Elex, 11 new screenshots

Here they are!

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Really looking forward to this, but Risen 1-3 were kinda mediocre. Hoping they'll be able to return to their former glory of Gothic 1 and 2.










What am i looking at here? Looks nice

>"In ELEX, you join the war over a powerful resource that gives people great magic-like powers, but turns them into indifferent cold creatures. You decide if emotions and humaneness or cold synthetic logic will rule the world of Magalan. "

Alright, it looks nice, but this is without a doubt the dumbest fucking premise for a story I could possibly think of.

Some of the ol' Gothic dudes kickstarted an RPG or something.

Not some of the old Gothic dudes, it's the original team. I hope Elex will be better then Risen 2 and 3.

first risen was actually great, but it feels like it was heavily rushed


>it will have jetpack
fuck yes
vertical exploration was one of the best things in first risen as you had that cool and comfy as fuck levitation spell
i remember just gliding down from the Monastery onto the other side of an island, shit was godly
shame they went with a lame parrot transformation in third

Another screenshot.

Please tell me this isn't Open World.

this is from the creators of gothic, they know how to make the best openworld rpgs

Wow this is a mess of art direction. could literally be like 5 different games depending on which screenshots...

I was thinking the same, it looks fucking weird. I hope it will be good because I loved gothic but holy shit the artstyle mish mash is awful.

This looks like modded Skyrim.

I'm sceptical
but I like the guns vs swords clash they're going for

there were some great games in the past who did this

Sci-fi/fantasy hybrid might be fun. The risen games certainly were not perfect but they were fun enough and hopefully they will get it right with this one. I hope that they manages to make the combat a bit more fun and less stale. It would also be nice if the gui was a bit less shit.

the screenshots show some awful clipping
I hope this gets polished out and maybe they show off a little bit of gameplay

I know the player starts out as a member of this faction, but can you join them later on in the game?

Except for all of Risen.
The more ambitious they try to get with their open world, the worse their games get.

check out elex mood video


i hope they will recatch the magic of gothic 1 and 2

Wait what? I thought it was medieval fantasy again?