Let's discuss the best Zelda game Sup Forums

Let's discuss the best Zelda game Sup Forums

>Amazing motion controls
>Best story to date
>Beautiful art style
>Some of the best bosses and dungeons in any game ever made

Why do we hate it again?

Other urls found in this thread:


no, average
yes, not saying much
good, not great

also you forget the lack of exploration that aunoma talked about a few days ago

this is my favourite zelda
i dont understand why everyone hates it

I'd go as far to say that Zelda Skyward Sword might be one of the the greatest games of all time

theres a good reason, still a fun time

this is why shitposting happens
fuck you and this hand holding pos

I don't hate it, I just think the controls are not that convenient and I hate that fucking desert, I'm sorry but I fucking do ok?

Been wanting to play this lately but don't want to buy a Wii and I hear emulating it doesn't work.

the gameplay is simon says
fuck that

It's a great game, if you take it out of Zelda
Compared to other Zeldas, it's not. Way too linear, and way too much handholding. There was nothing to discover.
It's still fun though


Ancient Cistern was my favorite temple and the story/references behind it made it very memorable

It works, just not as comfortable.

I have this:

i5 4460
r9 280x
16GB of RAM

and I can get it just at barely 100% speed with some sound issues. It works but you would need to grab a bluetooth (dong)le and a wiimote plus with a nunchuck

To be fair I never understood the problem with the motion controls. They were responsive and accurate to me playing in a well illuminated area. Don't know why everyone bitch about it... Not the best Zelda game, but not as bad as these memespouters make it sound

>Some of the best bosses
All Girahim fights and that four armed golden thing were great.
The others were okayish.
Imprisoned was absolute shit.
Also fuck those silent realms.

Because I'm left handed and that shit is unplayable for me.

The cycle is real.....

Not best Zelda game but Yes the best Zelda waifu

No overworld. Whole game is railroaded. Few secrets. Recycled bosses. Recycled areas with little to make them interesting.

Otherwise I liked it.


To which zeldas though?

I could understand the first zelda. That was just about fucking around without your hand being held. But most zeldas are easy and in terms of exploration they often show themselves "bigger" than they are. Like Wind Waker for instance, that game is rather small for how huge it looks.

The cycle bases itself on shitposters looking to get a rise from people when the latest game is out. Eventually the shitposters move on to something else, and all that's left is the people who enjoyed it, or at least didn't flat out hate it.

All of them
Honestly, I feel like it's just sort of in the middle in terms of how good it was, compared to other Zeldas.
It's not shit, but it's not great.
It's honestly just exceedingly average.

>another ss thread

>regular swing for everyone right handed is back handed for me

Gee, I don't know.

>best waifu
>not Fi

what are you, a faggot?

>There is a chance that this is not bait, but a real opinion

The overworld was fucking shit

Can't really say that I liked it. The whole empty sky and the areas at the bottom just didn't work well. I think I still enjoyed the classic hyrule fields better. Even if those in TP were also pretty fucking empty. Well, that game was fucking empty.

That sounds like a whole thing.

How much does a wiimote plus with nunchuk run for?

And thus the Zelda cycle moves onward.

It's just a meme nowdays. Back then it was real, I remember people unironically saying TP or WW were the best Zelda of all and SS was the worst.

Around 60 bucks

Of course you could always find them used, they don't seem to break easily. Or buy fake ones.

But frankly there's a chance that you might, just for a bit more, grab a Wii with those included, pirate it and play whatever.

None of those statements are true

>Amazing motion controls
I love stopping every 5 minutes to recalibrate shit and awkwardly twisting and waggling to accomplish things that could be done with a simple button press

>Best story to date
TP was better

>Beautiful art style
Butchered by the horrid resolution of the Wii

>Some of the best bosses and dungeons in any game ever made
Will grant this one, SS had some amazing dungeons & bosses, too bad everything is recycled to shit. It also had some agonisingly bad ones too

That's not even mentioning the handholding, Fi, the hours and hours of bullshit at the start, the lack of exploration and areas, the repetitiveness of regular enemies and the lack of secrets

It's not bad per se, but it's definitely among the worst in the series

>That piss easy rolling spider boss that you fight in TWO different dubgeons
>That fucking mupper squid
>Girahim exposistion bosses that are simon says mini games

Wow, how could anyone say the bosses are anything other than trash? SS was the only zelda game i have traded in, and Ive been a fanboy for 20+ years.

I played through the game, and I enjoyed it. The best parts all happened in the Desert, fucking love that place. But there's no way I'm playing the game until the inevitable remaster with standard controller support.

It's a shame really because despite what everyone might say, it's a great game. The only part that sucks are the constant fight against big black chicken fingers.

>>Amazing motion controls
Yeah that's why Nintendo gave us a whole button on the controller just for recalibrating them

Wtf. Just hold the wiimote in your right hand. Did you play all wii games left-flip? Do you hold your ps controllers upside down too?

Cool thanks for the help user

not every game needs to be a sandbox. it's usually a detriment to have a lack of direction in a game. most truly open world games are awful in case you haven't noticed. SS wasn't good tho

The desert was the worst part. Everything was a puzzle. It was more of a banjo kazooie level than anything else. Timestones, minecarts, quicksand. Nothing but aonuma style gimmicks

I bought a knock off Chinese Wiimote with Motion Plus for around $13 and it worked just fine to play Skyward Sword. I finished the game with them. The joystick on the nunchuck was pretty bad though.

It was basically an area that was all a superhuge dungeon. How can I not love it? And the atmosphere, music, art are all great.

It's a shame because there are some parts of this game that are really quite good (almost everything in Lanayru for instance). But the package itself has so much shit in it it's hard to dig through all of it and find the few gold nuggets of corn.

Just buy a fucking Wii, you can get one for

Should I replay Twilight princess or Skyward Sword?

I really feel like playing once of those.

Is it possible to get 60fps and no sound issues with better hardware? or is ss not 100% emulatable?

>No one on Sup Forums has actually ever played Simon says.

>That piss easy rolling spider boss that you fight in TWO different dungeons
Yeah he was easy but this was one of the only moments in the game I liked. The first time you fought it it was pretty disappointing, barely even a boss. But then way later you're just minding your own business blowing sand and then it's like "holy shit!"

You mustve loved the other two areas as well then I bet

Both have tutorial beginning segments that last hours, so have fun with that.

TP's is a tiny bit faster to get to the first dungeon I think, but not by much.

>I love stopping every 5 minutes to recalibrate shit
Our goddess Hylia says lies are a sin user kun.

I don't understand these motion control complaints. Not once in my playthough did I have a problem with with the wii motion plus.

All info I have is that it works "fine". Full speed is going to be 30fps unless you apply some weird hack which I think can break games.

>Implying SS is anything but a 20 hour beginner tutorial

So is the Souls series, but everyone praises it.

>Amazing motion controls
obvious bait
Otherwise it was a pretty decent game

You're a fucking retard. If it were that simple I would have fucking played the game. It's like trying to write with your non-dominate hand, or like trying to use a fork with the wrong hand.

I had problems with having to change my batteries from time to time. Got some duracell ones that last about 3 months on a magic trackpad turned on all day, but I couldn't go a single day with a pair of those on the wiimote.

This. The sky somehow managed to be both smaller AND emptier than WW's ocean. Atrocious.

Absolutely. You can even grab some HD textures, crank up the internal resolution, anti-aliasing, texture filtering, and maybe add some post processing if you’re a bitch.

>not buying a rechargeable battery pack
Best investment a Wii owner could make.

Oh, that I could understand.
Hell, I got so annoyed by it I bought a charging station kit made in China.

My friend told me it was great and it really was useful to him.

So, I used it for a month then it broke. And well, the effect was that two of my wiimotes are kind broken, one won't turn on, the other, kind of like if you put a fully charged battery in it still shows you're low battery.

But that's the only thing he got right. It's almost depressing that they will never come back. No more custom swordplay or good aiming.

Forest was alright, Volcano was interesting, it's just that I loved everything about the desert. Overall I don't get the hate for the game beyond the controller scheme being forced down your throat. As I said, I would replay the game were it not for that. So I'm just waiting for the inevitable remaster with standard controller support.

This is not Majora's Mask but was pretty damn good IMO

Because motion controls are shit, period.
The story raped the lore.
The game insisted on holding your hand more than it should.
The areas were boring to explore.

Any way to enable Hero mode in SS right from the start?

And so, the Zelda cycle continues.

Ok fuck I just realized I need a wii bar or whatever to use the Wii mote.

Any options or ideas?

I really hated the motion controls and I don't feel like Zelda gained anything by making the combat a Simon Says game and forcing motion controls in things that didn't need them, like flying

Completed every Zelda game apart from SS.

I just couldn't take, what a mess of a game.

my gaming setup isn't particularly roomy, if I moved to far to one side the cursor would flit around and do stupid shit and I've have to recalibrate. Aiming anything is a nightmare.

Also can't play Metroid Prime Trilogy because I get wrist cramps from having to point at the screen all the time.

Motion controls are almost always a more tedious way to achieve things that could be achieved with buttons, maybe with the exception of the 1:1 sword control but shit like aiming should be optional at least.

I'm left handed too and it was fine, though I'm not autistic like you so I can see where you had a problem.

No you're a fucking idiot.

Can you not map controls to your mouse and keyboard?

>>Amazing motion controls
>>Best story to date
fuck off
>>Beautiful art style
i liked it, yeah
>>Some of the best bosses and dungeons in any game ever made
and the worst boss ever

>shit overworld
>flying had no real purpose

the music was alright

The desert and mining facility were such a huge part of the series' lore, especially with all the Shiekah technology shown in BotW.


that is a stretch and dishonest. I understand you like SS, but try to be honest. SS is literal simon says. Dark souls has none of that

Nope, since the motionplus is kinda complex for that kind of setup.

>amazing motion controls
>best story
>beautiful artsyle
>some of the best bosses and dungeons
In Zelda yes, in any game ever made, no.

I liked SS well enough, but the best things about it were the characters, dungeons, item system, and the spirit trials or whatever they were called. Everything else was either mediocre or just plain bad. Fuck Fi and the padding especially.

Motion controls were shit with no option to use buttons or analog sticks.
Story was not particularly amazing but was also incredibly time consuming
Art style was top notch but only really great when emulated
Dungeon quality varied pretty hard between mediocre and pretty good, as did boss quality especially due to repeat bosses. Koloktoss was the only great boss just because both the dungeon item and the motion controls were used to great effect.

>Hating the only really good part

Emulating it works just fine.
Unless the controls work significantly better on the regular Wii version then the only issue you will run into is having to reconfigure your shit briefly when you get to the silent realms otherwise the game will crash. Just google it.

SS shitposting has been ongoing for a while now.
It's still the worst Zelda.

>Wiimote is achiral
>Make Link definitely be right handed

>Good aiming
The Gyro aiming was the worst aiming.
And it's in the newest Zelda as an option as far as I know, just probably like 10 times better.

Pointer aiming is where it's at.

You don't need it for SS. I think it helps to make the controls less shit but that's it.
And you can always replace the sensor bar with two candles.

>amazing motion controls
2/10 made me reply

>You don't need it for SS. I think it helps to make the controls less shit but that's it.
You sure? I thought I needed that for aiming the bow and such weapons

Was okay.
Had fun.

>SS story
>incredibly time consuming
The entire thing was told through like 5 cutscenes. If anything, they needed to flesh it out more.

No exploration, linear as all hell. Nearly every section other than stuff like the desert sea is a fucking corridor.
Fi's mere existence
All the other general handholding
All the fights against The Imprisoned

It had some positives, like the ones mentioned in the OP, although I think WW's art style looked better. I think SS would benefit from and HD version though.

It definitely has some of the best bosses and dungeons in the series. Ancient Cistern is great, as well as Sandship (Although the boss is really disappointing)

No that's all Gyro aiming.
There's no pointer aiming in this game and that's also why you have to recalibrate the pointer so often, otherwise that wouldn't happen at all.

I had a slightly better experience in terms of accuracy when I was using a sensor bar as opposed to not using it but that may just have been placebo and confirmation bias.

In any case two candles of equal height make a good source of IR light as a sensor bar replacement that works almost as well.
You can substitute any good source of IR for the sensor bar as well and it might yield a more consistent result than candles.

Well downloading the iso right now. Wish me luck

>Flesh it out more

Chinese water torture doesn't become better if you add to the length.
Maybe if they let you speed or skip through dialogue and cutscenes it would be tolerable but as is the time wasted on non-gameplay in the game was just too much.
I'm mainly refering to the tutorial segment here which I found infuriatingly long, even after just coming off of a TP playthrough since it was easily triple the length.

>Having taste this bad

Underrated post.

Hated the lack of overworld and tiny hub, but then again I've been disappointed by every Zelda hub since Majora's Mask. Everything else I was mostly fine with. I liked the gear upgrading and slightly fleshed out RPG elements, I hope they stay in the series.

Oh, wait, no. The Imprisoned really was a fucking terrible fight to have to redo over and over.

Also I have a phobia of whales so I couldn't ever go visit Levias without weeping and vomiting onto the remote.

>just minding your own business blowing sand
Good times.