Time for some sweet sweet Husbandos. Post 'em, fems and fags!
Starting off with based Venom.
Keep it Vidya
Time for some sweet sweet Husbandos. Post 'em, fems and fags!
Starting off with based Venom.
Keep it Vidya
I'm ironically homo for Miguel.
>Not preferring the counterpart that is better in every way
Hello, not-Mitsurugi.
best boy
Only because of that flash game amirite?
Best vidya husbando
that flash game was shit though
Can't forget god tier Templar bros
This one?
No, I saw him in Tekken 6 and it was the love at first sight.
The one and only
Pretty good tastes, but Reaper is best boy
I don't care how edglordy or cringey people claim this guy to be. I want him in my bed. NOW.
based edgy old man leaping across rooftops
Why did the sequel destroy the most perfect thing about him?
Hair like that ain't cheap.
>bigby hasn't been posted yet
he's been the op image for a couple threads now you can relax
Has everyone played that game?
>red nose
What tumblr did you get this off of?
>Top tier trap not posted yet
I'm not Promptofag but I know he follows husbando threads and I want to know what he thought of pic related happening.
Porn of him can't come soon enough
How much porn is going to be money shots on his visor?
no fuck you jabroni
Probably 0.02% of it
the rest will be him without the mask because obviously the game is going to reveal it since ubi has shit writers
I can't wait for Ubi to reveal he's the villain and kill him off dramatically.
Wait, I worded that wrong.
I am horrified Ubi is going to kill him off in an attempt to make their shitty plot have the illusion of stakes - per usual.