Correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently, the characters of this new Zelda limited to Link and the mysterious old man...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently, the characters of this new Zelda limited to Link and the mysterious old man, who gives tips and advice to you. The rest of the game is summarized to the monsters we have to defeat, the world that we can explore and dungeons scattered throughout several corners of the map (and we have complete freedom to visit these places, or not).

Does this not remembers the 1st The Legend of Zelda? Could it be that after all these years and innovations, the game will return to the classic scheme? (Just speculating)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm pretty sure that's the point.

1. English your first language?

2. The Great Plateau is a ddeliberate callback to Zelda 1. Those giant rocks you see in the reveal trailer and in the background are Spectacle Rock according to Bill.

Mostly this, but they confirmed at E3 that there are more NPCs and towns.

you are wrong. As stated in every thread and every stream, the E3 build removed the NPC and cities to avoid spoiler. Now go attempt your shitty smear campaing back to neogaf and redddit.

Who said he was trying to smear the game?

Shut the hell up Nintendo fanbot.

I hate to be associated with you real brown-nosing drones coming out of the woodwork just because this Zelda is finally getting recognition.


Yeah Aonuma openly talked about the return to the roots when he appeared on stream.

No, they will fuck up either by using gimmicks, shitty one use items, some bullshit mechanic or bad dungeon design.

>I'm just a strange old man
They just don't care anymore, they want fast sales. Funny because Zelda never was a big selling franchise. It will probably be SS 2.0 all over, as no one has a WiiU and probably no one will buy a NX as well.

First Zelda my ass, series peaked OoT and went to shit after MM.

Are we over this? Can we talk about stuff beyond the fact that this is a Zelda NES callback?


BotW is clearly a huge love letter to TLoZ while adding modern sandbox and RPG mechanics.

From the Old Man to the entrnces of the shrines resembling hollow trees they are very obviously attempting to recreate the magic of Zelda 1.

>can go straight to the final dungeon right away

Did zelda 1 did this? I know that level 9 is in a bombable wall, but do you need to collect all 8 triforces pieces first?
At 1:36 you can see a npc behind a tree

Does anyone have that pic of a stone carving depicting creatures/events which only exist in separate timelines? Also what is the source of that image?

IIRC it won't let you past one of the first few rooms unless you have all 8 pieces of the Triforce, and you can't kill Ganon unless you have the Silver Arrow

I don't have the picture, but it's from TPHD

>Zelda never was a big selling franchise


The changes in Nintendo's philosophy are going to be all the more obvious by comparing these two games.

Original Zelda:
Old man has one line of text and gives you a sword

New Zelda:
Old man won't shut the fuck up.

You dont even play as Link. When will Nintendo release the real, gritty Zelda where we play as real Link?

user it's the 18th best selling franchise of all time

>Goes back to Zelda's open world roots
>Abandons Zelda's roots in iconic music
Fuck this dead silent shit.

>Funny because Zelda never was a big selling franchise.

what did he mean by this?

Do you really want to hear hyrule field for one hour straight?

The music in Zelda is great but the thing I disliked the most in Hyrule Fantasy was hearing the same tune for hours.

That he's a retard, obviously.

Did you not understand the point of Link overlooking the cliff at the beginning? They copied off of the original Legend of Zelda art.

Console zelda's don't know how to have good music anymore so they decided to just remove it.

Also being a call back to Zelda 1 is great, but the goat simulator physics sure aren't

Not him. But yes. If anything create like 3-4 songs per zone and have them all seemingly blend together.

Actually what surprised me about the new old man is that he is quite silent. He only gives you a few bits of information and then goes back to his business. He only says more if you talk to him and he never triggers any tutorial mode.

You would never find out you can spend the time by the fire if you don't ask him what he is doing near the fireplace after the first dialogue. Most people just ran away, leaving him there.

I wish that this game will not have those fucking annoying Aonuma dungeons. Zelda was meant to be action game, not puzzle.

Nice false dilemma.

>the characters of this new Zelda limited to Link and the mysterious old man
Actually, no. There are more NPCs but they purposely avoided to show them in the demo. Just think about Kokiris.


>"What happened to Link's green tunic?"
>"I don't know... I wonder..."

Wait, wait. What if there's some important event that will go along with finding the original green tunic? What if it's finding it on the body of OoT Link from the timeline where he failed?

I hope its in the Water Temple

the green tunic and the real master sword is found where you find link's body

>it's a female link

It really was a dumb idea though. That just because you only saw two characters, that means only two characters exist. Who thinks like that?

This one guy is really buttblasted about the lack of overwolrd music huh?

Th-They removed the NPCs and towns because SPOILERS, user!

BotW will have TONS of NPCs and MASSIVE towns! You'll see!



>female Link fails and the male replacement has to do her job
The outrage would be hilarious.

Not even the first game was limited to just Link and the old man. There were old women and merchants, too.

Don't forget the friendly Moblins!