What was going through his mind?

What was going through his mind?

Other urls found in this thread:


>we are not about specs, but damm

Not bad, user

What does Reggie actually do?

i am sure that he acknowledges that nitendo + multiplats is literally the best in the market

they are missing the hardware, is that simple

he's the spokesperson of NoA

Marketing. NoA is one giant marketing division, nobody makes any important decisions there.

>my feet hurt
>that system is to white
>I want to be back in the Treehouse watching Zelda
>Where's Miyamoto
>I hope my daughter isn't getting gang banged right now

NoA is in charge of localization which is pretty important, they are the ones who censor your games.

Looks like a bored dad who just wants to lay in his recliner.

Was this before he said "we're not about specs" or after? It it was after than he was probably thinking "With our exclusives shit, if we actually did shell out the shekels for a beefy system with no gimmicks we would wipe our ass with the console market. Why the fuck didn't we do that? Oh right cause if Nintendo had half a brain to do that I would have been fired years ago."

Marketer. Combined with the late Iwata and Mario man, it was easy to market the manchildern market with quirky bubbly advertisements every year at E3.

>We should've have went first, and goddamn we're doing it again

>Sakamoto san, looks like we are going to need to release those top secret Amiibos early

He's just a normal guy at work.
He'd rather be home, like any other person at work would.

>My body can't take this anymore


''Hail Microsoft''

So his job is to meme?

i legit feel bad for him on that pic

That's not an important decision. Important decisions regard hardware and software.

In a way the decision to censor is marketing too. It relates to the marketability of software.

There was a way when NoA made its own decisions regarding software, when Howard Lincoln wanted a shooter on the N64 GoldenEye was made. Nobody holds that kind of power at NoA anymore.

Remember that Iwata was CEO of both NOJ and NOA when he was alive.

He is a glorified marketer so yes, his job is literally to meme you to death and it has been working since 2003.

>Best Hardware
What other hardware was shown?

I was amused and sad at the same time

>I failed to stop this to happen

>klay world
holy shit that is ancient

So this is the power.. of hole technology..

It is one of Amazons top sellers

You know its old because they get stuck in the VCR

First reply best reply

Everything, this motherfucker is everywhere, at the same time

>top selling a mcdonalds toy for a quick buck
no man can be spiritually fulfilled doing this jewish bullshit. i bet hes dying inside.

>I still don't understand why a black guy in on the cover of Battlefield 1

I know, it's great that Nintendo is selling so many Waluigi Amiibos at US$12.99. It's 17 on the top sellers for video games

The Xbox One S is at 13 on the list and it's US$399.00

/r/ing the screencap of the dicklips disaster concerning his daughter.

Didn't third parties hate the controller screen too?

Post his daughter

What goes through the mind of the condemned when they see the noose? I'd imagine he was having some flashbacks about fond memories at Nintendo.


>google "reggie fils aime daughter"
>only find pics Zelda Williams

>preorders are indicative of sales

The same thing that went through the minds of Sony executives as they pulled the Neo with their tail through their legs
>Should've worn brown pants today


>I wish I was at home having those specs

>what's a teraflop

>MS makes loss on each unit of hardware sold
>Nintendo makes profit on every Ammibo sold

his daughter is really cute


Send her

I wish I was playing Zelda too Sakurai

>some anons unironically believe that girl was my daughter

Reggie can I fuck your daughter

Sell promises.

And software

>Everytime I close my eyes and frown
>I know things are bad and getting worse
>But after all this I can rest a while
>Then I'll party PARTY!

Is she the one with them big DSLs?

Be a meme normies like for "le my body is ready xDDD" and talk shit like he had influence on Nintendo in Japan although he doesn't

He's the only one who can tame Joel McHale

>removing panty shots
>not an important decision
That's it. You're out.

Be a walking meme

Sup Forums made him the man he is today.

takes names and kicks ass

Where the fuck are the pics of his supposed daughter?

Marketing, decision making, hiring process, firing process, making sure everyone at NoA is doing their job to the best of their ability, making deals, meeting with other CEOs to discuss their sexual experiences while eating sushi off the stomach of a naked japanese prostitute

This honestly. Sup Forums made tons of YouTube Vida and created tons of memes of Reggie which he later became self aware of. So he thinks the audience wants memes so he memes on us hopefully to keep our wallets out for Nintendo.


>$10 Billion
>$50 Billion
>$270 Million


This is why I have a Wii U and a PC. I get most console multiplats if I want them, plus I get the first party nintendo exclusives.

nintendo have enough money to continue being shit for decades

If I were to guess then 10 billion

270 million is Capcom tier which was big news how close they were to kicking the bucket

But... skinship...

Nintendo dying is not possible considering their IPs and stuff. The worst case scenario for them is going 3rd party developer. And that might happen sure, in about 15 years

Its none of those. Nintendo has about 20 billion.

They're going to get about 4m from the new Zelda.

>what's a terraflop

Didnt he troll that autistic kid that loves sonic?

Nintendo is worth $18.4 billion, thanks to their timeless games and uniquely designed hardware[1]. Nintendo is worth $700 million more than Sony.[3]

Which by the way is a very unneutral sentence. I really don't like how it's worded, there's obvious bias.

It's not really fair to compare the value to Sony since their financial issues stem from outside the playstation division

It sucks that the one and only game that could save the WiiU is gonna be released 5 years too late

How much a company is worth is not how much money they have. user specifically asked for cash.

didnt sony made more money from selling conductors than any other division?

Post the daughter.

You realize how few sales add up to this right?

How much is microsoft worth?
Just to check something.

So this is the console we'll release 10 years from now

who is him????? miyamoto?????

that was just the next sentence that was the only reason i put it there. And yes i am aware sony is very different. It's weird to compare a toy company to a megaconglomerate and i'm not sure if it means the entire company or just the playstation division.

That Xbox is the top selling console on amazon right now

Since Sony is beating the shit out of ms does that mean Nintendo is richer than Microsoft ?

>my feet hurts
>I'm tired of all these manchildren around me
>please don't interview me, I have no clue what a teraflop is
>I don't even like videogames


Nintendo has
>been around for 126 years
>older than vidya
>is richer than most, just won't show it

They'll be around for a little longer


"what system would Rainbow Dash play?"

So we still don't have any NX news other than:
>Well, specs don't matter

Which console has the most action games?

I'd say:
FS - Nintendo
AJ - Doesn't play games.
RD - XBone
R - Sony
PP - Idort

>"why couldnt I have worked for xbox"

Spike - Ouya


I miss 6th gen Nintendo.

I still think all the clues they've accidentally released say the NX is actually an OS. Which is why they have no hardware to show off.

You know I would fucking dual boot an OS on my computer if that was the case. Like Nintendo would have all my fucking money if I can just depend on my PC as hardware.