Serious Sam thread.
Why are The First Encounter and the Second Encounter GOAT?
Serious Sam thread
c'mon, I know you played this shit
I didn't finish TSE, but I think I prefer SS3 over TSE.
TFE had better level design.
Did anyone ever use the combat knife?
The flamethrower and sniper were really fun, but there were a lot of annoying shit I didn't really like in TSE.
I liked TFE more because:
Less annoying enemies placed in annoying locations sniping you.
Less gimmicky rooms that are fun with friends but hell when in tryhard mode.
More straightforward level design (DOOMfags will hate this but I never got lost in TFE, I did in TSE).
Overall both are good. TSE has very enjoyable spots, but it also has some really bad ones.
That bouncy room with the kleers and kamikaze always pisses me off
>tryhard mode
u mad Sup Forums?
I use serious bombs for shit like that
No because VR cucks will buy Sam VR and Croteam will have more money to put into SS4 and Talos 2.
No, because i'm a CroDrone.
I will buy and defend anything Croteam makes.
jesus why
I like the part where you hold S and M1
Doesn't get good until you also have to press A/D and space 5 times a second and flail your mouse hand like a mad man
It's better to circle strafe than to walk backwards.
No. They got paid to shit that out quickly and they already confirmed it had nothing to do with SS4. Croteam getting more dosh to make good games is a good thing.
SS2 wasn't so bad.
I like the part where you press a button and something happens
At first, yes and I'm probably never going to play it but apparently the response by those who did is extremely positive, even at its current state, and I'm glad that VR-owners can look forward to a fun game.
And then again, it's only a side project by 3-4 people made with mostly old or crudely done assets.
Just a reminder that if you don't play on serious difficulty you're playing the game wrong.
I like the part where Kleer tear people like you a new asshole then jump inside it. Always funny to watch.
>play SSVR with
Marry girl in black
Fuck girl in ref
Kill no one, because murder is wrong
Play SSVR with the guy who has the VR headset. he looks really happy.
It had some good ideas IMO.
+The weapons looked pretty cool
+Some of the enemies were pretty cool
+Music was good
+Lots of variety.
In my opinion the biggest problems were the weapon locations, stats that don't carry over, slow movement and the abundance of flying and hitscan enemies. At times there's just so much shit happening on the screen it feels cheap.
But hey, there is a genuinely good game somewhere in SS2. I hope Croteam remakes it one day
I'm curious why they would announce Sam VR at e3. They had to have known people would be pissed that it wasn't SS4. They could have announced the VR game at any point. SS4 seems more like a game that you'd announce at a big event. Either way it is a side project made up of mostly reused assets so it won't distract them too much from SS4 and Talos 2.
If you're not playing Serious Sam with a steering wheel then you're not playing it right.
I forgot that the HD versions don't autosave. I got killed by a trap and lost all will to start over.
Pretty sure they got some money for showing up with something vr to demo.
Maybe they just don't give a fuck.
They know people will buy Serious Sam 4 anyway.
Although I gotta say, the amount of retards thinking this was Serious Sam 4 caught me by surprise. I mean I know people are stupid on the internet, but come on.
Their explanation is that there simply isn't anything worth showing so far.
They don't want to showcase something until the game is nearly done so that the presented material is exactly what you'll get, basically avoiding a Duke Nukem Forever 2001 trailer scenario.
As for why they showed VR instead, well, that WAS mostly done and presentable.