This is a PS4 cooling fan.
This is a PS4 cooling fan
Fuck my wifes son Ps4 cooler probably looks that way
Why add dust filters if they make more money by having your console die because of the lack of airflow so you can buy another.
Have you tried powering off, then powering on your console?
>having dusts where you life
Lmao casuals
Actually, it looks hot.
> i keep my console on the floor where all the good dust resides
did you do the self cleaning procedure of the PS4 ? its built in feature like in the PS3.
Does no one ever read the manual these days?
congrats you just voided your warranty!
Do black people wander around neighborhoods and look for PS4 wifi signals? Because my house got fucking broken into and my PS4 was stolen.
So am I suppose to open up the console and clean it?
Never cleaned my fat PS3 from 2007 and it's still fine
good get a pc then ,":=)
>not installing antitheft windows and doors in your home
Yeah well that's also your mom's pussy
no, like the PS3, the PS4 has a self cleaning function.
read your console's manual
Or you can buy a dog like any other sane human being.
That's not a fan it's a blower
it's a jet engine noise simulator
>>read your console's manual
>>Does no one ever read the manual these days?
Maybe one of the features of the Neo is actually being able to hear the game over the fan noise.