i took damage? better go invincible and run away lol!
I took damage? better go invincible and run away lol!
That's fine, but why the fuck can he pick up health during?
*teleports behind you*
*unsheaths katana*
"psshh... nothin' personnel kid"
literally designed by a 12 year old
just like how roadhog and junkrat were designed by someone who's never been to australia or met an australian
Roadhog is a pretty good design, despite the fact they just ripped off the Pudge gameplay style.
Junkrat is pretty weak how they just wrote the basic "I like to blow stuff up" character. Even Techies had the spin that they were actually scientists and talk about control groups and invisible numbers
dont badmouth junkmaster
I don't like this game? BETTER COMPLAIN ON THE INTERNET!!1!11!11!
You do know they designed them that way because of the MadMax movie series right?
just follow him and finish him of or circle strafe very close to him while shooting or melee. easy.
t. Butthurt Ausie
because otherwise the skill would be useless, most characters can just chase him down while doing it
in Overwatch Australia was a barren wasteland similar to mad max filled with roaming gangs of trashy raiders, they are based on this fictional australia not actual australians you retard
>Get assraped by Reaper.
>Continue to play their "main" rather than switch to a counter.
>Complain on Sup Forums about it.
I want shitters to get the fuck off my planet.
it´s a shooter made for literal babies what did you expect?
That's how Australians really act
Holy shit it all makes sense now
Roadhog has a laggy fucking chain attack that everyone hates
Australians are laggy pieces of shit
Your butthurt is showing , git gud
especially on Sup Forums
It doesn't change the fact that it's a cheapshit faggot character.
>people are complaining about Reaper being OP now after mccree and widow got nerfed
>He will get nerfed and people will move on to the next character
>in the end Overwatch will be people shooting at each other for an hour before they die because everyone got nerfed into the ground
>take potshots from afar at objective
>in danger? hover away to health
>keep taking potshots
>ult is full
>wait for rest of team to distract objective
>press q
fucking ass cancer the character. i literal retard can play him effectively.
Just the outback.Apparently the coasts are still fine.
nobody is calling reaper OP
Only shitters can't hard counter a Reaper. Cry louder you fanny flustered fucksticks and then take it to so they can make fun of you, too.
I main mercy and I kill reapers all the time, just stay further away than 2 meters and keep backpedaling and shooting him untill he dies or fucks off.
>barren wasteland filled with roaming gangs of trashy raiders
Seems like they based it on actual australia to me m8ey
>implying no one knows how to hard counter reaper
it is what it is. it doesn't change the fact that he's a shit character with shit mechanics for shit players.
is Sup Forums really this fucking casual? reaper blows
>Reaper goes wraith
>"haha, eat shit die die die :^)"
>floats off at a snails pace
>"hey stop following me"
>"seriously stop it im gonna be corporeal again soon :("
>shoot him in the face
>Go Soldier 76
>shoot Reaper from more than 5 feet away
>he cant do shit anymore
>Implying implications.
And you're a shit complainer, writing a shit blog on Sup Forums about your shit experience.
The only thing shit here is (you).
this is Sup Forums faggot
fite me
>fite me
See (you) on page 10, user.
>i took damage? better go invincible and run away lol!
Yeah, no shit. Reaper's whole point is jumping people and killing them before they can react, if it's a head-on confrontation his best option is to disengage and try again.
>playing on lijiang tower
>soldier 76
>approach center courtyard
>surrounded by a concrete wall with two openings
>run past the near opening toward the far
>get hooked and pulled through the middle of the wall
>kill cam
>roadhog aims and hooks after I run by
>the hook went so deep into the wall
>animation pulls me all the way through the opposite doorway
>through far right of his screen
>drops me off right in front of him
I wasn't even mad. That hook is fucking magical.
the hook seems to only care for physic the instant he click on his ability. Then whatever happens after is hocus pocus.
You do realise all the characters are like that? Toblerone talks how Americans think Swedish people talk, same with tracer. Nobody talks like that here
posts like this belong on >>/vg/
you have a general there designed for long-term, recurring threads about the game
Roadhog's hook is actually hitscan, not a projectile.
If you throw it at a wall, you see the sparks of it bouncing off the instant you use the ability, not when the actual hook hits the wall.
I haven't tested it in any way, but I've heard that apparently the hook is actually hitscan, and the animation plays out after the game has decided whether or not it landed. Would certainly explain some of the shenanigans roadhog pulls off.
I hope one of the weekly brawls is no ultimates. Sure Symmetra will be useless, but I sometimes wonder what it would be like if reapers and junkrats didn't just get team wipes by pressing 'Q'
>Can't deal with a character that has to stick their gun up your ass to do any meaningful damage
>Roadhog is an islander
>There is a major obesity problem there
Its a correct stereotype at least
its a grab box, think fighting games
you hit shift, theres a miniscule delay, then it throws out a detector hitbox for x amount of time (no fucking idea how long it actually stays out, just that it is actually nonzero and thus can be dragged over an enemy after a "miss" to confirm a hook)
the game then decides which hook animation to play depending on whether or not an enemy was detected within the box during the period it was out, if there was it plays the normal hook animation, if there wasnt it plays the "miss" animation
so the visual cue is nonexistent, anything that you see onscreen is just reflective of something the game has already decided on
poorly designed, but pretty-ish compared to the alternative
>teleports behid you
>unsheathes shotgun
Nuthin' personal, esè
Reddit, can you for the love of god stop spreading false info?
What is mad max. How dumb are you?
The current complaint is how Zenyatta and D.Va are too squishy. Good job actually looking at anything.
>He bought overcuck
who even counters reaper lmfao
hes the best hero in the game right now
But if they nerf everything else wont that buff Zenyatta and D.va? They were already nerfed in the beta. Good job actually looking at anything.
Anyone who can deal damage from farther than a dicks length away
u new here?
No but apparently you are
They are LITERALLY balancing D.Va right now and hell, nerfing Widowmaker actually did make Zenyatta more viable.
You're just fear-mongering.
Doesn't Toblerone's line about him being Sweedish kinda imply people think he's Norse instead?
Since he'd only be so annoyed by it if other people were wrong, and I know a few people that thought he was Norse or Dane.
that reaper skin is LITERALLY the worst skin in the game
Nah, thorb is just a fucking dwarf. They just stuck swedish on there for shits
If he talked like how people actually think of swedes he'd be asking lucio to fuck his wife and complaining the team doesn't have enough diversity
What would even be the answer to making Dva tankier? Her entire torso is basically a headshot hitbox. I guess more health is really just the answer or maybe make shield regen some of the damage dealt slightly?
>one player gets 7 votes
It should change his voice when you use it. Obviously that's not practical at all for blizzard, but edgy hot topic ghost voice does not fit that face at all.
lmfao what the fuck?
seriously this game is far from poorly balanced, shitters like you ruined dota 2, fuck off from overwatch you babies
Reaper has several strong counters and if you refuse to play them you have nobody but yourself to blame
Think it's also because he's a fucking fantasy dwarf
>don't like zarya's hair
>one legend covers up her hair, arms, and face
>one makes it fucking worse
Sparkledog is still better than her default
There's a few ideas floating around. The general consensus is that her critical hitbox should either be shrinked or removed completely while in her MEKA. There's also some people who want her movement speed reduction removed while she's firing, but someone from Blizzard already came out and said that would give her the scariest chasing capability in the entire game.
>almost never played Reaper because I thought he was basically a weaker version of McCree
>McCree gets nerved
>try him out again
>he starts growing on me
>almost always get POTG with him
>average of like 30 eliminations per game
His ironic edginess is pretty funny too.
Make her Defense Matrix heal her when it absorbs bullets.
Reaper can change the outcome of a game quickly. I always try to teleport myself far behind and on a position over the enemy group. Then I jump in and press Q.
sounds just like WoW PvP atm
He's actually got a decent moveset behind the edge.
I can't ever fucking play reaper because sneaking up on guys is never how I play because I suck shit at it
how does everyone do it? I have to memorize map positions and even then, they always see it and come after me like a pack of rabid dogs.
>Play KOTH
>Enemy team wants to be faggots and goes 2 Roadhogs and floors us
>Switch to Junkrat and floor them in return
Counterbased Gameplay is fucking retarded
I think it's more a preferred playstyle kind of thing.
Reaper, Tracer, and Genji are the offense heroes that should be getting behind enemy lines and causing chaos.
Whereas Pharah, and Soldier are more head-on, and McCree is a side flanker.
Personally, I prefer the head-on style, so I tend to stick with Pharah, and I find it a bit difficult to use, say, Tracer to good effect.
>Australians on Sup Forums roleplay as shitposters from a Mad Max dystopian wasteland.
At last I understand.
You took advantage of the game's design to switch heroes on the fly and they didn't, therefore you won due to superior decision making.
This is a good thing, not a bad thing.
If they were as good players as you, they would've also switched to a different hero. But, seeing as most people are "maining" shitters, that's not very likely, at least not in low-mid levels.
They were designed that way because Metzen.
>implying it's roleplay
Lol time to hit Q and kill everyone on screen. goty
>guy joins game
>his name is KNIGH7MARE
>he picks Reaper
As an Australian in outback qld I can confirm