind, certainly not in fucking 3. then again I dont care for fallout lore and i wasn't silly enough to expect an rpg after fo3 and skyrim
I actually didnt even notice the dick until someone metioned it. played on a 1080p display though so it might have been blurry. but yeah most of the game was fucking solid

also liked this

The Last of Us, still the best game ive ever played

Yea I built a wall around the drive in theatre area, like, I walled off the entire area and made towers at the corners with only one entrance guarded by a checkpoint, only to find super mutants would just spawn right inside the base. Couldve had it so that there was large roaming groups that would travel to attack settlements every 5 days or something and their force is dependent on the level of the settlement. Its like they really didnt account for people building walls and actual defenses and relied on thought placing a defense turret was the extent of what anyone would do.


What is your favorite game, user?

Far Cry 2. Too many open world shooters get bogged down by RPG elements.

has anyone made a decent mod for that shit yet anyway?
>remove enemy car turbo
>remove malaria
>make it so checkpoints only respawn after a few days
>suddenly perfect africa survival simulator

and the BEST PAST is

>the only guy who cared about modding farcry 2 was a /k/ guy that got himself killed

stop being edgy

>tfw actually doing the voice commands
It worked pretty well aslong as you had a good mic.

>it's edgy if you dont think the last of us is the best game ever

neo-Sup Forums, everyone

Well, it's true. There are many objectively good things about TLoU

I had a shitty mic as a kid that only worked if I yelled into it, wonder what my neighbours thought of me yelling out UNIT 1 ATTACK HOSTILE 2

The new movement system made mercenaries fun for the first time for me. I agree it's bad in a lot of other aspects.

To this day I can't understand how anyone could get past O&S, but still have trouble here.

It's the same fucking shit you've been doing the entire game.

its easy once you realize you can roll through the branches


Meant for

I liked Peace Walker.
In fact, it is actually favorite MGS
I'm not sure what it is, but it just feels good to play, and listen to the music in it.



MGS4 is my second favourite after MGS1.
Goodbye, Solid Snake.

I liked most of the game before the final sequence. Never tried the dlc tho
Played this like 3 times, especially liked the TURNED ON THE RADIO part even though people seem to hate that one the most lol

It's mostly just former PS2 owners who skipped out on the PS3 (because they couldn't afford one) who hate on MGS4. That's how the Movie Gear Solid meme started, since most of them only watched the cutscenes on Youtube, even though the cutscene-to-gameplay ratio is not any different from MGS1 or 2.

Mass Effect 3 fucking suuuuucked.


also AC Unity

>the only guy who cared about modding farcry 2 was a /k/ guy that got himself killed
Was it Icycalm? He's the one always hyping Far Cry 2 as the best game of all time.

Unquestionably better than V

nah that Dylan guy, apparently he went to some middle eastern country to bid on a stg44 and never came back

You liked a good game. What a surprise.
Most people that didn't liked 4 are those who didn't follow the series. Proof of this is how much people scream at this game for "pandering for nostalgiafags". The last game which is supposed to end a series that has been around for 20 years makes throwbacks for people that played those games? What a shock. It was a love letter to fans.


The ratio is actually higher. There's more gameplay in 4 than in the others. Believe it or not, it's just that it's a very long game in comparison to them.

I only played 3 but I felt like 40% of my time was spent on the cutscenes and codec calls lol

WELL, also played mg1 but that's different


>Most people that didn't liked 4 are those who didn't follow the series
On the other hand we had people who did followed the series and didn't liked it because every supernatural and otherwordly event could be attributed to nanomachines, not to mention plot threads that had to be resolved no matter how dumb the solution was

>lol that game SUUUUCCKKS
you idiots are missing the point of the thread


>that GENE

I'm not saying the game is bulletproof to critiscism. It's not that everyone who followed MUST love it without question. It's that those who didn't represent the vast majority and it's from them that the major memetics around this game come from. I also don't like the whole nanomachine substitute for the supernatural but the game is still fucking good. The mecha fight? Last boss? Microwave scene? Shadow Moses? The whole game is just this caldron of cool stuff happening while some background noise of sadness because you know this is Solid Snake last mission. It's just incredible and will stick with me forever. No meme will change that. And even after saying all this, i can still find flaws in the game, nothing is perfect.

you will probably hate me for that, but i really enjoyed pic related