ITT: Enemies that don't fuck around

ITT: Enemies that don't fuck around.

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Those shotgun prison guards in Half Life 2 don't fucking play, if you're not playing on a babby difficulty they'll chew through your health in like three shots.






>Makes you forfeit the game before somebody else takes you out of the frame

>taking bleed damage
>disconnect and reconnect
>doesn't count as a kill for them


Oh, you were grinding for a hour now?
Here, let me use some Heat Wave.


I've beaten the game more than once i don't remember them being that special. Just create a little bit of distance first and hit them with something that's got more range than the shotgun.

Maybe i'm just biting off more than i can chew too quickly- i remember getting cornered by them inside the close-quarters prison a lot while distracted by antlions.

After awhile you become numb to it.


Not that powerful, but it's ability to drain your strength makes you terrified every time you see one.


Anyone that has played D3D knows how god awfully fucking annoying this one is.

More than likely, half life has always taken just a bit of tactic. Weapons aren't over powered so you have to control your enemy by luring them a bit or hitting them from a distance and picking them off until it's snack sized.

Shotgun is best for ant lions, when they start chasing you you whip it out and turn their brains to moosh.




That's not the Cyberdemon

>At least 50 rockets to kill
>The second faster monster in the game
>1 (one) single rocket can instantly kill you


Wow why couldn't they get cool macabre creature designs like this in Skyrim? I mean the witch was cool, but this shit is metal.

This guy has a splash attack, can summon treants from frees and resurrects once upon death. Not to mention his high HP and stats.

Because that would alienate the game of throne audience
Gotta make it as bland as possible

by FAR

never played Skyrim, but there are lot's of body horror and lovecraftian stuff in Morrowind.



I should probably replay now, must have missed several updates.


Lmao don't make me laugh. They kill themselves more often than not with their own grenades and run around like headless chickens.

they also don't even flinch from bullet wounds, they just keep firing at you

Play black mesa version at highest difficulty, holy shit that pain

Sentry Drones are fucking terrifying, famalam.

Yes they're artificially hard for having too much HP on Hard, no pain chance to begin with, and perfect accuracy.

Bosses count?

How do they see if they don't have eyes?


they smell the world with their trunks.

I don't really know, maybe Dagoth Ur telepathically whispers instructions to them... that doesn't make any sense either actually.

There are people with legit fear of the slimes. People make graphical and map mods to remove them from the game so people can play it.

But for your average player the sentry drones are the worst bullet sponges you'll ever meet.

These guys and blue wizzrobes are bullshit.


>Near silent
>Fast as fuck
>Huge, hard to dodge in small hallways
>Bite is almost always an insta-kill
>Getting hit with a plasma ball slows you down and takes about half of your health
>They take about four rockets to kill

I refuse to play Hunted without iddqd.


They have that habit of getting stuck behind corners and below platform ledges, only to pop right out when you get close.
It's like they're pretending to be stupid when charging straight at you, when they really employs a lot of clever tactics.

Crouch breaks him.

Unfortunately for them, the super shotgun exists.
Nice 665, but not nice enough.

>ride by this fucker on chocobo
>thinking he wont have time to attack me
>throat stab!

These fuckers.

Morrowind had way cooler enemies than skyrim.

what? arch-viles are push overs. you can literally stand behind a 2 unit wide wall and their attack will be mitigated.
Thief is the shit.

Odin plz

I agree with you, but I think the actual monster from Morrowind does it more justice than an unofficial render for Skywind.


hahah, casual.

>it's already too late to run


You're an idiot.

I used to play d3d as a kid, no big deal. But one day i read the guide saying the slimes would suck the brain out of duke, that scared my shit up.


That describes like half the enemies in duke. Most of them can't really damage me because i'm a huge fucking duke nerd.

I used to have the manual and probably read that as well.

They're stupid easy to kill though really
>They jump up on you
>crawl on your face
>Quick kick or shoot
>They die

I'm sure duke doesn't kick or shoot himself in the face but the idea of it merely doing this act is kinda funny that they're so weak.

>hit him a few times while he's slow
>takes five full seconds going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA powering up
>get behind him, charge attack
>stick your hand up his ass
>charge attack again if he's not dead

Figured it out on my second playthrough and these assholes are nothing now.

dam, I hoped a new Homunculus pic was out.

>implying guns will save you


Ugh. Hearing his scream and seeing the red light triggers me.

>goes down in 2 BFG shots if you don't suck
>easily dodgeable projectiles
>fuckhuge hitbox

Come on. Once you git gud these guys aren't even a threat


These things have taken down more of my Pikmin than all of the adult variants I encountered combined.

>2 BFG shots
>he actually cheeses through bosses with the BFG

Look at him and laugh, everybody.

what difficulty? UV had me wrecking their shit in only a few shotgun shells.

I never understood this. Why not use it if you have it?


Liberal Self Defense Law simulator: The game

>Bringing in politics
>on Penumbra out of all things

That's a nice head you have on your shoulders.

Hard Reset is the only FPS I've played in the last while where enemies actively dodge your projectiles

Unless you're wasting cells on zombies, you'll still have ammo on Cyberdemon

>game of thrones season 1 aired in 2011
>Skyrim being developped for at least 6 years prior that

he tried to make a joke about no guns in the game

Trumplets' "humour" isn't really effective anyway.

ah kosm...

>not rolling right into his KABOOM shit
sometimes it doesn't work tho and you get hit

Fuck those goddamn things. They take like 50 goddamn shots with the chaingun, and god knows how many shotgun blasts.


>6-man HOE
>last one alive
>trying to EBR raged fleshpound while kiting 100+ zeds
>hear siren scream behind me

In a game with a sizable chunk of enemies that don't fuck around, we have these motherFokkas.

Its a boss monster for a reason user.


Hilarious user.

I miss old WoW. BC and WotLK were so fun...

Played Doom for the first time like 3 weeks ago, and I found no enemy particularly hard. With movement speed that high, you can only get hit by mistake. The hard part was wandering around for 10 minutes looking for a key, losing tons of health to lava and shit in the process, then getting instashrek'd by whatever's on the other side of that door.



>that file name
I'm embarrassed I know exactly what you mean.

>old WoW
pick one