You don't have a CQC fight with volgin while snake eater starts playing in the background

>You don't have a CQC fight with volgin while snake eater starts playing in the background


The bossfight with him was pretty good.

>douse him and jump in the chopper
No. I mustve got about 3 or 4 helicopters shot down just trying to open the pause menu quick enough to order one and jump in it before he reignited

>Volgin will never CQC you

>You don't have a CQC fight with anyone

Fight against Machete Skulls being the closest thing

Didn't beat him hard enough then. I threw him into the pool of water and I'm pretty sure he didn't come back.

>playing the crashed chopper mission on extreme

Most fun i had with the game, the closest to a satisfying bossfight

Hideo sabotaged his own games by purposely illegally making games with Konamis time, money, and intellectual properties with out their permission in order to get fired.

Hideo ruined mgsv

>MGSV can't just be underwhelming
>it was all a ruse!

Occam's Broom, kojimadrone.

The whole point of MGSV was literally BLUEBALLING: THE GAME

I have long since given up on trying to figure out why anything about MGS V is the way it is. It seems like it was deliberately made and advertised in a way that made it as anticlimactic as possible. Maybe it's some sort of commentary on... something.

>Kojima puts in a CQC fight with Volgin and snake eater's theme

If you don't have a CQC fight with The Boss you're a casual cuckold.

Why did no one like the Sally fight? I though it was great. Running down the side of a mountain firing rockets, jumping into to tanks and shit.

Was pretty tense, I really enjoyed it. The crashed heli fight was shit.

Just hop in D-Walker and apply minigun.

>without their permission
he was vp
his own permission WAS "their permission"

I was talking about TPP.
Of course I CQC'd The Boss, what kind of idiot tries shooting her?

>Bring Quiet with upgraded sniper rifle
>Mission finished in less than 10 minutes

So he was doing the same with Mgs 4 and peace walker too?

Yup, i really liked both the quiet and salensomething fight. The 2 boss fights that's in the game is really good, the problem is that the longest and most free metal gear game does not take advantage of all the TECHNOLOGY! Too do some real cool shit. Imagine a boss fight on horseback racing through the whole of afghanistan, or a sniper fight that literally takes weeks

Would've been better if the mission area was bigger, imo.

The thing is, the second encounter with him had the makings of a final bossfight. And guess what, cutscene and nothing happens.

The disappointment I felt at that moment is something I find hard to describe.

I am playing the game right now. My only question so far, is D-dog supposed to be completely overpowered?

Yes and no. All of the companions make most parts of the game ridiculously easy, but don't work well at all in certain situations.

All the companions are.

CQC is maybe the easiest and quickest way to win that battle once you get the timing down, though.

There was likely more planned for Volgin, I mean they fucking kept his body around for no reason and it's never explained really why

The game clearly is unfinished and reworked from what they had done to put it in some sellable state.

lol I never played again after rescuing Huey.
Game fucking sux.

I admit the gameplay is good but there's not fucking story telling, no codec, and no sense of progression besides the mind numbing grinding of fultoning soldiers.

It's fine, I just wish it wasn't the final boss 10 hours before the game ends

The first encounter with Sally was literal nightmare fuel for me
First time i had a vidya related nigtmare in years

Yes. I love D dog but man is he ever a crutch

Yeah, that's what I gathered. Still hurts.

For a while I was under the impression that Kojima was a director god, but as time goes on it really does seem like he's a hack.

Wasn't there supposedly some writer that was present for most of the MGS games then left right when they got shitty? Also

>MGSV shit story
>Kojima blew all the money and time on his husbando Kiefer Sutherland and Dutch whore

>Death Stranding looks like some 2deep4u movie poster

Most people think he's awesome, but is Kojima actually the problem?

I was so sure he'd be the boss on the base and you'd have to finish him off once and for all by dunking him into the ocean.

I will trust Kojima forever. Even if he is a hack.

I don't feel like MGS 5 itself is a bad game, I feel like it's severely unfinished. In that respect, I don't think Kojima is a hack so much as he needs an editor and someone who'll control his spending to the actual game.

>Your production company hobbles your project and development progress because you are against the company reforming into a gambling conglomerate
>Documented proof of Konami constantly inhibiting development by shuffling around development staff, arbitrarily reassigning them, and reassigning emails bi-weekly
>Project receives less than its projected budget and has its release window slashed

More like the other guy working on the stories got the fuck out because he saw what Konami was doing and didn't want to get trashed like they tried to do Kojima. Not saying the guy can do no wrong, but the game is obviously an unfinished mess cut up and pieced back together in an attempt to have something workable.

The games after MGS3 have a lot of issues in terms of both game design and story, but it's still Kojima's creative direction that MG1-MGS3 reflect. He isn't a hack. The series just ran it's course a long time ago, and he seemed to struggle with synthesizing his ideas with Metal Gear.

I forgot Volgin was the man on fire.

Now that a few months have passed, it's really crazy how forgettable MGS 5 was for me.


I didn't need a CQC fight with him, but having no real boss fight (the thing where you run away doesn't count) is probably the single biggest missed opportunity of the game.

This, sadly.
Gameplay is tight as fuck and feels good but the rest of the game is disappointing.

Trying to make it through some areas was so exciting without D-Dog.

Same, something like he absorbs the skulls parasites and regenerates and becomes a mixture of Volgin and the Senator from Rising

>the fucking ride in the jeep with Skully


>Kojima blew all the money and time on his husbando Kiefer Sutherland and Dutch whore

It's amazing how Sup Forumseddit unironically thinks a C-lister who is only known for a TV show and a literally-who foreign model in Japan who only appeared in restaurant menus cost 80 million.

Since Shitface was busy revelling against Zero, why did he bother doing the Ground Zeroes events at all?
What did he stand to gain by getting BB's attention?

>Ocelot doesn't do anything the entire game except try to be the voice of reason and torture Huey.


He blew his time and money developing the best game engine of all time, not paying a washed up TV actor to say 10 lines.

Greetings, Reddit.


The pirate crackdown was a-go

Eh, you're right. JUST would've looked better there.

I laughed out loud when sins of the father started playing and venom and skullface just stared at each other for 3 mins

Hm. Thanks for the level-headed answers. I'll probably think about this some more and maybe give Kojima another chance.

Idk, personally a lot of people I've talked to at least know who Kiefer Sutherland is, and many loved 24. He might be more expensive than you're giving him credit for.

Is it worth it if the game engine is so excellent if the game that utilities it is underwhelming?

>The disappointment I felt at that moment is something I find hard to describe.


People keep memeing about how much of a disaster no mission 51 is. The real disaster was no Volgin final fight.

The game blatantly builds up to a third and final encounter. First you fight him on horseback, second time on ground, and you escape him both times. To me it's extremely obvious that the third encounter would be a combination of the two. BUT NOPE. He just gets run over and disappears LEL.

Anyone else think the whole Skulls thing was total shit?

When will they learn that a one-on-one duel against your rival or mentor is always more fun and satisfying than fighting a giant monster?



this shit is forever burned into my brain

>hurr I just want repeats of my specific favorite mgs

This really explains why the game gets such a bad rap around here

Why was he even alive? What was his purpose in the game? MGSV was so fucking forgettable.

The only time he was in-character was that one part where he left Huey lying on the needle of the metal-acid. That felt like something a sadist would do.

Then for some reason, he's the only character who has a problem with Quiet being tortured, despite him being a sadist.

Add to that the fact that Kojima is a creative, like his games or not, if you make a creative work against his own will, even more, you force him to do the same things over and over, he just stops losing motivation.
That's why MGS started shifting it's focus from story to gameplay, he was bored to death of the franchise and tried to do new things in the sandbox of this franchise.

The same happened to Christopher Nolan, all his movies are different because he likes doing different shit all the time, that's why The Dark Knight Rises was so mediocre compared to TDK and Batman Begins.

Regardless of thinking he's a hack or anything, if you want these kind of people to work at their fullest, just let them do their thing as they want.


>1 year later
>Kojimadrones still rolling around in a puddle of their own tears
This is why MGSV was GOTY.

muh revenge

If anything hideo got fucked when PT came out

i will never not be mad, on my deathbed the last thing i will whisper to my grandchildren is

>"Mgs V was a disappointment"

There truly is nothing wrong with MGSV. There needs to be some incentive for replayablity like NG+ though.

So.. every game except Peace Walker and 5

>criticizing the developer for an incomplete game the publisher forced them to release early

It's GOTY because it was so mediocre that people still haven't gotten over it?

It's GOTY because it has destroyed the worst fanbase Sup Forums has ever known.

What does MGSV have to do with the Undertale fanbase?

The Undertale fanbase died months ago.
Kojimadrones are a thing in 2016 even though he hasn't done any decent game since 2005.

>start writing games influenced by hideo
>become a big dev
>Meet Hideo
>Punch him in the face, and then befriend him as is the style in america
>people ask me why I did that
>ask them to ask me why I started writing games
>all for revenge

>CQC with a phantom ghost

you have shitter ideas than a hack kojima

>ywn get plastic surgery to become Venom Kojima

I love the kojima is a hack meme

>Not shooting him

What kind of american are you?

Fuck off

Everyone agrees that Kaz is the only good thing kojima has done since mgs 3 right?

When Volgin is in that cage on Motherbase, it seems like hes still alive. There was probably more to happen but Konami shut his ass down

What would have been the point? You're not actually Vic Vos

>Venom uses his phantom arm to punch volgin

This is a great idea

The ending of the fight would have been the cut scene when he realises you are not the biggest boss

He is still alive games mechanics while. Pointing weapons at him makes them react like it is a living target.
But that could just an oversight since the game isn't finish anyway.

Maybe were could have gotten a buddy volgin that could ride the battle gear.

>but water affects him
He is just a pissed off bitch that is lit on fire.

>Volgin didn't punch you in the stomach and make you puke.
>You can't scare ghost Volgin with frogs.
>Ocelot is a useless character that loiters around Mother Base instead of being a legendary soldier in his own right.
>Ocelot didn't duel Skull Face in high noon despite their cowboy theme.
>Snake didn't ride with Ocelot on horseback and act as bandits disrupting Soviet convoys while a Western music plays.
>You still don't have your own Metal Gear and have it used on missions.

This game is built on unfulfilled potential.


He's just on his best behaviour because he's finally working for Boss-Senpai

>kojima is a hack!
>but I dont like any other modern video games either!

These are the same people that hate every major series and every indie game

Why almost all the boss fights were bullet sponge style.
Why there wasn't a gimmick like in previous games? Even MGS4 had two with Rex vs Ray and Snake vs Ocelot

>needing anything but your fat sniper in that mission
best "boss" fight to fuck around in though

If I want hours of mindless grinding, I would play one of the many jrpgs that being put on steam.

I wanted good metal gear game.

I agree.
MGS V made me see the hack he was and I was in full denial the whole game until de plot twist made me react.
It's amazing how far the quality drop from mgs 1, 2, 3 with Fukushima and Kojima to mgs4, PW and V with just Kojima

>MGS V made me see the hack he was
I don't think you actually have any clue what you're talking about.

Just wait till you get a silenced tranq rifle on Quiet.

>Sit down in comfy spot outside base
>"Fire at will!"
>Go make a sandwich
>Return and stride at your leisure through the suddenly very silent base
>Bonus points if you ship Quiet out, ship D-Dog back in, and have him fulton everyone for you too

Firing rockets at it while riding D-horse was rad as fuck

Yes I do. For a long time Inwas one of the biggest Kojimadrones and around the first 10 hours i felt something was wrong but I keep telling myself it was just my imagination. The game was going to get better and after the plot twist I went even in more denialfollowing the ruse cruise and in the end it was nothing.

So you don't believe that Konami forced Kojima to continue making Metal Gear games?
Because it makes all the sense in the world to me.

>and in the end it was nothing.
In the end you were playing an unfinished game, you ignorant twat.