Is there any chance of this being good...

Is there any chance of this being good? I mean there seems to be a pretty clear consensus on what's good and what's bad about Mass Effect.

I actually like Mass Effect. I even like 2 and 3 despite the fact that 2's plot had no effect on the overall narrative and they shit the bed with the ending in 3.

Can Andromeda save the series?

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zero chance of it being good. its made by the dragon age inquisition tumblr kids, and they hired even more activists and tumblrinas to work on this game since then. they have a few nu male cuckolds doing the actual programming work.

They shit the bed with the beginning of ME3 desu sempai

Auto-dialogue was fucking everywhere and all two of your optioms were always retarded. You felt railroaded as fuck. They said choices would have a bigger impact in ME3 than ME2 but it felt lile the opposite. The Rachni in particular stand out and conversations with squadmates were missing the fucking dialogue wheel.

Add the fact that you spend 70% of the reaper war fighting fucking Cerberus, a faction that basically didn't exist in the first game outside the side missions and didn't have any relevance to the story.


I'm not too excited. I'm actually hoping the alien races we get to meet will be super, SUPER odd just so I won't repeatedly see their gender/race politics bullshit occurring left and right.

>The species Drurmglax have feminist niggers, aid in their fight!

>build the reapers up as Cuthulu-tier enemy
>turn them into generic big monsters that can be killed
>build Cerberus up as an Illuminati tier boogyman
>turn them into a generic evil corporation

Bioware are fucking hacks.

ME1 and DA: Origins were god tier.

Now look at those franchises.

how many do you think are left?

>Can Andromeda save the series?
The series was dead when EA bought it, so that was around the end of developing ME2.
In hindsight people forget how screwed over they were and are willing to leap into their arms again for a fresh cup of Kool-Aid.

However you're screwed over this time, you're asking for it.

Gameplay-wise they're on the right direction, jetpack and Mako but not shit sounds fuccin cool.
Storywise it's probably bad if they need to go to a whole new galaxy to make a coherent plot. On the other hand, it's a mostly clean slate. They can't fuck up too bad because there's nothing there.

There's no way I'm going to buy it, still looks fun to play though.

Don't even remotely care. I'll wait until people I trust play it. Then and only then, will I consider picking it a steep discount, during an inevitable complete edition sale. That said, I said the same thing about DA:I, and I still don't own it and probably never will.

NuBioware has already burnt me too many times.

I think so. I've decided to forgive Bioware over ME3, and DA:I wasn't as bad as most people here say.

>bull rider detected

Got ME when I saw that I could get all three games+DLC for ten Euros at my local electronic store. Will probably do the same with this.


Bioware isn't concerned with making good games any longer. All they care about is pleasing people who don't evne play vidya.

Seeing as how they phoned ME3 in so hard, I am not hyped.

>All they care about is pleasing people who don't evne play vidya.

And normalising ugliness. You forgot their ugliness crusade.

>They said choices would have a bigger impact in ME3 than ME2 but it felt lile the opposite.

It will probably be on the good end of mediocre, like Inquisition.

They'll almost certainly not going to make the same mistake with the ME3 ending, they're well aware that they didn't get away with that.

The meme-addicted Redditors will be screaming about cucks and SJWs, but Inquisition wasn't actually bad in that regard, they even portrayed the leftist dyke as appropriately obnoxious.

Gameplay was fine for ME2 and ME3 so they just need to not make unnecessary changes there. Mako and more exploration is of course a good idea.

Inquisition Morrigan was one of the more attractive characters to come out of games last year. Their campaign is to have more facially recognizeable characters, which will mean they don't all look like uncanny valley RealDoll trash like the Japanese do. This is a good thing.

Inquisition was flawed but Sup Forums is hysterically unobjective about it.

>god tier
It was mediocre as fuck.

no chance

>So this may not surprise you, but I've heard stories of a lot of tensions at the studio. I've heard about people leaving. Do you feel that's an accurate portrayal of the studio right now?

>Er, passion yeah, tensions yes. There are tense moments, for sure. Any time you're trying to do something big and ambitious, you're going to have tensions and second thoughts. I think trailers like this show that, for whatever doubts our developers might have in their minds about getting this done, it's going to get done and it's going to be amazing.

>I also heard that some gameplay features are now being stripped out to meet the release date.

>Oh I haven't heard about any of that. We've had a couple of modest changes, but nothing radical. All of the emphasis to move towards the free-form exploration, all that's still in there and very grounded in the mechanics.

I've got zero expectations so if it ends up being somewhat good I'm going to be pleasantly surprised.

The important thing is that there will be new alien waifu porn to masturbate to.

What is guy even talking about?
Look at all the other western games coming out/been out, they all have realistic people with focusing on creating purposely ugly fucking people to appeal to mentally unstable retards.

I don't follow the whole cuck shit or really even cared about the gay shit everyone was crying about with Bioware until I played the new dragons age. The forced gay pandering and SJW garbage was apparent I don't know how anyone with half a brain played through the whole thing. I mean holy fuck.

source please

Yes, definitely source.

I think it could go either way.

If it's more like ME3 with atmospheric exploration I'll be hyped.

If it's modeled after Inquisition's endless fetch quests and item farming then I'm wary.

Just curious, what's an average percent retention between games like this? 25% seems abysmal, but how out of the ordinary is it I wonder? Places like Nintendo seem to have a very stable dev team, but I feel like many western devs gain, lose and reform many times over.

I'm not saying it's good or right, but I wonder how anomalous it is.

>d-do I f-fit in yet guys?

>If it's more like ME3

Why would you want this?

I think it's 50-50. You have a fresh blank slate - which is good in that you don't have to be hamstrung trying to fit it into the previous games, and you don't have to deal with post-ME3. On the other hand, it's a fresh slate, without the structure ME1 set up to guide it. They could go very, very wrong.

If the multiplayer is as good or better than ME3, I might get into it even if the main game is subpar. ME3 MP had no right to be as good as it was.

thank you

>If the multiplayer is as good or better than ME3
I see no way for them to fuck up the multiplayer. It's made by ME3MP's dev team, for fuck's sake.

Not him but Orzammar and Circle Tower were awful, Dalish was meh. Ending and Redcliffe were pretty good though.

ME3 had its flaws, but I still found it enjoyable, final Earth-sections aside.

Thought it found a stronger balance between squad focus and story-based action than Inquisition managed. For all the shit it gets I found it impressive that they could juggle so many character arcs for the finale when all of them had the potential to be dead from the start.

You're enormously triggered, especially ironic is your mention of unstable people.

The two intentionally ugly characters were Cole and Sera. Everyone else looked fine or outright attractive. The gay shit wasn't at all obnoxious; Sera was obnoxious for basically every reason except her sexuality.

The SJWs have psychologically cucked you. They've turned you into a wreck.

If the multiplayer is as good as 3s then I really don't give a shit how awful the writing in the single player is honestly. Rampaging as a Krogan will never not be fun

Writer is the same woman that claimed she was virtually raped in GTA


> 3 E3s in a row
> ZERO gameplay

shit is DOA family to be quite honest

Provide proofs.

No. Mass effect is garbage and the company funding it is garbage. I'm not even going to think about it with all the other games coming out, there's literally no excuse to buy this shit.

One of the things they thought was important enough to show off in their first official trailer, was how they've fucked up Asari.

Either they're actually proud of making the race fucking designed to sexually appeal to everyone ugly, or the people putting together the trailer wanted to warn the ME fans that are left for what ME/Bioware has become.

>the Mass Effect 3 ending backlash caused the dev team to get therapeutic care for PTSD..


So the 98% all new dev team will be making Andromeda.. does this mean Andromeda will be 98% shit?

>Asst Writer @BioWare.
First sentence on her twitter bio

>still having hope for Biowares mangled corpse dancing on EAs string
>after DA2, ME3 and DAI
I will never understand this. The company you once loved has been dead since ME2, that's over 7 years by now.

Go and check her twitter.

>>the Mass Effect 3 ending backlash caused the dev team to get therapeutic care for PTSD...

PTSD has no meaning anymore.


A bonus

I like that the Mako is back, though the game will probably be shit.

We'll see.

New Locations look pretty. Females don't.

But then again the females never did.

>p-please buy our games

Fuck off bioshit

I want off this goddamn ride.

There's so many games coming out that trump ME that it's fairly easy to do that.

Well sorry bro, but i'm not really sure what you expected from fucking Bioware.
This shit is standard for that cuck company now.

They are already spinning bullshit out on how this game ties inn with the original trilogy's ending, and it's already becoming a complete mass.
The writing is going to be horrid SJW filled garbage.


Don't call it a grave, it's the future we chose.

>get BTFO

>Hack Walters is now in charge of everything
>Bioware still can't model for shit
>Still no fucking gameplay released

so you can get official SJW degrees now ?

Capitalism at work baby. As long as there's an idiot willing to pay for it you may as well provide.

I'm hopeful.

Womens studies as an academic discipline predates the modern idea of SJWs.

Gender studies has been a thing for a long time, albeit different universities may name it differently.

>No gameplay
>comes out in like 7 months

That is a bad sign. Either the game is nowhere near done. Or the game is a mess and they are hiding it from fans.


T R U M P W A V E when?

How did Inquisition and ME3 sell?

I actually just started playing Mass Effect 3 again. I never got even halfway through it the first time I started playing it.

I'm actually a little excited getting back into this, it has been so many years, and the game also treats me like I haven't been around for years, so when I meet characters I met 5-6 years ago, it actually feels neat to meet them again

the Origin launcher also downloaded something called the "Extended Cut", which appearantly changes up the ending scenes a bit to give some better closure or whateve, but I have no idea if it fixes what ppl found to be wrong with it back then.
It has really been 5-6 years since i last enjoyed this shit. God damn.

ME3 should pretty well from what I heard.
Inquisition sold well at launch, then dropped off a cliff. EA hasn't been green lite for a sequel, mostly because the game didn't sell what they were hoping for.
Andromeda was green lite right away and has been in development for almost 5 years. Safe to say ME3 sold well and Inquisition sold so-so.

The Extended Cut is what it sounds like - it adds more scenes to the endings. It doesn't really change much (only a handful of vague scenes are now more certain), but it does give more context and more closure. There's no reason to not keep the Extended Cut on, all of the endings are shorter and hollower without it. Plus, there's an extra ending only in the EC.

In the end, it doesn't fix the endings (the same events happen), but it makes them more palatable.

I had kind of accepted what i was going into when I downloaded it again, and I really just wanted to finish what i started 5 years ago.
If the Extended cut makes it a bit better then that is cool, but I'm not expecting anything promising, just to end this fucking thing so I can get ready for Andromeda

Does Sam Maggs have any credentials or experience as a writer? Other than what she'd get from posting on her blog and writing opinion pieces for PC Gamer, I mean. Like, does she at least have a literary degree or something?

It sounds really odd to hire a writer who has no actual experience with writing. If it's just about PR, that doesn't seem like an adequate reason for it. She's not so well known that all that many people would care whether she gets the job, and there's been no major push from the public for her to get the job. If anything the public has wanted competent writing from the series, so I'm not sure how bringing this lady onto the team is supposed to not be discouraging. Andromeda still looks like a major investment, so hiring someone who doesn't even have the qualifications of an amateur is extremely confusing.

So how fresh of a start do you guys think Andromeda is going to be?

fresh enough to get the series back on track in Sup Forums's eyes, or fresh enough to make it even worse?

It will be mediocre at best. I pretty much expect DAI with even more tedious offline-MMO quests and huge, empty landspace set in front of a story that doesn't matter because you're too busy collecting Reaper shards or whatever.
Also terrible waifus. I have no hope left for modern Bioware.


there's no reason to assume nu-bioware wont just copy+paste everything from ME1

hey guys! this is totally
> NOT WREX korgan teammate
> NOT GARRUS turian guy
> NOT ASARI sexpot

it'll be like jj arbams completely copy+pasting ep4 when he made ep7.

screenshot this, we'll have nothing original in andromeda

Oh joy, the asset look more like guys than girls now.

Not even the guy you replied to. Neck yourself biodrone

Is this asari male?

Dude model no doubt. Probably voiced by a guy too. But hey it has a vagina maybe.

>can Andromeda save the series

How many fucking times will you learn? Bioware can no longer be trusted to make a good game.

It's kinda impressive how they can be so bad at making games.

I have low expectations but high hopes. I know they're going to fuck it up but I really hope they dont

That still looks male and then when it frowns it right after it looks like a female a little so im confused