>pro tip
>you cant
You cant tell me Reinhardt, and junkrat are not god tier
Other urls found in this thread:
I knew that a reinhardt testudo would be unbeatable
But nooo you armchair faggots told me it would suck
>didnt even have a healer
Blame the enemy for not running a bunch of Symmetras to pierce your shields and each other.
Reinhardt is non debatably the best tank, and Junkrat is a top 2 defence character.
Why is this a topic?
yeah, so?
Numbani is worst map
Fucking love Junkrat
Anytime I'm healer & I'm not getting supported or my team is in trouble or my team just plain sucks I go Junkrat & fuck kids up.
He's an unstoppable machine
this has to be the first time the internet agrees on a video game
*this has to be the first time Sup Forums agrees on a video game
Fixed that one for you. Also
>The internet is 2-3 people
A good Junkrat shuts down a path and yet he's also great at bombarding encampments. I fought a team of Winstons last night on Lijiang, they stomped us until three of us went Junkrat and pushed their shit back. 100 to 99 and the match hung in overtime for about five minutes. Best goddamn round ever
>Tumblr-Cannon and Poo-in-loo wet dream.jpg
1 Symmetra would fuck them all up
Bastions would also work.
Reinhardt's the best tank sure but there's no way that team's winning against anyone competent.
Mei + bastion + Zarya
= GG
>nerf this
>Dòng zhù, bùxǔ zǒu
>justice rains from above!
Junkrat's good I'm not saying he isn't, but he's pretty meme-tier and by that I mean it's no surprise Sup Forums likes him
Reinhart is a staple on every map. Basically the only teams protection against a good widowmaker
Search for the Luminosity vs Die Gurren set on Hollywood and watch Gods fucking obliterate DG who didn't run Reinhart.
Junkrat is a little more niche, has found a good place on defense. One of the better characters for breaking through Reinharts shield
Will Overwatch get a discount for the summer sale?
Also, is Origins Edition only skins or is there more?
Your statement begins with you can't, but then the brotip also says you can't.
This is a double negative, meaning that you've conceded that they can.
Nerf this
With them all clumped up Symmetra would do 125 damage to all of them each shot.
A Bastion deletes a barrier. A couple of them would remove all those barriers in seconds.
Origins is a whole bunch of stuff for a bunch of Blizzard games.
Skins for Overwatch
Avatars for Starcraft 2
Tracer hero for Heroes of the Storm
Young Winston pet for World of Warcraft
I think Hearthstone got some Overwatch cards?
And Mercy wings for Diablo 3, or something.
>Tfw finally got the "toasted" skin
Now I just need the "unfortunate" hero intro and I'm all set for Hunkrat
Well I don't play any of those games so the normal edition will do. Thanks.
Youll miss on the only good tracer skin though. Not that its worth 20 dollars
All those retards not even fighting back
You stay in position soldier.
Seeing your load out is making me feel very unoriginal. Mine is exactly the same, including the intro you want, except I have the exploding smile as my spray.
Well if you dont use the cute spray for every hero you are a douchebag. Exept maybe the ones with the squids, those are pretty nice too
It seems you are using the cute spray because it's the only one you have. And cute sprays are from achievements, so everyone has them and thats pretty damn lame yo
Aww how nice of you to give the enemy pharah the potg
I use them because they are cute. Also you sound like a douchebag, as expected from non cute spray users.
Well I am a douchebag and thanks for noticing.
The Widowmaker one is the only one I wish I had.
>using things because they're rare and not because you like them
congratulations on helping video games die
>mfw shooting down a Pharah with fire strike
It's a combination of both for me really. Also, that's a little melodramatic.
Oh shit, waddup!?
that doesn't even look hard to deal with. just use Dva's ult, or maybe junkrat's ult if you can manage to jump it into the middle of their formation.
It's like in tf2 in payload when the entire blu team plays heavy and all sit on the cart they win 90% of the time against the average pubs but will singlehandedly get destroyed by one good demo, spy or sniper
Some of those cute/pixel spray achievements are pretty bullshit and require circumstances out of your control, I hardly see anyone with them.
Crikey, whaddup
Contain yourself.
the shield actually blocks d.va ultimate
This fag's not wrong.
>one of them simply pins the mech away from the group
Is that the zyzz pose in the middle at the bottom?
You don't really need a good anyone to break up a Reinhardt group, even an average person with the right hero could do it..
>Not Jailbird or a Legendary
Shit taste.
Also, Juggling is the only acceptable Junkrat emote.
Those bombs he juggles?
They deal damage to enemies.
Why does everyone use Toasted? I just use the blue one.
Same with "unfortunate" I use the one where he flies away on a concussion mine.
>retards actually think that Dva's ultimate is a good counter for rein.
He can negate its entire damage with 1hp left on his shield
>d.va isn't a complete retard and drops the mech from above
>no chance to charge it away
The only problem here is finding someone that actually plays D.va that isn't a complete retard.
Pretty much this.
To beat Reinhardts, all you need is another Reinhardt.
From what I've found in my dozen-ish recorded hours of Reinhardt is that a huge counter to Reinhardt is another Reinhardt. Especially since everyone hit by his firestrike gives him 10% on his ult, so it's entirely possible to get multiple ults for him in a single minute just by hitting the team through the other guy's shield.
Copper Reinhardt is best Reinhardt.