Hey Sup Forums
What's a good kill average for Widowmaker if I'm playing on console?
Hey Sup Forums
funny trolls!
Kill yourself
Kill yourself disgusting shill marketeer
>playing on console
well there's your first problem. The REAL competition is on PC and only casuals play on PS4/Xbone
It's a fucking video game. Are you proud of the fact that it's anything more than casual for you?
video games are fun
>fps on consoles
You sound like a 10 year old, seriously read that sentence out loud lol.. You people are ridiculous
>playing a sniper on console
She's sexy
You cannot see her.
>playing an fps on a console
>posting from a phone
Too bad you have to come on Sup Forums to ask this question because showing a scoreboard in game would hurt overwatch player's feelings.
He's concerned with his kill count, so OP obviously cares. K/D fags always think they can be pro mlg anyway.
>real comptetition
Imagine what this cunt looks like irl, hahaha
That's not what FPS players look like
It's not about kills you subhuman piece of garbage.
it's about objectives.
fucking console playing faglords
>only nerds want to win
Reddit didn't invade, they say.
If you spend you're life wasting it on a video game. why WOULDN"T you not be casual?
i don't get this logic. ""oh its just a game! were here to have fun!"" fun is wasting your precious life energy on virtual bullshit?
if you're gonna do something, do it. don't half ass it.
Widow Maker would play like shit on consoles, pick a melee/spamy class.
>Careing about K/D at all in Overwatch
>plastic korean face
the fuck
No shit. A Korean drew it. It's like how Japs give everyone an anime face and most American artists give girls huge jaws.
No shit a Korean drew it, i'm calling out the hideous plastic ayylmao face.
That's what I'm saying. Are you surprised they would do such a thing?
You should be averaging 15 solo kills to not be a useless sack of shit
That depends on the length of the match of course .
On PC I aim for at least 1 killing blow every 30 seconds or so. Since widow can't really contest the objective and has no utility outside of her ult you really need to kill a lot of people to be useful.
Real women look nothing like that.
No i'm disgusted, koreans are shit.
I bet that's what your parents and teachers constantly told you when it came to studies and the occasional extra-curricular activity you decided to take.
Wow, I had no idea that real women were not blue sex dolls, thank you for informing me of that, user.
fat blobs arent human
>The REAL competition is on PC and only casuals play on PS4/Xbone
trolls trolling trolls
More widowwwww
I'll never understand the people that can't aim using analogs. It's a learning curve just like anything else.
This guy is right though. That's why I play my casual game on ps4 to avoid the PC faggots.