I think we're getting a hang of this whole diversity thing

I think we're getting a hang of this whole diversity thing

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ded thred

shit game, Monster Hunter for westaboos who want to watch a movie.

Here's your (you)

it's telling that among soooo many features, they had to focus on this to make the game look good.
also, of course
>muh grafix!

it's literally just another nariko

leaked battlefield 1 gameplay
action starts 5mins in


I can see out now

Next year there will be a free the nipple campaign for video game characters.

why do liberals think video games need to he held to some political standard when it comes to design choices? why can't we just have pulpy designs with musclebound dudes and chicks with big tits and bad shit happens to everyone and nobody is treated special? fuck I miss the 90s

>A reddit post

Except Heavenly Sword was shit

this whole thread reads like one person attempting to consciously display different varying opinions

How about you let people make the video games they want, and don't buy the ones that don't align with your political beliefs?

And this will be too

I'd kiss her

>Posts a frog instead

I think you forgot to REEEEEEEEE aswell

>fully clothed
>can still see her naked upper arm

Metroid has a fully-clothed female protagonist
Bayonetta has a fully-clothed female protagonist

psst, arguments and evidence isn't welcome.

customers don't have the power to "let" make people make the video games they want, meanwhile "journalists" can make a big stink to prevent publishers from bringing over games, case in point DOAX3
it's easy to ask for only one side to be silent while the other has freedom to do this shit

I don't know what that means. I want people to make and play whatever they want. Sony pointing out they have a fully clothed female is them pointing out that they're doing something politically correct. I dont understand why it would matter if she was half naked, why point it out unless its to be commended for it?

I like how everyone is jerking off over the diversity of the MC being a woman, and not giving a shit about culture appropriation.
plus, it's a white girl, that's not exactly the boldest choice

Well I guess you're technically right.

>fully clothed

i don't think games are diverse enough yet, every game has fully clothed females
can someone list some games with nude female protagonists instead?

>not giving a shit about culture appropriation
elaborate pls
>plus, it's a white girl
but she's redhead so it's ok

>Monster Hunter for westaboos
I would actually LOVE for this to be a MonHun for westaboos. that might suck, but it COULD be awesome.
but that isn't what Guerilla does. all their games are essentially a CoD, heavily scripted gameplay interspersed with free-range shooting.

i can get off to exposed arms too

Lara Croft's pretty face and her ass being squeezed into those tight jeans make me triggered, so she is considered naked and that's wrong

The next one will be
>fully-female protagonist

you say that like it's a bad thing

you forgot
>has a penis

They mean she doesn't rock a battle bikini. Which is a shame, hope they put it in as dlc. I want to see her in a loincloth and nothing else.

>implying Metroid is even a viable franchise anymore after how they butchered it in Other M, turning Samus into a weak-willed bimbo in a skimpy skintight suit
>implying Bayonetta doesn't LITERALLY strip naked only censored by hair for several of her attacks

Why she gotta be white tho?

Seriously, if you're trying to force diversity then just making the MC a woman seems a little lazy. At least make her black or something, native American if you wanna go full diversity mode. Just making her white seems half-arsed.

Does Sup Forums actually like (or at least, not hate) Horizon now?

how the fuck is the zero suit skimpy

>skimpy skintight suit
still fully-clothed

but she's not fully clothed?

It looks fun

her body makes me triggered, it's immoral and she is a whore for exposing herself like that.
that's why we need feminism, to prevent girls from looking at that shameful body and start thinking they should aspire to these unrealistic standards

culture appropriation is (according to ultra SJW's) is using another race's culture. because these days everything has to be a microaggresion, instead of seeing a white person in Indian/tribal clothes and thinking it's cool, or an homage, it's viewed as the most racist priveledged shit ever for whatever reason.
their point is usually "if it's so important for the actor to wear/use this other culture/race's items, why didn't you just make the character be that race/culture? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

""""they"""" will probably still be offended by her being
>relatively skinny

pick as many as you want.

Idk, her arm, hand, and head are still uncloth. Better cover them up.


She looks aboriginal

>games journalists and their shitty opinions have an effect on the market in 2016

I haven't even watched the new footage, but I always thought the girl was a qt

The real question is, when will we get a female protagonist in a burqa already???

>Just making her white seems half-arsed.
it is.
they get the brownie points for being "diverse", but still appeal to the audience (kept it a white girl).
and what sucks, I'd love a game where you were a badass indian lady, using stealth and bow and arrows and being one with nature and deliciously red/brown like Pocahantas

Man I hate that stuff.
>White rock n roll is appropriation of black jazz music
>Jazz itself is appropriation of white brassband and folk music

>culture appropriation is (according to ultra SJW's) is using another race's culture.
this is absolutely the most segregational shit I've ever seen in my life.
if no one is allowed to learn about other cultures and warm up with different people and their traditions, then there is absolutely no diversity being encouraged there, everybody must stay safely isolated.
fuck these idiots, they can always reinvent meanings to the words they use. I've stopped trying to understand them long ago.

Nah this is mature gamers' Zelda

Honestly the gameplay looks like shit im not even hyped for it

Wonder if they've ever heard of the Timesplitters games?

>meanwhile "journalists" can make a big stink to prevent publishers from bringing over games, case in point DOAX3

maybe you should be mad at spineless publishers then?

>seeing a white person in Indian/tribal clothes
They were in tribes user. Do you think white people just popped out of the ground in the middle ages or something? There's no need to play devil's advocate as some extreme sjw. If you actually come across an argument like that, good for you, but until then making a strawman doesn't do anyone any favors.

The robo animals/dinosaurs hit a note for me that I cannot ignore.

The PC and white people with dreadlocks don't. Still looks interesting regardless.

>seeing a white person in Indian/tribal clothes

It's a post apoc world where the last remaining people are basically primitive nomads.

Why the fuck cant a white person be one of them?

How would she function as a hunter without this?

Sure, some disabilities probably wouldn't hinder her too much. Being born with only three fingers on one hand wouldn't hurt if she can still draw her bow, but missing an entire limb? Being deaf? Being blind? What disability could she have and still function relatively well?

you ever seen an actual aboriginal? probably not.

For big corporations they do. Because they are run based off investors. Which is why people like little devs, most of the time. But they are also the most lazy.

>Implying there's a concept of white skin in the game's world

This studio basically makes shit games that nobody likes but sell for some reason.

Why would this be any different from their other garbage?

>white people didn't live in tribes and wear furs in ancient Scandinavia

you dumb as hell boy


> mature

Sure, user. Sure.

looks like that bitch from GoT

Cultural appropriation is like when normies steal our memes, but for stuff that actually matters


every business is a bet, user
when the odds are greatly stacked against you (by means of the press influencing hordes of normies to spread word-of-mouth of your product being literally hitler while the publisher has almost no budget for advertising to prove otherwise) then your bet is far riskier than what the rewards could possibly entail
just because companies don't want to risk burning several thousands of dollars in a losing battle doesn't mean they are spineless, just like gambling the whole farm at every opportunity isn't an act of bravery

I'm aware of 100% of that, I'm just surprised that I haven't read of any bitching about it.
every race ever was tribal at some point, we don't just invent new races right into the modern world.
that's what seems so bizzare about the ultra SJW's, their viewpoints start from a segregationalist view, that only certain races have the right to wear this or think that, as though America isn't a melting pot

Do you get to play as one of the robot dinosaur things?

because I hate videogames

and you have every right to get pissed and yell NORMIES REEEEEEE all you want
however, condemning it is like trying to ask people to delete the memes from all over the internet and demand them to become a Sup Forums exclusive feature.
it sounds ridiculous just like their demands

>while the publisher has almost no budget for advertising to prove otherwise

Nigga stop posting. I don't think you have any idea how much money these companies throw out the window for more mundane shit.

so she's Argentinian then?
okay, cool


Nigga stop posting. I don't think you have any idea how weeb publishers aren't like EA and Ubisoft and can't just throw money at the wall over and over until it sticks.


>Whiteboi thinking those are dreadlocks
Some things just never change

I still can't read her name without hearing the entire twing-twang exchange in my head

The people who buy weeb games with content that game journos consider questionable are not influenced by games press. Normies who read Kotaku don't buy Anime Panty Quest XIII or Titty Volleyball 3, and they won't stop buying games they like because the publisher sells these.

>weeb publishers aren't like EA and Ubisoft and can't just throw money at the wall over and over until it sticks.
Capcom says hi.

>fully clothed
But I can see her face.

>The people who buy weeb games with content that game journos consider questionable are not influenced by games press.
audiences aren't solely comprised of the exact same people across generations.
>Normies who read Kotaku don't buy Anime Panty Quest XIII or Titty Volleyball 3
normies are unpredictable, that's what makes them normies instead of being permanently offended morons. anybody has a random chance in life to give a weeb game a try and start liking them.

>talk about publishers
>nigga shows up with shit that has enough money to develop several long-standing franchises, comparing it to small companies like XSEED

because different people like different things? have you ever thought that there are people with different tastes and idols than you? your worldview must be terribly narrow.

and where is the part that he says these are the only games that should be made? all he wants is to just have the types of games he described without being talked down by those enforcing these political standards.
if different people like different things, why must political standards contradict that and force people to stop liking stuff under the argument that it's wrong and harmful?

>Sony pointing out they have a fully clothed female is them pointing out that they're doing something politically correct
or it's a comedic remark to countless games with barely clothed female protagonists.

The only thing that should trigger for you is a gun pointed at your brain desu senpai

Should be wearing a burqua tbqh

>all he wants is to just have the types of games he described without being talked down by those enforcing these political standards.

There are 20 years worth of games like that.

Here's a test, take the most recent gameplay demo for the game. Now reverse the gender of every human character you see, while keeping the dialogue the same.
Does it still sound right or does it sound really fucking off?

Why does that matter. Go look through the big games from 2015 and 2016 E3

Most of them are still exclusively staring a guy, while a select few has both options, and lastly a tiny minority has exclusively chicks.

No tits, no buy.

Finally gaming is more inclusive. This has obviously never been done before.

>and where is the part that he says these are the only games that should be made?
the part where he bitches about this game while overwatch has been released just recently.

>Horizon: Zero Dawn has a fully-clothed female protagonist
Is that all it takes? Then why weren't my precious anime games praised for having fully clothed female protagonists?

And god of war has yet another half naked muscular man

it could have 100 years worth, doesn't mean they should stop existing because of that.
there are no magical quotas to be reached and balanced in how many games must be made, there's also no quotas on how much a person is allowed to like certain things.
you don't need to get fucked by a big mandingo to compensate for every time you have sex with a girl.