Is the new DOOM fun? Thinking about picking it up when it goes on sale next week. SP looks good...

Is the new DOOM fun? Thinking about picking it up when it goes on sale next week. SP looks good, and I heard MP is supposed to get massive reworks to be great since id is in charge of it now.

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>video game

It's already on sale, only $40 at Best buy and Gamestop this week.


Played through campaign once

It was alright

Can you elaborate a bit more?

Well, there were some guns and some demons and you go into hell a few times to shoot demons there
Played through on ultra violence, fights were fun. Would have appreciated more smaller enemies at the same time in later fights. Core gameplay was good, double jump and ledge climbing seemed out of place at first but helped to get around without taking control away
It looked pretty good, and the music wasn't too intrusive. Story took a backseat as it should

My only real complaint is that there should have been way more demons outside of arena fights, like 90% of the enemies were concentrated in those arenas

What about the multiplayer? Surely it's fun since the core gameplay is good yeah?

Wouldn't know, haven't tried
Like I said, played through campaign once

I was thinking I'd try it tomorrow or something. Shouldn't be too bad since I'm already braced for disappointment with all the shit I heard about it

Did they crack denuvo yet or is it really over for piratefags?

I'm not willing to pay full price or even 40$ for Boom. Guess I'll pick it up in a year or two in the bargain bin.

I don't think Denuvo is ever gonna be cracked desu senpai

won't be cracked since all the crackers have moved on to real jobs instead of sitting around all day and fucking around for free.

even the Chinese groups said they will not even attempt to crack Denuvo for a year or two. companies are hiring these guys to stop cracking, all about the jewgold nowadays guys.

Multiplayer is a halo reskin. Its alright but dont buy the game for mp

How so? It looks a lot faster than halo and it's got doom weapons so it's already better

>Its alright but dont buy the game for mp
But you just guaranteed that I'll be doing that since I love Halo multiplayer.

There's a demo out for it, one week only tho

Feels like serious sam but with "parkour", multiple leveled areas and a decrease in the amount of enemies.

But pretty fucking good. No idea if you would find it fun, some people enjoy eating shit or even dirt for example, everybody is different.

>Multiplayer is a halo reskin
>has no vehicles
>maps are tiny

I played a bit of MP (like for an hour or so I'd say)
1) it feels different from the SP in terms of movement and how the weapons work (probably in the name of balance); you run slower for example, which was a big disappointment from second one of my first match
2) weapons aren't located around the arena, ammo and health packs are, but for weapons, there is a 2 weapon limit, and they are defined by classes that you make before a match, and get unlocked as you play more; it's shit for this type of game

also they need to release some kind of official horde mode, because on the PC people have made some snapmap horde maps.....the problem is that NO ONE on PC is playing snapmap in MP
sometimes I just wanna be in doom with the music and the gunning down demons, but I don't wanna replay the story mode again and again
also the snapmap gameplay is run off the backend of multiplayer, including my above complaints about movement and weapon limits and changes

This senpai

I think SnapMap would be played more of they didn't require you to restart the game just to play it. It should be accessible from the Multiplayer menu

Steam sale starts real soon so probably.
Not really. It might add well be a different game given all the changes. All guns work almost totally differently, like the SS had a reticle that's like three times bigger than SP. While the powerups are a cool idea they're op and basically translate into free kills on anyone you encounter for their duration (also best weapon was made into a powerup which means no explosive jumping). The net code is also hilariously incompetent.

Played through it, now running the levels again for secrets. I haven't been this infatuated with a game since TW3 or Talos Principle. No idea if I'll ever touch the multiplayer since grappling and double jump really don't belong there in my opinion.

>since grappling and double jump really don't belong there in my opinion



>double jump

What possible reason?

also also if they removed the dumb "memory limit" and "demon limit"
in fact if they removed all the limits and let people just make what they want

watch this and vomit

Yeah it's real good. After beating it twice on nightmare I've been looking for something comparable to scratch the itch but short of replaying the classics I haven't been able to find anything.

Double Jump would actually be good if you had the air control rune from single player so you'd actually be able to dodge things. As it is its useless except for navigating the map.

Serious Sam first encounter.

Serious Sam 3. (takes a little while to get into swing)

Maybe it is useless, but I don't see how it doesn't belong.

Doom cracking is making progress. They now get to the main menu, loads to 100% then black screen. Yes, it's not playable but we are closer.

Already beat them recently sadly. I'm probably gonna have to wait for ss4 or sw2.

Yes it's what an FPS should be. There's not a whole lot of replay value though besides harder difficulties. I rented it from Redbox and beat it in on normal in like two days.

I don't either, im not the guy you replied to. I thought your ? was you wondering why they put it in.

>and beat it in on normal

Why the fuck would you relegate your first and best experience of a game to normal?

Loved the thing, although it has a few very serious flaws.

i got bored of it after seeing a gamegrumps lets play to be honest, idk why but lets plays make a game old incredibly fast

Wolfenstien: The New Order. It's more story driven, but the gameplay is fast paced as fuck.

>Serious Sam 4
I have some news for you, user.

What are they?

>a few very serious flaws

I'm curious as to what they are.

They released a demo during E3.

I thought "this is pretty good" but I dunno if I'd pay $60 even if I could afford it.

Already played recently, although I am waiting for the steam sale to pick up the old blood.

They confirmed that had nothing to do with SS4, which is going to be a full SS game.

The rune challenges make the game a bit too easy, (I skip them on repeat playthroughs now) the enemies can occasionally run off somewhere into an arena away from you leading to an annoying hide and seek section, the snapmap isn't a substitute for the classic Doom 1\2 WADs, and the entire multiplayer mode is a big blemish on an otherwise fantastic project.

Pretty sure you'd pay anything if it was as trifling as whatever you wouldn't even pick up off the ground.

>The rune challenges make the game a bit too easy

Personally I thought it was just the weapon upgrades.

I think the rule of thumb in this game is to never look at the map, and simply find secrets as they come. I spent what feels like a little too long looking for shit around the start of the game and now I feel extremely overpowered. Especially with the BFG and fucking chainsaw. They should remove those weapons honestly. Nothing good really comes from "fuck these enemies" panic buttons.

But the BFG was ALWAYS a panic button weapon

I think they were for consoles. I could see them being somewhat challenging with a controller.

I didn't really mind though since they were such a small part of the game.



I'm fine with those because they're limited used items, and fuel\ammo is scarce enough to be fine. The upgrades too are great additions, simply because they allow the player to customize their playstyle and the only real "overpowered" upgrades are pretty challenging to get.

Because I rented it and wanted to experience all the story before I had to return it. Didn't want to pay 2 dollars a day because I got stuck on a level/boss

I honestly loved em, a lot of them were generally pretty fucking hard, like that one where you have to kill all those enemies with an non upgraded shotgun and only 1 health and a timer

The singleplayer is pretty good, the multiplayer is dog shit.

I'm playing the game with a controller and this is me: >the only real "overpowered" upgrades are pretty challenging to get

They didn't seem like it. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong ones though. The 4th tier plasma cannon (the one you charge up), and the minigun turret mode make extremely short work of enemies.

I miswrote there: My problem isn't the ruin challenges themselves, it's the buffs they give you (like extending your glory kill range or giving you infinite ammo if your armour is over a certain amount.) that make the game too easy.

It's the must fun ive had with a fps in a long time

I guess. I just used exclusively ammo drops up, pickup range up, and air mobility.

another pc franchise ruined by console faggots.

But it doesn't even feel consolized

Has it been cracked yet?

There's a fucking demo.
Download it and try it your fucking self



It's pretty neat honestly, I don't understand the hate for it

isnt it a turret shooter?

No co op campaign but SP is fun. Multiplayer a shit and unbalanced for low ranks, high ranks have all guns and the OP Baron Demon form making them unstoppable.

Yeah. Good news is it was just something they shat out for E3 and not SS4.

Snap map isn't a replacement for classic WADs.

>2 differences that otherwise make it worse

you cant make porn game with it.

would buy just for the music alone

maybe not full price though

>2 differences

Yeah and you are just one difference away from being a fucking plant.

>snapmap would be played more if it wasnt all the same cookie cutter bullshit survival maps being made. Literally everything on there is faggots making shitty survival wave maps theres nothing good or unique enough to hold interest. Not only that but if you save a map YOU CANT MAKE A LOBBY, YOURE FORCED IN AUTOMATICALLY.

So in order to host a map you have to search for the damn thing to host it with your friends/randoms, its a total wash.

>rented it from redbox
Youre begging for a cardboard disc courtesy of Tyrone.

has Hdoom been updated since techdemo7? or whatever one the cyber was added in

More than one difference there m80.

>not a plant


Honestly I haven't gone back to HDoom after my first exposure to it. Fun for a laugh, but not my thing.

Music is the worst part about the game. It's like they wanted to use metal but watered it down as much as possible.

>Multiplayer is a halo reskin
No, Halo is actually an arena shooter with weapon spawns and sometimes vehicles.

But WADs can run on a calculator, New DOOM would be far more difficult and complex to make something with. New DOOM could use open source mod tools I agree, but SnapMap isn't that bad for normies who just wanna play around and make something neat.

just checked his tumblr anyway
>no update for a year
i just wanna fuck a thicc mancubus

When I turned it off and put on Doom Thrash Metal remixes it was amazing.

There's a demo which has the entire first level, including lore/secrets/retro Doom levels. Just play that for a taste of the SP.

MP sucks dick, so you should only buy it for the campaign (13 levels, so decently sized) and Snapmap

It's $32 at Best Buy if you're a GCU member too. Plus tax, obviously.

It's awful and gets boring quickly.

I'm also a big fan of Halo. It's a Halo copycat, but a shitty Halo copycat. Don't fall for the ruse.


yes it is
very fun in fact

How is this anything but pathetic?

apparently he said there may be an update sometime in june
guell we'll see

That'd be true if Bethesda hadn't outsourced the MP to a shitty studio to save money.

That's why the things in are true.

I believe even id or Bethesda admitted outsourcing the MP was a mistake.

g2a has it for about 35 too

This video is such shit honestly. New Enemies are far more complex and cpu heavy than 2D sprites that occasionally through fireballs.

That's no excuse. The normie things I can think of are filling a room with monster, which you can't do because of the 12 live monster limit, and recreating Doom 1/2/Final Doom maps, which you also can't do because of the 64 monster total limit. And Deathmatch which they've been pushing is limited to 4 players, which is laughable.

I really can't excuse this though. I mean I understand that maps like 10000 revenants and planisphere 2 crashed a lot of computers back in the day but we should still have an option to turn that shit off and make whatever.

Honestly this was probably the biggest way consoles hurt this game.

>40 shekels at best buy

All right, I guess I'll go buy it.

If they turned off the limit for PC would you change your opinion?

Yes. In a heartbeat.

Tbh I played it for an hour and became bored of it. It looks great though and a lot of people love it so maybe I'm just an idiot. But in the end I've launched it only once. The gameplay already felt repetitive and boring within that small timeframe.

The campaign is really really fun.
MP is painfully average. It has it's moments, it's not shit, but it was a bit disappointing.

Yeah, Snapmap is the only thing that feels consolized. They might eventually patch the limit out.

And if you need even more reason to skip the MP, the $40 Battlefront style season pass should tell you everything you need to know.

id is actually in charge of it though so I have hope for it being good

People love to hate on the MP
It's not bad at all
The issue is that it is exactly what you'd expect from any other shooter