Why do americans keep dubbing japanese games? Don't they realize that their voice actors are shit?
Why do americans keep dubbing japanese games? Don't they realize that their voice actors are shit?
Same but in reverse.
>Japanese VA isn't shit even though I cant understand the language thus have no way to accurately judge it
I fucking hate weeaboos
>You think this doesn't work both ways
Go play a Japanese KH game.
There is a reason the Final Mix versions always have the English voices.
because nip think westerners don't want to play with nip voices
It's also a publisher thing probably.
American voice actors are fine, the problem is with low budget Japanese games being ported over to Steam/West. Those are the ones where they can only hire third rate awful VA's and of course the end result is bad.
Komari is cute
They realize that people will buy their games no matter the voices, or even defend them no matter how cheap they are.
So they cheap out on the voices. Because they can.
Why do americans keep listening to japanese voice actors? don't they know they don't know fuck what they're saying?
japanese devs are cheap and write in the voice actors contracts that the VA will only be released in japan instead of worldwide
then the english version doesn't feel like spending tons and tons of money writing up new contracts so they just hire random non-union VA's
If you want to blame anyone for bad dubs, blame the original japanese developers for being cheap nearsighted retards
Kingdom Hearts are Japanese games.
>Why do japs keep dubbing american games? Don't they realize that their voice actors are good?
Why can't I blame the localizers for being cheap?
The games literally sell more in the west than in Japan. The least they can do is match the voice budget.
well, some people know better. and regarding that, japan takes Voice acting as a more serious respectable job which often leads to high quality stuff.
In america VAing is considered something relegated to those who cannot act unless its for a big budget movie where they invite famous people just to say "hey look, X is voicing this char, isnt it awesome?"
Having ears is all you need to judge.
This is the exception, not the rule.
They really aren't any worse or better than english
>It's a "I don't know the language, but the reactions they are making sound better" episode
They could literally talk about anything they fucking wanted, put random subtitles on and you weeaboos would think it's the greatest thing ever.
at least American VA is better than most other country's VA though
>Why can't I blame the localizers for being cheap?
because the english/localization branches of these companies are given tiny ass budgets by their parent company because again, they don't give a fuck
the fact that the games tend to sell more in the west due to a larger population doesn't matter to them, they exclusively care about the japanese sales
this is why, for example, nintendo throws series like f-zero and metroid into the dumpster. those series only ever sold well in america and did horrible in japan so they were deemed failures
Japanese games but with mainly western characters, where English is the original VO for those characters
I've been watching anime for 10years, I would know if something was up.
Adding subs involves coding.
You figure out the rest.
More experienced VAs in US and it's a bigger industry here.
Japanese VA's all sound the fucking same when given a particular character archetype to portray.
It's my theory that the initial voice work is always better than any dubbing, no matter the language.
For example: Most American games with a budget have great English dubs but often the Japanese dubs are inferior, it goes both ways.
But I do understand, and can confirm EOP plebs obvious impressions: dubs are almost always shit.
Why do americans keep dubbing japanese games? Don't they realize that japanese games are shit?
burgers don't know how to act
game with western setting/influence are better in english regardless of what country made it
the problem is that most games weebs want dual audio for are ones that are japanese out the ass because otherwise they wouldn't be weebs, and those are cringe inducing garbage in english
If a game is getting localized it is going to have an English script anyway.
In some cases the original game has 10+ voice actors and the scripter writer carefully chooses a certain type of voice for it and directs the actor. then a eng dub happens where they are replaced by like 3 people who dont give a shit about what their character is supposed to look like. American dubbing tends to be for the majority, a fucking shameful stain on the whole drama industry.
The rejects that are mostly only good for doing tertiary roles tend to do VA dubbing, and you often realize why directors dont want them to open their mouths
>it's a bigger industry here.
I prefer English voices in my games for the most part but you must be high as fuck or I didn't get the notice that it's opposite day.
Seiyuu sell games and anime series in Japan with their name alone, US VAs don't have nowhere near that kinda power.
Wow archetypes are similar, very astute one here.
whatever shit no-name VA you are, GIT OUT!
Doesn't mean you can't get creative with the voices. To be fair, though, that era of dubs is kind of over.
Yeah. But they work in broadway, theatre, or actual television.
While the ones who can't get into the above are relegated to voicing silly games from Japan for cheap because they're too shit to do anything else.
Funny thing is japanese actors are usually pathetic and inexpressive, yet their VAs are top notch. Weird.
Make me, pinch weasel.
It depends on the genre
I'd play JRPG with Japanese voice with sub but I don't wanna play action games while reading subs.
This sounds reasonable. I'll allow it.
At least I can feign ignorance with a foreign language.
Better question: why is anime so shit nowadays?
>Seiyuu sell games and anime series in Japan with their name alone
which is fucking stupid because they're all terrible
japanese seiyuu all go for one of three voices depending on gender
>monotone "badass"
>constantly yelling
>whiny fucker
and for the ladies we have
>monotone "sexy"
>nails on chalkboard screeching
>ridiculous old woman voice that nobody has ever actually sounded like
don't get me wrong englsh va's are bad too, but the difference is that the english ones all just have the one voice they use all the time while the japanese ones intentionally fit into one of a few stock cliches
both are awful, all the money spent on getting big name seiyuu to advertise your game could be spent making your game better instead of trying to make money off image songs or whatever the fuck. bring back text-only games, it benefits literally everyone besides the suits and weird idolshit lovers
>Expensive high budget Japanese voice work
B-but I can't understand what they're saying and reading is hard!
>Cheap low budget American dub
Yes! This is so much better! Those weebs have no idea what they're talking about!
IT IS opposite day
But I can understand English, so I can tell when voicing is shit. On the other hand, with Japanese voicing I would be blissfully ignorant on the quality of acting.
Then again, this is a pointless argument as the point falls apart when you realize that you'd have to be somehow mentally disabled to not be able to make out emotion from spoken language, even if you don't understand it.
>I have only played one japanese game and watched one anime!
Fixed that for you, m8.
It's about the same.
>I don't know what I'm talking about: the post
>japanese voice acting
>can't tell if it's shit
>american dub voice acting
>can very clearly tell that it's shit
im actually asian, suck my nutz weeblords
>implying japanese doesn't actually sound like shit.
>Japanese overacting
>not shit
Americans can't into subtitles, user.
Being Asian doesn't mean you aren't a total retard.
>Posting on Sup Forums without knowing Japanese
the curse of knowing just enough chink to know when something is horribly off or wrong but not enough to play games fully in the language
it hurts
only reason i managed to finish NNB mainly because same VA
You could always go to reddit.
Do you have any idea where you are currently posting?
That's not true. Obviously a country that dubs more is better at it.
American voice actors suck because they don't do much dubbing. Japan on the other hand dubs american shows, movies, etc. and has a huge animation industry on top of that.
As long as there is a female character under 21, you can be sure that the Americuck dub is automatically inferior to every single other dub, even the German one
If they're used to American dubs you can't really blame them for not being able to hear emotion in voice acting considering every American dub is just an emotionless reading of the script with all scene context ignored.
American dubs of Japanese media all sound like it's the actors' first time reading the line and they've forgotten the line that came before it.
knowledge of Chinese doesn't help you to play Japanese games
japanese dub of such character is fucking garbage
no highschooler talks in that ridiculous high pitched voice
but they're so expressive xd
Japan has genuine underaged girls voicing underage girls lusting after their brother's dick.
Hiow could the american industry possibly compete?
>American voice actors suck because they don't do much dubbing
i don't think that's true
i think they suck because it's an oversaturated market and because every voice actor has to gruel through smaller projects to even have the chance to voice stuff like AAA games, meaning there's probably some talent that's being kept back
They also have grown women voicing grown men.
How can they compete? Simple. Kick them in the chin.
>Japanese VA
>Grown women sound like little girls
>Cheery mascot sounds like a chain smoker trying to be cute
>English VA
>Little girls sound like grown women
>Cheery mascot sounds wacky and CUHRAZY
>Listening to the gook voice actors play female characters
>fucking ever
I'd rather stab my eyeballs with butter knives then listen to that shit
I grew up with the idea that dubs were made for kids that couldn't read yet. As soon as I could read I preferred to watch movies with subtitles in my native language, and English voices. This is also how I learned English, at least until the point at which I started reading books.
When I started browsing the English internet, I was very surprised to find that most English natives are actually kids.
This is objectively false
>yfw Americans think "I can't read fast enough for subs" is a valid excuse
You posted this as an example of being able to tell shit voice acting even if you don't understand it, right?
Live-shows are terrible with dubs due to terrible voice syncing (and generally looking weird, "he doesn't look like he would sound like that")
This doesn't transfer over to cartoons and video games.
It's the awkward accent that pisses me off, like who the fuck talks like that in real life?
>Listening to masculine Western women attempt cute voices of little girls
You should consider that last thing you said.
>It's another Americans are incapable of understanding emotions not in their language thread
>It's another Americans are incapable of peripheral vision and reading text while paying attention to the characters
POST examples were the eng dub is superior
superior burger version
Fact: Nippon voice actors aren't as good as you think they are. You can't gauge how good someone's acting well if you don't know the language. It gets drowned out in all the babble you can't understand.
sorry, only burgers love their stupid dub
>it's another anyone who speak english and disagrees with me is an American poster
>playing games for "cute voices of little girls"
you should consider suicide or at the very least be honest with yourself and buy actual h-game
little girl waifu characters sound like shit in either language, stop putting them in games or remove the voice acting
statistically, that's the case most of the time
The second characteristic sure does. Especially since localization audio directors tend not to know as much about the characters as the people that made the original game.
It's true that in cartoons and games both audio tracks are technically dubs, but the Japanese voice acting industry for cartoons and games is much less shit so the original tracks end up better 99% of the time anyway.
Come up with some new excuses, kid.
Well, UK also heavily dubs foreign media, so might could be either of them.
I thought only Americans are dumb enough to know only language. What english speaking country are you from where this is also the norm?
Just tell me one VA that put that kind of emotion in his performance
Canadians are basically American.
Just like you can't tell a good guitar player from a bad one unless you yourself has mastered the guitar, right? Yeah, that's how it works. Surely.
Canadian dubbing is literal cancer