What's the point of a good story if the gameplay is shit?
What's the point of a good story if the gameplay is shit?
enjoying the story despite the bad gameplay?
what kind of retarded question is this
What's wrong with it exactly?
The combat feels nice and fluid, and with the alternative controls in the menu, just walking/running around feels good too.
Nice bait.
What does the alternative movement do? I never used it.
The story in W3 isn't even that great. People play it for the characters and dialogue.
OP here, pic is unrelated btw.
combat in witcher 1 is made for PC. its fine, i enjoyed it a lot actually. act 4 is the best
>played through acts 1-3 a couple of years ago
>didn't finish it
>lost save
>replaying act 1 and the early part of act 2
God this is a slog.
The game is good but it starts off so shit.
>buying a $60 movie
I say OY you say VEY
pic unrelated?
>witcher 1
nigga it drops to 1$ regularly during sales
>Witcher 1
I think people who say that Witcher 1's combat is shit are overreacting.
I think people on Sup Forums are overreacting.
Story's part of the gameplay
It's just the way Sup Forums is.
Something is not god tier? IT'S FUCKING SHIT MY MAN
I actually liked that rhytmic combat in TW1, and the god tier atmosphere makes me forget about the flaws of it
and your movie is not only 2h long
>good story
doesn't need to be god tier
being average/better works
having gameplay like from 2001 its shit
i like the gameplay and story is awesome. don't see anything wrong here...
i guess some people are hard to please
It was $60~ when it released
>having gameplay like from 2001 its shit
I guess you must've not played games in 2001. Also, the gameplay is fine and it works.
The combat is simple and spammy, but the game is fun.
It was 40 though
Makes your turning circle a lot smaller so moving doesn't feel so stiff and slow. Haven't played with the default controls in ages so can't remember what other changes there are
for the story, retard. also gameplay is more than just combat, something plebs like you can never seem to understand.
>shitposting retard spouting forced normalfag memes is wrong
well what do you know
no it wasn't you retarded underage mongoloid
What possesses people like you to post such sewage waste? Do you wake up in the morning telling yourself that you're going to be a worthless human being or are you so severely lacking in self-awareness that you do not pay any kind of thought into what you say and what you post?
>playing witcher 3
>playing on hardest difficulty
>getting fucked by shitboxes
>getting fucked by shitty enemy ai
>getting fucked by unresponsive controls
>ask a friend for tips
>his response is always to use Quen
>it always fucking works
I swear to god the only viable strategy in this game is to spam Quen and I fucking hate it
You want story, you read a book.
You want cinematics, you watch a movie.
You want good gameplay, you play something like DMC3.
It's simple as that.
You tell me
Reddit out in full force I see
There's also getting gud.
B&W final boss will fuck you up Quen or not.
Please, for the love of god don't use 'get gud' on this game, the only 'gud' you'll be getting is over leveled and into an overpowered build with good equipment
I found the game an easy piece of pie when I played death march never using quen
Haven't touched the expansions though, just played it through once at release
>reading books for the story
>watching films for the cinematography
>playing games for the gameplay
entry level appreciation desu
>not playing games for the gamepay
Why read a book when it's just staring at black ink on white paper?
Is this the point where you pretend to be retarded?
you probably under 10 when it release.
>le TW1 is bad meme
I want summer to leave
I found the combat incredibly mediocre but... the game just has so much else going for it, rich environments and story and characters and voice acting and etc. it was easy to get immersed and be interested in all of it.
At the end of the day it's a video game so you'd expect good gameplay but personally I'm more lenient with the witcher games because everything else is to such a high standard.
>enjoying the story despite the bad gameplay?
So why not just read a book/watch a movie and enjoy a much better story without subjecting yourself to shitty gameplay?
Witcher books are actually pretty good, you should read them, user
>witcher books
>much better story
Nope, past the first two it's no better than the games. And there's so much more to a game from a storytelling standpoint.
Thanks, consoles
Were you even born when W1 released bull?
CDPR patched Witcher 3's menu and it's pretty good, on par with Witcher 1 imo. If a game like Witcher 3, which is considered to be one of the best ever, was a learning experience for CDPR then I can only imagine how good Cyberpunk will be.
Most books aren't actually better than most games.
And the games let me influence the story and actually be Geralt.
>The combat feels nice and fluid
Now if they patched W2 to not be consoleshit, that'd be great
>awesome but buggy as fuck game
>cheap as shit after the first week of release
>pleasant surprise of a huge upgrade (enchanted edition)
It was a breath of fresh air for computer rpg's
Shame they sacrificed the second one to the consoles.
Doesnt matter though, I bet you're not even old enough to play them
What's the point of a Thebull94 thread when he immediately abandons it after getting btfo? Seriously this Overwatch-tier spam.
>What is The Witcher 3
Every single post you make reveals you for the underaged faggot that you are. Mods please ban.
Someone recommend me a WRPG that is not a buggy mess with terrible gameplay please.
The Witcher 2
The Witcher 3
But combat is one of the main factors of gameplay especially with the Witcher series. Witcher 1 has awful combat, the people that defend this are the same people that will defend morrowind and say it has good combat.
Already played it, and while i liked the story, it didn't really feel like a RPG.
The final boss of tw3 is the biggest pushover in the game.
I didn't have much of a problem with Witcher 1 combat. I used the Full Combat Revamped mod, though, which probably made the difference.
I enjoyed that Fast attack was for fast enemies, Heavy was for slow enemies and AoE was for engaging large swarms. In Witcher 3 Fast attack is for everything, Heavy attack is seemingly pointless and there's not an equivalent to Group attack.
The Witcher 1
>on par with Witcher 1
on the menus? not even close
>witcher series
bad gameplay great story
>souls series
weird story great gameplay
Vwhat Ea Yfaggot
>using mods on a first playthrough
into the trash your opinion goes
>So why not just read a book/watch a movie
Because there are some things in storytelling that can only be done through an interactive medium?
>there are people that will defend witcher combat
>there are people that will defend drakengard combat
>there are people that will defend TES combat
Have you read them?
First two are great, next three are okay and the rest is fucking terrible (except Season of Storms).
Fallout 3, Skyrim Remastered and Fallout 4!
I was talking about the Blood & Wine boss.
oh, didnt play it yet
he's good or you're just pulling my leg?
Not that user but yeah, he's a pretty solid boss and has an attack that'll straight up kill you even with Quen so you have to rely on well timed dodges to avoid it.
He's pretty good with several phases that all play differently.
And one of his attack will outright kill you through Quen when playing on Death March.
sure is summer
You're better off watching/reading something at that point.
I play different games for different reasons.
>souls games
>good gameplay
You can charge 60 bucks for it when you call it a game, as opposed to 15-20 if you call it a movie
Like what?
TW1 is $1.50 right now, you dumb nigger.
I actually really liked the combat in the Witcher.
any general tips for combat? I seem to get destroyed in that game, and I can't tell if it's because I'm bad or I'm in a place I shouldn't be.
>not a buggy mess
I love Gothic but it is propably the buggiest game I ever played
well good thing no video games have a genuinely good stories.
Psi is best for first run- so Will is the best base stat for it. Look at the Stats and how they correlate to each other and what they do and the Perks you can get.
Man Geralt sure changed.