Quick, how do I make 5 bucks on steam so I can buy Battleborn?
Quick, how do I make 5 bucks on steam so I can buy Battleborn?
Wait till the summer sale you fucking eggplant
But I love dota2 and I heard bb is pretty much the same.
>buy Battleborn
Don't do it
What does that even prove?
if you're going to cuck yourself at least get it on amazon for $40
or just buy overwatch for that much
Lol...what. isnt it 40 bucks now?
The 24 hour peak is 1k. Even halo 3 on 360 gets like 4k hell even mass effect 3 probably gets more players a day
Where do you find these stats? Are they on Steam?
sry im new
>But I love dota2 and I heard bb is pretty much the same.
If dubs you HAVE to buy Hatoful Boyfriend.
It's dead as fuck and becoming even more dead with each passing day, don't.
They'll probably (or at least they SHOULD) make it F2P soon.
sell csgo gun skins and trading cards
or pretend to be a girl with titty avatars and ask a white knight to buy it for you
That's sad. I mean, Gearbox deserves it, but still.
>battleborn is more than $55 on steam
Don't forget the microtransactions! :^)
>Wildstar has more players
>all the work that went into the game ruined by fart-sitters thinking it'd be in the games best interest to compete with a mammoth company and it's latest highly polished baby
>Wildstar has any players
Why not just get it for 20€ from Kinguin?
Oh, right. Forgot steambabbys are all retarded consumers.
What's wrong with wildstar?
People just need a MMO to shit on since it tried to compete with their beloved WoW at one point.
Nothing it's the most polished out of all the theme parks at this point and time. However, it reversed the formula of exploring a preset world with exploring a new world.
That's apparently what ruined it.
Sup Forums however is autistic, so they can't explain what actually went wrong just parrot that it's wrong.
Jesus Christ. This game is a laughing stock.
There is no way in hell they don't drop the price down for the Summer Sale, just wait famalam.
>buy battleborn
>realm of the mad god
People still play this shit?
It has less people then Tera and only slightly more then Oblivion.
Gearbox shouldn't have shot themselves in the foot so god damn hard.
>Buying Battleborn for $60
>barely matches people playing runescapestone through steam
They already sold it for $40 some weeks ago.
Yes, it has already got a discount.
Blunder of the Century
Most of Teras playerbase play the game through its respective launcher and without steam, since for some reason the game's not even available to European (+other) players through the digital platform.
>Sup Forums however is autistic, so they can't explain what actually went wrong just parrot that it's wrong.
besides the shit re-launch? I gave it a try, and even did my best to be patient and understanding, but for two weeks(yes, 2), the servers were continuously being taken down, or just flat-out crashing.
the latency was shit for everyone, which tells me they didn't plan very well for all the heavy f2p traffic. but when I wasn't lagging and the servers were stable, I was dealing with an awful UI, which I assume can be fixed with mods, but still not a good look for new players looking to switch.
I really tried to like this game. I knew it wouldn't be as good as WoW, but could be a fun little game to fuck around with. Sadly, the incompetence of the first few weeks put me off from continuing.
If I need an MMO fix, I just play Rift or GW2.
just please don't buy battleborn
I ain't scared, rolling
>wildstar defense force is still active
>They can't explain what went wrong
It tried to pander to a niche group of people, half of which don't even know what they're talking about and just pretend they played Vanilla for internet cool guy points: People who liked 40 man raids. They then realized that they had made a terrible mistake and quickly changed them to 20 mans, but it was too late.
They promised a 28 day content cycle, which after 2 updates became 3 months, then they LITERALLY CANCELLED CHRISTMAS.
You get barraged with F**KING EPIC BADASS HUMOR CUPCAKE!!! WATCH OUT FOR THOSE F**KING KOOKY BAZINGA RATS, CUPCAKE!! literally any time you do ANYTHING in game.
There you go, have some legitimate reasons the game is bad.
>the servers were continuously being taken down, or just flat-out crashing.
Works for me.
I agree with the game having spontaneous lagspikes but that can be fixed.
As for the UI, it does its job, though an option to enlarge the font would be appreciated since I have to read tiny fucking text all the time on my 27" monitor.
Now I have no clue how the endgame will play out yet but at the moment its fun enough with its action-oriented combatsystem and overseeable UI.
Beats playing like pic related where you can't see shit thanks to the UI clutter.
Shame, the housing is fantastic in Wildstar. Too bad the rest of the game is uninspired dogshit.
Overshills on suicide watch
Best purchase of your life.
t. happy customer
I can buy it for 20 yurodollars in retail lmao
Reason I am also buying it it's because usually when Sup Forums says a game is shit it isn't.
Have fun wasting your money, then.
>buy Battleborn
Just buy 5 copies of Brink instead.
Oh fuck
>that guy trying to rebuild brink community by himself
Not this time friend. This game is going into full cardiac arrest. Wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the plug on it or at the very least make it f2p pay-to-win
Nobody tell him...
Wait for summer sale.
Wouldn't be surprised if the game hits 75% this summer sale. That'll be the last time they will get money before going f2p.
Fucking retards, the game wouldn't flop so bad if they released it in august.
The thing with Battleborn right now is that many people are insecure about the games future, thus switching to Overwatch since its run by Blizzard who's actually guaranteed to provide future updates on a regular basis.
It'll be F2P before you know it.
thx bb
It's depressing at this point. Could you imagine playing a game so dead you have to brag when you see someone new.
That's too good.
You can suck 5 dicks for 1 dollar each OP
>Buying stillborn not once, not twice, three fucking times!
It almost hurts to make fun of them at this point.
>skill gap between autists who want to save the game and confused new players is too big
>autists end up scaring away potential players or at least leaving them with a bad taste in their mouth
It's like pottery
Oh my fuck
Why would you buy a dead game?
The summer sale likely starts in less than a month.
I'll never understand why people make threads like this.
do tell
Starts next week.
>Trying to start fights with Blizzard games
Reminds me of when RIFT came out and they had a big UR NOT IN AZEROTH KID! campaign and the game was dead within 6 months.
>Battleborn is dead
What happened?
>I'll never understand why people make threads like this.
Really? For the (You)s
That team clearly understand the sportsmanship that plays into Battleborn.
Rolling to see if I destroy myself or not.
Gearbox spent their time attacking Blizzard instead of actually educating their potential player base about the game.
Battleborn was dead on arrival because Activision understood what they were going for and shilled with tf2 e-celebs for months to no end.
I only heard from Battleborn in the announcement and then it was out.
Fucking Roblox and their hat based economics.
Holy shit mental fart. Blizzard. My brain did autocomplete accidentally.
Nah son, it's the hivemind at work. You were programmed to say Activision instead of Blizzard.
Well, technically you weren't wrong in the first place.