Your Greatest Buyer's Remorse

I paid full price for Playstation Allstars, and there is still no bigger regret for me than buying black ops 3. Its not just a shit call of duty. Its a shit game with no redeeming factors

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>Oh neat the Wii U is out
>I'll buy it with NSMB U and Zombi U, Rayman Legends is coming out next month so that's something to look forward to!

paid full price for watch dogs, beat it in one week, uninstalled and never played it again.

This dosent even sound bad, you got your moneys worth, quit bitching.

Thats how games should work, play , beat , move on

Oh yea maybe i can admit Der Eidendreche is pretty good but thats 1% of the game

Modern Warfare 3 and Lords of the Fallen. Fuck those games.

BLOPS 3 is pretty fun though senpai

Wanted to support Warhammer and Relic all the way back then and this also happened during a time where there were almost no character action games on PC so I went in full price. Little did I know the game was just a stupid mashfest with shit bosses.

Which part of it is fun to you so i can say why its objectively shit? The last good CoD was Blops 1

i thought it would be better than GTA V since i was very disappointed in that game as well. i was expecting to do lots of free roaming and multiple playthroughs but i had no desire after finishing it, it was so boring.


next year you'll say that MW3 was the last good one


never again. NEVER. AGAIN.

I didn't even buy any game after Black Ops 2 was ass until my friends shilled me into getting 3

>black ops 3

it was pretty shitty 2bh.

>campaign was utterly boring garbage (although to be fair, all cod campaigns are)
>nightmares mode was unfinished gimmick
>three lane multiplayer maps all suck
>can barely use jetpacks in multiplayer, force fields blocking you from getting on top of everything
>shadows of evil is the worst zombie map ever made apart from tranzit

It does have one redeeming factor and that's Uplink on Nuk3town. For whatever reason, it's just the funnest, most chaotic thing and it's fantastic. There's no server browser though so it's nearly impossible to get into a nuketown uplink match.

Why does everyone shit on Tranzit I liked it

I got the season pass for The Division and have no fucking clue what content I've gotten with it besides this dope ass cop outfit.

Die Rise is worse but whoever thought it was a good idea to put the pack-a-punch behind a door you needed to turbine open across the map should've been shot on the spot.

I did too. Its definitely better than shadows and zetsubou no shima

This or the Division or every Borderlands game or Dead Island
This is the only one of those however in which I had no fun at any point whatsoever.

>Wow, MGSV gets great reviews
>I'll buy it at full price
Played about 3 hours worth of that piece of shit, never playing it again

We tried to warn you

>He bought The Devision

Crysis 3. I never played the first one and i thought 2 was a neat corridor shooter, but 3 was absolute dogshit garbage.

I belong in this thread for all of eternity

You just made me remember that i have borderlands 2

>zetsubou no shima
i liked this map way more than shadows and tranzit

I backed Mighty No 9 for $250

Kill me, please. Just kill me

I really liked DA:O and the tactical cam got me interested
little did I know that you can't really use it if all the encounters are really easy.
I also buy most every big release just because I like to be in the know about vidya
I want you to know I sincerely felt guilt for a moment there
I'm sorry

Like this shit boggles my mind. What is wrong with you? Are you easily influenced, impulsive, underage, or just straight up stupid? You know all of those games are going to be shit and you just can't help yourself

Only plebs don't like BO3. Raised the skill ceiling too much for them literally.

It has no wonder weapons and it takes like an hour and a half to get set up. That shit is dead

Thats beta as hell. You getting what you deserve

>round 42
>surrounded by zombies
>amped up ray gun not cutting them down quick enough
>I just threw my last monkey to distrsact them and revive my team
>defeat imminent
>there's too many of them
>*honk honk*
>go on to live 10 more rounds and play many more games.
>nothing in life matches the joy I felt when that shitty bus rolled up to save us

Tranzit was fucking awesome all due to that bus

Assassin's Creed 2. I had the cash for that or darksiders which I was looking forward to. Everyone hyped it like crazy and after all the meh reviews of darksiders due it's derivative nature I caved in despite hating the first one. I hated everything about its gameplay with a passion, eventually bought darksiders, and had a reasonable amount of fun with it. That was the first time I realized how deep the koolaid went. I had always chocked up me not liking popular games due to them not meshing with my style but this was the first time I played something this objectively bad while everyone sucked its cock. There is no way anyone can convince me that there is anything worth merit in that game.

>round 42
what the fuck man. that shit is borderline useless by that point.

>tfw your friends beat the game without you because you didn't play as much
My ninja dude is still like level 20

I just really loved Megaman.

I just plopped my cash down and forgot about it until the original release date. THen I heard about all the issues with the community and the delays and god damn what a mess

Yea the invisible barrier skill ceiling is so high.

250$ is still an outrageous ammount of cash for a game like that

>popular games not meshing with my style


I just make good money and also like vidya a lot
I only really feel remorse if the game ends up being a waste of both my time and money
A lot of the time even if the game is bad I don't feel like it's a total loss because now I have an informed opinion on it, so I feel like the time is worth it in a way.
my friends and I all stopped playing actually
we kept making new characters and kept getting bored around the same part.
I ended up forcing myself to beat it one day, hoping there would be another fun part like the Dam sequence

Could you try any harder to sound not like a teenager

Buying a Wii U in 2013. I should've really waited until I saw a game I really had to have. Though Sm4sh has gotten alot of playtime out of it, the library of games never really grew to be satisfactory. I was at the store the other day and the Wii U has the smallest section of games. Nintendo should not have the smallest section.

>bought one in 2015
>surely games will come out soon
>finally waited until this year and sold it

>this fucking game

Honorable mention:

>Pic related
Usually these Tom Clancey games are kept clean of hackers.

I fell for the waifu bait and all the hype. Honestly, its a pretty fun game but hacking in rampant.

Every two games or so someone is just headshotting people though walls and full aware of all of our movement. Plus the grinding system was pretty shit.

It still has the smallest section I've ever seen usually only consisting of smash, donkey, hyrule, sometimes wind waker, Mario 3d and sniper elite of all games

Starcraft 2, bought it because 2 of my friends played it 2v2 and it sounded fun. I bought it, we got our shit kicked in in 3v3, never played it after the placement matches.

>(although to be fair, all cod campaigns are)

except black ops 1, that shit was fucking amazing

also early CoDs had fun campaign

My girlfriend pre-ordered Fallout 4 for me and then watched me play the first four hours.

I feel fiscally indebted to her for purchasing it. What an atrocious piece of shit. That said, I have no buyers remorse because I've been pirating for over 20 years and always try before I buy.

Fuck man, I was looking to buy this during the Steam sale. I've heard that Ubisoft have been completely ignoring the hacker problem.

dont blame the game for your awful taste, user.

does your girlfriend have a penis

I dont know if the game is shit, or im shit at it, but either way its not fun for me to get combod for 20 seconds straight by some op ass team

The Division was so fun as a beta. Played for a about 2 weeks after release and quit because the beta was basically the entire game. At least I didn't get the season pass.

Silly user, girls can't have a penis.

I backed 250 dollars for mighty number 9

They can if their penis is feminine.

Holy fuck man. You haven't even gotten a game out of it.

post a picture of her bare feet


I didn't really know a lot about the shady shit Ubi did when this came out but I remember being fucked hyped as shit with the 2011 E3 Demo but when I bought it not only did the graphics change compared to the demo but also the story, (The protagonist sounded like a cool photographer who goes through a lot of psychological shit to save his ONE friend and Girlfriend but ends up being a rich little brat who somehow gets Vaas's sister's pussy) changed like 3 times before the retail game came out.

It really did disappoint me, especially when the trailers and gameplay videos made it seem a lot more in depth than it was.

I watched a friend play during a firefight for a couple of minutes. Thought it looked fun. Turned out every single fight is exactly the same, the story is lame (why is Tom Clancy's name on it when he is dead?) and everything else is a grindfest.

Plus, there were some gamebreaking patches that just made me lose all momentum and interest in the game.

That's the nature of MAHVEL BABY. No seriously, it's a really boring game because all matches are just a race for first infinite or death combo. Watch a tourney stream sometime, what you described is all it is.

Never trust Ubisoft

Black Ops 3 was amazing before they added the dumb premium loot box guns.

Man, don't even care about downgrades. What's annoying is that their games have become extremely tedious and mediocre.

Plus, the game became this image.
>Let's do this boss fight!
>Okay, but only if we cheese it.

Far Cry 2. I tried returning it in 2 days but they wouldn't let me, so I traded it in for Bioshock and got a discount for that.

Incidentally I also really regret Far Cry 4 but I got it pretty cheap.

Its not a bad game, but it felt like a step down from arena. As an aki main i definitely wasn't feeling it

Nothing about that game is amazing. Especially the Multiplayer

>loot box guns

I've only been playing it for like three days, but I've never seen any such thing, the fuck you talking about?

There are like 3 guns you can get from the black market. I got the mp40 and its SHIT. ignore him

Oh user..

I loved it because it didn't take itself too seriously.
The black market has weapons you can't get otherwise.

From what I've heard and seen, The problem is that the drop rate on the guns is obnoxiously low. You have about the same chance of getting one of these guns as unboxing a knife in CSGO, and these guns affect gameplay.

Dont do it, user. No point.

>one week
fuck man you can beat that shit in a few hours

I sold a bunch of buds in tf2 to buy Watch Dogs

There's about 9 weapons that arent available otherwise. Im not even counting knife variants since they don't make a difference

I wouldnt say I have buyers remorse but it was certainly disapponting.

PSABR wasn't a bad game sony just took a game with potential and gave it to a literally who developer

You were warned millions of times the game was gonna be shit by all of us here.

Blame yourself.

I'm surprised Brink hasn't been mentioned yet.

>That shitty lighting in the Siege reveal
Glad they fixed it in the release version

Settlers 4, uninstalled that game after 5 min.
also Age of Empires 3, is horrible compared with 1 & 2.

>(HUNTING season) pass
>some more skins
>second Hunting for more money Season Pass


>Siege reveal
Those where on of the fakest actors pretending to be gamers i ever saw

Bought Borderlands 2 GOTY
It's so fucking boring

Fallout 4. I have never felt more betrayed in my life, and I've had my girlfriend cheat on me with a guy suffering from erectile dysfunction.


Killing Floor 2
>early access done right

The Playstation 4.
I've gotten exactly one good/great game out of it (a few decent ones other than that, but they were basically just time wasters), and nothing else. Now they're suddenly releasing a BETTER model of the PS4 that I'm expected to get if I don't want to play shit in 900p 25fps the rest of the gen.
Fuck you Sony.

I feel you
>also bought the deluxe edition

did she died

I bought the Digital Deluxe Edition for 75 dollerydoos.

I don't even know why I bothered.

H1Z1 and ARK


This fucking garbage game. Friend convinced me it was a must have for the PS4. Also have buyer's remorse for the PS4 but at least I had some fun on it with the 2 games it has. This game is gutter trash.

Literal meme games made for Twitch fuckbois to stream to their braindead followers.

friend shilled this to me like some high quality mmo
i regret every cent i spent on this awful shitshow