So apparently BF1 will have four maps. Just like battlefront.
>fucking dropped
So apparently BF1 will have four maps. Just like battlefront
Other urls found in this thread:
>still giving money to EA
Do people ever learn?
>modern day DICE
Source to confirm it:
This honestly doesn't surprise me considering Battlefront. These games are a mockery to their old legacy.
Buy games for DICE after battlefield 4.
>4 maps
i think they get pissed, forget, give them money and get pissed again. meanwhile the bitches just get richer and richer coz dumbasses throw them money for making anything
I fell for the Battlefield 4 meme. I'm not falling for another one of DICE's memes.
Does this surprise anyone after battlefront? It'll probably die faster than battlefront as well.
>confirmed maps
>no one ever said anything about there only being 4 maps
>Overwatch only has 12 maps
>Most of them are garbage
>No plans to add anything besides characters
>Do people ever learn?
Look at the fucking state of the industry and how shit like day one DLC is rampant.
Of course they don't learn.
>"More maps and modes are sure to be revealed in the future, but the confirmed maps so far are..."
Disregard and sage. Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
And people will hoover this shit up, just like Battlefront.
You have no power to stop this, Sup Forums. Triple A gaming will continue to go in the direction of safe generic shooters with absolute minimal content to be flooded with microtransactions
even worse if rest of them come as fucking DLCs
Why do you want more maps
You pick the server that plays the map you like anyway
who plays on rotation?
You generation Z millennials will believe anything neo Sup Forums says as facts.
They could have 100 maps, fampai. I still won't buy it.
You don't need to be so angry at people just because you're bitter over your pre order.
You go ahead and enjoy the DLC they shit out to fleece you for even more cash, don't let us stop you.
>>No plans to add anything besides characters
what are you on about? they literally talked about how they're working on new maps right now
Based Pedro tellin' it like it is.
yea its premium DLC content and EA does it every battlefield to make autists like you spend even more money
>WW1 without France or Russia
>getting hyped for it at all
>buying battlefield, CoD, Halo, or Gears games
dont worry user, its going to have strong muslim women soldiers and african american soldiers! the real world war 1 stuff will be DLC ;)
how does that even make sense
if I pre-ordered it, it's pretty fucking obvious I intended it, and if I was bitter I can just cancel it
stay mad about your ignorance tho
Well obviously threre will be more maps with the fucking PREMIUM PURCHASE
That's what everyone thought about battlefront, look what happened there smart ass.
Just buy Verdun if you want some WW1 action you turbonerds
Their website says more maps to be announced. ......
I thought about getting this, but now that I think about it and look back at how much dust my brothers copy of battlefront is collecting. Yeah I'll pass. Maybe I should just let my ps4 subscription run out and get a xbox live sub going again and go back to the 360.
Here's hoping it's on steam sale next week.
>More maps and modes are sure to be revealed in the future
>Battle of Passchendaele DLC revaled, containing 2 new maps, 4 new weapons, 2 new vehicles for each side!
>buy now for 20$!
>premium users will get it for free OMFG!!
>premium access is 50$ or something
yeah, no
I hate EA's business practises as much as the next guy, but considering the Ottomans are a confirmed launch faction, and all of the four confirmed maps are set in Western Europe, that kind indicates there's more launch maps still coming.
>French confirmed as DLC though
Jesus Christ Sup Forums is retarded.
>being this retarded that you don't cancel your pre order
o i am laffin
announcing sage isn't allowed idiot
They should have gone ahead and made the maps free like Halo and Rainbow Six.
>There's a Maps page, which includes four of the maps that will come with Battlefield 1
DICE has outright stated that those aren't the only maps that will ship with the base game. Reading comprehension is a virtue.
Four mapesos?
What's his name again?
Sup Forums is retarded
Did you get dropped as a baby??
I don't trust these kikes.
those unlock when you insert your credit card in the cd rom drive
>Posting an image of salsa spangled spic.
>It's a , Call of duty shill pretends to be retarded episode
Right, because what they've said in the past has never ever been an embellishment or outright lie.
go away Sup Forums
DICE has literally confirmed the Ottomans and to be a vanilla faction and considering all the confirmed maps are on the western front that pretty much confirms you're an idiot.
Enraged Pendejo
>four maps
>the french not playable
So the only levolution in bf1 is the zeppelin falling? No buildings or anything similar? Siege of Shangai and paracel storm were neat maps.
Sometimes I wish this website was more like Reddit or Neogaf. People who spread misinformation for the sake of trolling would get downvoted/hidden/banned. Its a good way to filter idiots and have higher quality discussions.
>le Sup Forums may may.
Back to >>>/youtube/ with you.
>I have no proof therefor I am right because DICE wouldn't be lazy no sir
I guess all that incorrect Battlefront shit wasn't sheer laziness and incompetence. Fuck you, I'm not trusting jack shit until they show it themselves especially with important shit like Russia and France being withheld as DLC.
What is their problem with refusing to make content for games that will sell like hotcakes? They can jew however much they want through DLC, just make sure the base game has a reasonable amount of content for a $60 pricetag for fucks sake.
Speaking of Battlefront, anybody hyped for Bespin? It actually has 5 new maps. And those sweet royal guards are finally in the game
nice. I rarely believe in knee-jerk reactions, but Battlefront and all that got me worried for a sec there
How would you save BF1? The gameplay is gonna be like a BF Hardline - Battlefront hybrid.
>Can only use basic equipment at start of a match. I.e. Bolt action rifles or MGs which have to be deployed to be very accurate.
>Run speed reduced
>To be able to use a sniper rifle, you need to get 5 headshots with a bolt action rifle.
>To be issued an SMG, you first need 5 pistol or melee kills.
>To be issued a semi auto rifle, you need 10 Bolt action kills.
>Basically more modern and rare weapons are handed out during a match based on playstyle and merit.
There, much more unique gameplay that better captures the spirit of WW1 combat. Not everyone had SMGs. Not everyone had scoped rifles. Most snipers had to work without.
its 4 maps revealed so far, i have no doubt ea would try the 4 map bullshit like they did with battlefront but most likely learned that it fucked up
Christ just shut the fuck up
If you don't like the DLC then don't buy it. Just stop whining already.
Enjoy your hardline ADHD clone then.
Calling it now, BF1 is gonna suck and people will go back to BF4.
wtf dude, advertising a reskin of bf4 costs alot of money, you should support your gaming mega corps
I hope you can derail the train dynamically like the zeppelin.
Oh, don't worry mr Marketer; if the games good I'll buy it.
Just not from EA.
>Sup Forums
>save a game.
I'm shocked you didn't say dark souls combat somewhere in there.
Yeah, sure thing, Nostradamus. Why don't you go back to your CoD?
>four maps
>frenchs didn't even come out with the original game and are dlc (why?)
>themed WW1
>everyone has a fucking automatic weapon
>Why don't you go back to your CoD?
I don't play shit games.
I love it though. Anyone who isn't an EA-drone is automatically a CoDrone. Viral marketer confirmed.
Most of you assholes will play on only one map anyway and it is most likely in the style of Metro and Locker.
>dont buy DLC
>98% of other playerbase buys the DLC
>playerbase is now split
>suddenly my matchmaking cant find anybody because I am left alone without the DLC
No thanks. This is why I am going to buy Titanfall 2 instead. All of their content will be free.
>Anyone who isn't an EA-drone is automatically a CoDrone
Considering most of retards shitting on Battlefield are CoD fankids, that more than often is the case. In any most of you retards can't even explain why you hate Battlefield besides "muh popularity" and "muh evil DLCs".
Most games have DLC content nowadays. Stop complaining and deal with it.
Oh but I am dealing with it. I am not going to buy it. Now stop complaining.
Could you stop posting pics of that spic poser?
>I am not going to buy it.
>keep replying
You obviously do.
Oh can't we now?
How about the degeneration of focus on tactical team-based gameplay and increased focus on run and gun? How about the size compression of maps to cater to the run and gun console kids who can't see further than 20m on a 720p screen and can't do precision aiming with a controller? How about the absence of sight-lines to further force close quarters fighting?
How about the introduction of highly abusable 3D spotting as a crutch for bad players? How about the stupid unlock system always locking away critical shit like the flares for jets or medpacks for medics? What about the shitty inter-class balance where engineers just absolutely dominate vehicle maps while medics dominate non-vehicle maps?
And then there's hardline...
nobody buys and your company is dead. listen to the customers faggot.
How the fuck is this not going to die out like Hardline?
>limited weapons
>levolution doesn't seem as impressive
>limited vehicles
>Infantry focused with few vehicles
>limited customization of weapons
I'm not saying they should clusterfuck the game and further butcher the setting, I'm just saying they chose a wrong setting.
explain this image to me
Verdun fucking sucks tho
qt walking around asking people to stop smoking in the arena.
Does it hurt being so stupid?
good, death to smokers
i can't keep a window open in this shitty ass apartment complex since all my neighbors are degenerates who smoke 24/7
Because its a continiuation of Battlefield with DICE on its cover. Will sell millions over 10 at least.
So, are there Bolt action rifles for every class, or have they given machinegunes/smgs to everybody because Causals?
Mosins are shit rifles at least post a Mauser or Enfield.
French DLC.
>The worst Rifle of the War.
I'm not paying $20 for 2-3 new maps and a new vehicle for each side.
People shouldn't be buying EA games to begin with until they start putting care into their products like they used to.
Battlefield 1942, Vietnam, 2, and 2142 were huge. Granted 2142 was already a step in the wrong direction with consolidated classes.
Did you watch the gameplay vids? The only bolt actions I saw where in the sniper class and they have scopes on the automatically. Another gets machine guns another submachine guns and the medic i think semi auto. Bolt actions will be in the minority in a game about wwi.
Laggy, ugly, poorly-made shitfest that only 200 people play
>Be faganon
>surrounded by glorious smokers
>cry about it like A BITCH
>post it again on Sup Forums
good job, heres .01c in your account Hillary shill
as far as i can see there are
semi auto rifles that weren't really used in WW1
extremely rare submachine guns that were barely used
>"assault rifles"
light machine guns that either barely used in WW1, or were used in defensive positions like machine guns usually are
>"sniper rifles"
finally, the bolt action rifles. they all come with scopes i think, and don't one shot enemies in close range. however, they do one shot enemies at 100m or something, because the damage goes from 60 to 100, then drops back down to 60 or something. seems pretty fucking stupid
it's a reskinned battlefield 4 with a few WW1 gimmicks as far as i can tell
>be user
>destroy your lungs because you succumbed to addiction
get out of my face you pathetic cuckeroni
maybe the RSC 17?
also, worst rifles, berthier is just as trash as the lebel
Stop user. It hurts to remember the good times.